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Old 03-13-2007, 10:17 PM
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,191
Hey Adore,, Good to meet you

Meds do have side effects, and not so pleasant ones some times, and in my case, I have a terrible time trusting the doctors.. BUt,, I have really changed my opinion on meds and doctors, and I have decided that I am going to hang tough this time, and do what my doctor says, I am going to try as hard as I can to work with my doctor, because I know that I really do need the meds, and this is what in my best interest.. It's what I need. When I don't, and I go off the meds, and quit seeing my doctor, I am the one who suffers, well my family suffers as well. But I end up suffering, then I end up self medicating, and that's not good..

How long have you been on your meds? If it hasn't been long, they take time to work.. You may know that already..

I'm not sure what kind of feelings you are dealing with,, but these boards are a good way to get some junk off your chest, I know I have done that. Also, if you have a good friend, it's really is good for you to open up, and talk... There are also mental health groups out there, I know I belong to a bi-polar support group, and I also have belonged to a dual diagnosis support group, that is an excellent way to get suport too..

Just remember that we are here for you.. Get some of that stuff out.. If you'd like you can check out some of the other forums here at SR too.. Maybe you already have, but I thought I'd let you know..

Hang in there friend..
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