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Old 01-07-2007, 12:48 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2006
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Posts: 39
Unhappy Can anyone else relate to this??

Hi everyone

I guess I should begin by saying that I am a recovering alcoholic who has been sober now for 2 days. Prior to this 2-day sober period, I had spent several days binge-drinking. The first day I drank 15 beers and on the second day, I drank 10. I have been an alcoholic for almost a year now and sometimes I'll skip several days in between binges.

Anyway, the day after quitting I woke up very sick and hungover. That evening I ate dinner and my temperature climbed to 99.6. I assumed that since alcohol is a severe gastro-intestinal irritant and because the body's blood pressure and rate of metabolism climb after eating that my immune system and other functions were just kicking in or something. I also felt very bloated, short of breath and had heart palpitaions. I went to bed that night very scared.

Today (day 2 of being sober) I woke up feeling a bit better but still not 100%. Toward the afternoon, our next door neighbor's kids began taunting us and throwing lots of trash in our yard (they think we are gay and we are not but they still tease us all the time, vandalize things and trespass on our property - long story!). Anyway, my blood pressure went way up as I became extremely stressed, anxious and angry about this ongoing fued and after I went outside to take pictures (for evidence) I began to feel that sickly feeling come over me again and so I came back inside and took my temperature. It was 99.8 this time and that really terrified me. I'm also a hypochondriac so I was thinking cancer, rabies, hepatitis, etc. I have also been feeling hot, prickly and sweaty.

To give you a little bit more background on me, I am 43/M and I suffer from anxiety, GERD, IBS, allergies, panic attacks and am easily stressed out. I guess I'm just wondering if eating, detoxing from alcohol or severe stress can cause an elevation in temperature. My temperature has fluctuated between 97.6 (in the mornings) to up to 99.6 (in the evenings) for as long as I can remember. Sometimes my temperature doesn't go up very high at all or maybe only a little bit. The doctors always tell me that they are not worried about it and all of my tests always come back normal. It's flu season here in Florida and according to the CDC it is "widespread" but I am one of those people who never gets sick and is always very careful. Right now my temp is 99.4 (I just took it again).

Thanks again for any help you people can provide in providing some insight into what might be going on with me and perhaps being able to personally relate to what I'm going through.

- Regards, NFIS
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