Thread: Can you share?
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Old 09-27-2006, 07:19 AM
  # 6 (permalink)  
Belgian Sheepdog Adictee
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how your drinking became progressive over time? I
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm let's see. I grew up in an Upper Middle Class Home, started drinking at 12. Got the husband, good paying job and my own Upper Middle Class Home, the fancy cars, the fancy clothes, the fancy jewelry, the great liquors, Jack Daniels Black Label and Wild Turkey were my drink of choice, the "Club Memberships", at 29 having the doctors tell your husband and parents that if you didn't stop drinking you would be dead by 30, etc, lol

Move ahead to 3 weeks shy of my 36th birthday, no fancy houses, no fancy cars or clothes or jewelry,no husband, no family, no "Club Memberships" and I had spent the last 1 1/2 years of my drinking living on the streets drinking Thunderbird Wine and/or Red Port.

And to top all that off I ended up in the ER at Olive View Hospital with an ER DR writing the TOD on my medical chart after fighting all day to keep my heart going and the last 28 minute down time was it. NOPE, heart started on its own...........................I was given a 2nd chance.

You know Joanne it has been said many times that there are 3 UPs for an alcoholic:

Locked UP
Covered UP, or
Sobered UP

The choice is yours, so............................what's it going to be?


Love and hugs,
laurie6781 is offline