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Old 04-25-2007, 11:15 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: jacksonville, florida
Posts: 341
keeping the kids safe

Isnt is my responsiblity as a parent, to keep my kids safe...including safe from a parent who is using an illegal substance? Shouldn't htis be above all else the number one priority? My ah is an adult and he is not protecting his kids like he should be. (by bringing illegal drugs into our house, and using while the kids are home)
As a parent, arent I being neglectful if i continue to let this behavior go on? After all, they cannot protect themselves, they need me to protect them and look after their best interests.
The hardest thing for me is even proving it in my own mind...for instance last night...i could have sworn i had smelled cocaine on my husband after he had come downstairs. (i have smelt it before..someone told me it cmes out of yur pores). so i was sure he had used, but for my own sanity (maybe not) I checked his office..which also smelled, and i found arolled up dollar bill which had s tiny bit of white powder on it. Well, from this "evidence" i drew the conclusion he was using. But then he went to sleep at a pretty normal hour. if he had just used a few hours befoer, i was certain he would be able to go to sleep. Anyhow, he had just filled a prescription for some non-addicting sleep aide from his addiction dr. I was wondering if that could help someone sleep even if they had used coke that day.
I know i am drinving myself crazy with all of this...i guess i am trying to justify in my mind, that he is still using and i need to file for divorce..after over a year of this, ive had enough...
any advise?????
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