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Old 09-26-2007, 10:44 AM
  # 10 (permalink)  
Captain Kirk
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: on the moon
Posts: 944
Originally Posted by merlotmamma View Post
Hi Aldo,

I'm glad that you are here. First few weeks are rough, but you know that. Hang in there. You can do this!

Yea, I know it can be done. It's just not easy.
I would have really liked a few wee drinks today, but being yelled at by my landlord made me think twice about that.
Now I'm not looking for an excuse, but I live in a really remote place where their's not much to do in terms of entertainment and it's very difficult to make friends (I'm not very good at doing that) and I'm unemployed and I get bored very easily (I like to claim I have A.D.D. but I don't really know for sure). So drinking for me was my hobby. It would get me out, allow me to "socialize". Isolation's dangerous.
Now, if I want to stay on the wagon, rather then go out for a coffee (what's that!) I prefer to stay alone at home, and only go out when it's really essential (groceries, bills to pay, etc ect) I drank allot of coffees during my 6 and half years and I did kinda get used to it. It wasn't bad, but I often had the feeling I was diffrent and people were asking themselves what I was doing going to the same places half dozen times a day for coffees. Not that I was paranoid about it, but kinda embaressed sometimes.
I don't really know what to do, or how to associate without the drink. I didn't usually drink everyday, it was more of a 3 to 5 times a week event. And sometimes I could go quite a few days without any drinks, and on the odd occasion even a few weeks if I really wanted.
When I did drink I didn't just have a few. For me it's always none or so many that I can't remember. Not that it was a choice I'd make but it's just the way it would go - even when I sometimes tried to set myself a limit (like 1 or 3 or 5) it would all go wrong.
Neither do I have any friends who I could ask around to watch a movie or eat a pizza with. I don't really even have any friends who I could call and say like "I'm having a bad day, can we talk". I'm kinda lonely
Thank God I found this site.
Thanks to all of you!
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