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Old 09-15-2003, 01:36 PM
  # 13 (permalink)  
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Dancing in the Light
Posts: 61,675
My story is pretty boring Tim . I grew up with an alcoholic mother and so, never drank at all until my mid-twenties and then just a few glasses of wine per year (really!). However, in my midforties things came together in a bad way. My husband was away A LOT, we had moved 13 times in 15 years, I was working full time and had two teenages at home and my daughter decided to rebel on a grand scale. I couldn't sleep and had struggled with depression and back pain for years that I couldn't get diagnosed. Soooo, I decided alcohol might help me sleep. It did work...but within a few weeks, I think I was drinking alcoholically. I was devastated, shocked, ashamed, guilty. But, I did not stop for three years. I truly believed there was nothing left in my life but alcohol and if I gave that up there would be nothing. That was the disease talking to me. I alienated my husband and children as only an addict can because all I cared about was alcohol. I have been sober for three years now. It is without question the best time of my life. I never would have believed I could find peace. For me, having medication for depression was the answer. I said, boring.

But, I found this board by accident, and enjoy chatting with the people here. We support each other. It's a good, safe place.

My thoughts and prayers are with you Tim.

Love, Anna
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