The Effects of Methcathinone


Methcathinone falls into the stimulant group of drugs, and is often used as a recreational drug in different parts of the world, including some parts of the United States. Methcathinone, which is similar to methamphetamine or amphetamine with similar effects, is considered highly addictive. It is most often found in the form of a white or off-white crystalline powder. It has many nicknames as a street drug, including “meth cat,” “meth kitten,” “kitty,” “Jeff,” bathtub speed,” and “wannabe-speed.”

History and Uses of Methcathinone

First created as a pharmaceutical drug in Germany in the late 1920s, methcathinone was later used as an anti-depressant in the former Soviet Union in the 1930s and 40s. By the 1960s, methcathinone was being used there as a recreational drug. It is unclear when methcathinone made its way to the United States, but the U.S. government became aware of it as an illicit drug sometime in the 1990s.

Methcathinone is a kind of stimulant drug; in sometimes it is used as a recreational drug and is considered to be addictive.

Side Effects of Methcathinone

Methcathinone has similarities to methamphetamine and amphetamine in that it is a potent stimulant that often leads to high-dosage abuse. Many drug users report that the effects of methcathinone are close to those of a methamphetamine. The effects of one dose of methcathinone can last from four to six hours. Initially, a user of methcathinone may experience some of the same effects cocaine can produce, including a sense of pleasure and mild euphoria, as well as other symptoms that may include:

  • increased alertness
  • increased empathy
  • increased need to communicate (inability to stop talking)
  • dilated pupils
  • rapid breathing
  • increased sexual desire
  • decreased sexual function (increased for some users)
  • loss of cognitive ability
  • loss of focus and productivity

A problematic aspect of methcathinone use is that tolerance to it builds up quickly, and users may take higher doses to try and reach the initial high they experienced. Chronic overuse of this drug can result in some startling side effects, including:

  • acute mental confusion
  • mild paranoia
  • psychosis
  • appetite suppressant
  • thirst suppressant, leading to dehydration
  • hypertension (elevated blood pressure)
  • tachycardia (elevated heart rate)

Withdrawal from Methcathinone

The detox and recovery from methcathinone can be completed in a fairly short period of time, with withdrawal symptoms similar to those associated with methamphetamines. Many of the symptoms and side effects of methcathinone will disappear once use is stopped.

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