Consequences of LSD Addiction


LSD stands for lysergic acid diethylamide and it belongs to the hallucinogen class of drugs. It results in symptoms of ecstasy and mood swings which last for shorter span of time as compared to other addiction. But the drug produces a tolerance after its intake as a result of which the person increases the dosage to get the kick. Since it is manufactured from fungus found on rye and grains it has a detrimental affect on the health. Still it is widely used by school and college students who are unaware of the side effect and take the drug for getting away from their problems.

LSD is commonly referred as 'acid' and is readily available in tablets, capsules and liquid forms. It is a colorless, odorless substance which is taken by oral route.

Signs and Symptoms

LSD stands for lysergic acid diethylamide and it belongs to the hallucinogen class of drugs. It results in symptoms of ecstasy and mood swings which last for shorter span of time as compared to other addiction. But the drug produces a tolerance after its intake as a result of which the person increases the dosage to get the kick. Since it is manufactured from fungus found on rye and grains it has a detrimental affect on the health. Still it is widely used by school and college students who are unaware of the side effect and take the drug for getting away from their problems.

The sign and symptom vary depending on various surrounding and individual factors. The amount of drug intake by the addict also decides the effect.

Mental effect - The mind is primarily affected after intake of LSD. This is seen in the form of emotional swings. It takes very large doses to produce delusions and hallucinations. Initially the drug produces alteration of sensory perception, making the person to 'see' sound and 'hear' colors. Thus there is distortion of feeling and sensation which produces anxiety and depression. The experiences met while taking the drug is referred by the user as a 'trip' and the acute reactions are considered as 'bad trip' by them. In chronic LSD users and those suffering from personality disorders flashback experiences are common entity. The person experiences recurrence of some past event even when they have not taken the drug for nearly a year. The prolonged use of LSD produces symptoms of psychoses and conditions like schizophrenia and depression.

Physical effect - This comprises of the following symptoms like - dilated pupil, warm skin, increase in heart rate and blood pressure, loss of appetite, dry mouth, excessive perspiration and body odor, tremors etc.

Preventive measures to Tackle the Issue of LSD Drug Abuser

When compared to other drugs like alcohol, cocaine etc LSD is not considered an addictive substance; the person can be easily weaned away. Usually the users reduce or stop the drug abuse on their own. But if there is any chance for a psychological element attached to the addiction then it requires a team effort comprising of medical personnel, psychiatrist and close relations.

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