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Old 08-30-2007, 05:40 AM
  # 8 (permalink)  
the girl can't help it
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Join Date: Apr 2004
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Welcome! I am not going to judge you but, I do know that many people in your situation are very concerned about how others see them.

If his drinking makes you feel like there is a problem than it is a problem. You most likely do need help dealing with his drinking. Alanon is great for people like you who live with someone who drinks. If you are concerned about who will know Alanon is a safe place to talk with people who understand and work on your issues.

We often think it is the drinkers problem and they are making us miserable and to a certain degree they are helping us be miserable but, it is our thinking that makes us miserable. We do things that we do not realize that supports their drinking and makes it easier for them to continue their destructive behavior.

We keep secrets and do things that we really don't want to do. If you are having sex with your husband while he is drunk this is telling him that you don't mind the smell and whatever else. Have you talked to him about it when he is not drinking? He may not realize that you are repulsed. Of course talking to him might upset him and put him on the defensive and he might turn it around to be your fault.

It is not your fault that he drinks but, how you deal with it is your responsibility to yourself...
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