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Old 07-28-2003, 12:56 PM
  # 9 (permalink)  
chm760's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Galveston, TX
Posts: 12
I had a pretty interesting weekend. Very enlightening. My girlfriend is going through some tough times. She is starting her sobriety for herself this time. We threw away all of the memories of her addiction, we changed our phone number, we are planning on moving to a different city. Galveston is a small island, and no matter where you go, there is someone there on a corner selling. Its awful. I made some new friends this weekend! I thought, for some dumb reason, I was the only one in this world going through this problem, boy was I wrong!! I guess I needed a reality check. I was due for one. =) I almost slipped this past week, I made great efforts to remove my self from the “influences” but one thing is for sure, I have to move from this city or else my girlfriend and I will mess up big time. We’re hanging in there, taking it one day at a time!

God Bless ya’ll
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