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philster2003 02-15-2006 12:52 PM

Hello BuzzJen
Glad to see you here BuzzJen and we are hoping you are Jen, BuzzKillers (Dale) friend? Lets us know if you are so we can say hi appropriately. If you are the "Jen" then we are so, so, glad to see you here!


BeginAgain 02-16-2006 05:39 AM

Bumping this up incase you drop by today Jen. We are hoping and praying this is you hon!! Let us know you are here. Welcome.

Twin Lynn 02-16-2006 06:03 AM

Jen -

If that's "you"--a big, big welcome. I know how much you must be grieving for Dale.....and I hope this support you get from his other friends who had only just been blessed to meet--and love--him, will be of some comfort to you. We're YOUR friends, too. :-)

(I keep thinking that you MUST be "that" would be too much of a coincidence that a newby called herself "Buzzjen"!! But--if I'm wrong--and I HAVE got the wrong Buzzjen--well, then--here's a big welcome to the OTHER new Buzzjen!!! :-)

Lynn :-)

ValleyGurl 02-16-2006 06:17 AM

BuzzJen ??????
Is that you Jen???? I sure hope that you come back here!
How wonderful it would be for you to join our family and keep
Dale's memory alive.

Hope to hear from you soon!!!!!!!

Hi Phil!

Talk soon,

philster2003 02-16-2006 06:57 AM

Hello ValleyGurl its great to see you here. I think you will like this place so much better. Not so restrictive!

Thanks for saying hi.


dalejen 02-16-2006 06:59 AM

Hi guies I finally made it, I screwed up several times trying to create names and email adresses. Guess I am not very good at this yet. I wanted to thank all of you for the very nice things you said about Dale. I am just at a loss right now, I don't know if I am coming or going. I spent so much time with him, and now he is just gone, its so unfair.


BeginAgain 02-16-2006 07:06 AM

Oh sweetie I'm so so glad you are here. We have been worried about you and heartbroken over Dale. I really wanted him to get well. He deserved to be happy. He was an amazing person you know....I just felt it.

Is there going to be a memorial service anywhere?? I'd like to send flowers or something. I just feel like I need to do something. I would give anything if we could have connected while he was still alive. I would have come to visit and surprised him. I think he would have liked to meet some of us. I know you are in Abilene but that's about it. Can we do anything at all for you??

He thought you were wonderful and beautiful. He wanted to look out for you and protect you. I think you really brightened his life.


Originally Posted by dalejen
Hi guies I finally made it, I screwed up several times trying to create names and email adresses. Guess I am not very good at this yet. I wanted to thank all of you for the very nice things you said about Dale. I am just at a loss right now, I don't know if I am coming or going. I spent so much time with him, and now he is just gone, its so unfair.


ValleyGurl 02-16-2006 07:09 AM

OMG!!!! JEN !!!! I am sooooo glad that you found your way here with the rest of us. I am so so sorry sweetie for your loss....all of our loss........

I just am so very sad and at a loss for words about the whole thing.
Did Dale ever say WHY his son didnt call or come to see him?
I just cant believe how very cold his wife was/is. It was just so upsetting that just before his wife left she "led Dale on" and gave him false hope and then just LEFT !!!!! upsetting!

You just stay strong and keep your head up. Dale would want you to!

Talk to you soon,

dalejen 02-16-2006 07:11 AM

No service nothning at all, those big men just came and got him and he was gone. I barley got to say goodbye myself. I guess he didn't want anyone to fuss over him, thats just the way he was. I have to leave here, I am going to leave and stay with a friend of mine in college for a few weeks. I just cannot sit here, I am just at a loss. He left me a letter and I cannot even open it yet.

dalejen 02-16-2006 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by ValleyGurl
OMG!!!! JEN !!!! I am sooooo glad that you found your way here with the rest of us. I am so so sorry sweetie for your loss....all of our loss........

I just am so very sad and at a loss for words about the whole thing.
Did Dale ever say WHY his son didnt call or come to see him?
I just cant believe how very cold his wife was/is. It was just so upsetting that just before his wife left she "led Dale on" and gave him false hope and then just LEFT !!!!! upsetting!

You just stay strong and keep your head up. Dale would want you to!

Talk to you soon,

Valley and Beginagain, he spoke so often of you two. The only thing that he really told me about his wife is that she was under the control of her dad. If she didn't do what he said she would be left out of his will. Guess he has some money or something. I do not know, I really got the impression she was a pretty cold and heartless woman. Dale was an awsome man, inside and out.

agent alias 02-16-2006 07:16 AM

Hi Jen~
You may not know me but I remember Dale and posted to him a couple of times. I've been reading and following along. I wanted to give you my deepest sympathies and how lucky Dale was to have you there all this time. My heart cries for him. May he rest in peace and god bless his soul.

I don't get his wife/son. Why didn't tell come ever to visit him?

I just don't get how cruel HB has become. Freaking power trippy people there. They surely needed us back then before the ads but now they rather just push the "ban" button to everybody. I don't get them whatsoever.
Why are you Valleygurl and BeginAgain banned now? I just don't get them. Whatever- they make me sick there by their bs and I'm glad we all found each other here on this board.

Luckily, we can keep this thread alive here at SR and not be scared of what to say even if it is truly from the heart.

BeginAgain 02-16-2006 07:21 AM

Jen I sent you a private message - you can view it at the top right of the web page. It should be flashing. I hope that you will keep in touch. Does this mean you wont be working for the same company where Dale was anymore?

My prayers are with you.

dalejen 02-16-2006 07:22 AM

Gosh I hope I didn't cause any of this stuff to be banned. I thought they put that thing on my posts cause I had to many or something like that. I am sorry if I did that.

BeginAgain 02-16-2006 07:22 AM

Agent/Jen - I am afraid I am the one that got us all banned. Yesterday I put the website out there for SR and then removed it later. I guess the Mod saw it. I am the one who did it though - he shouldn't have banned everyone else.

Jen you did not do anything wrong. See the private message I sent you. It's just the rules there were so crazy. We all always wanted to connect with Dale and help him just couldn't find a way around it so we could give him our contact info.

dalejen 02-16-2006 07:24 AM

Originally Posted by BeginAgain
Jen I sent you a private message - you can view it at the top right of the web page. It should be flashing. I hope that you will keep in touch. Does this mean you wont be working for the same company where Dale was anymore?

My prayers are with you.

I got your message but I could not respond for some reason. Thank you. There is nothing he is just gone. Maybe when I read this letter he will give me some instructions on what to do. I just have not been able to read it is all I hope everyone understands. I know he did not want anyone to worry or fuss over him.

ValleyGurl 02-16-2006 07:28 AM

Jen, Oh how sad. I sure wish that there was a way for us all to pay our respects. If you need to go away for awhile then that is exactly what you should do.

You take all the time you need and you just do whatever it takes to help you heal and get past this great loss.


BeginAgain 02-16-2006 07:29 AM

Honey take care of yourself. Let us know if there is any change and they decide to have a memorial so we can pay respects. You take care of yourself. Dale would want you to be happy and you are so young and apparently a beauty - you live a happy life. Dale will watch over you.

Twin Lynn 02-16-2006 07:34 AM


Please just try to rest at your friend's house--and talk with her when you need comfort, support--or are just feeling so mixed-up. You will feel bewildered and lost for awhile...and the period of grieving will be sad...and hard. It's a time we all have to get through when we lose someone we love. And, it would have been at least a bit easier for you if his friends had been able to hold a memorial, where all your memories could be shared. We all need to talk about the person we've loved--and to "celebrate" them.

So--please try to share your memories with your friend...and with us, when you're back home. With deep takes a long time to heal and feel emotionally stable, be patient....allow yourself to feel whatever you're "good" to yourself and try to just flow with all those emotions that will be crashing in on you for awhile. You WILL begin to feel better...and, in time, all the joyful memories you have of Dale will be a little less painful to recall..and will be of great comfort to you.

Take care....and our warmest wishes go with you. Please write to us whenever you feel you can.

Lynn :-)

dalejen 02-16-2006 07:39 AM

Do you guies think that he was in love with me ??

BeginAgain 02-16-2006 07:43 AM

I don't think I can answer that question Jen. I know he loved his wife in spite of everything and talked alot about their first date and all the good times. But I do think he cared about you alot and thought you were a beautiful girl - and after everything that has happened and the way you stuck by him, you became even more special I'm sure.

Go live your life Jen...and do it knowing that you made a very special difference in his life. You were a good friend.

dalejen 02-16-2006 07:45 AM

I didn't wanna be just his friend, WHY CAN"T I OPEN THIS LETTER ???

BeginAgain 02-16-2006 07:51 AM

Just open it Jen. It will eat you alive until you do. Atleast it will answer some questions for you maybe. Let us know if we can do anything and I mean what I said in my private message.

I've gotta get busy - I'll check in later.

Hang in there Jen.

ValleyGurl 02-16-2006 08:11 AM

Jen, Are you still there? Janet gave you a wonderful answer to your question. My feelings are that , yes, he was married a very long time and had a great love for his wife. I do feel that he shared a love for you that was a bit more than a friendship. But due to timing and circimstances, well........ if he would have beat this illness, who knows where the two of you would of went from there.

You just take comfort in knowing that you held a very special place in his heart and he had a very special kind of love for you.

Did you say that you had his photo album?
Is there anyway you can put his picture on your profile so that all of us who loved him here and put a face to the wonderful person that he was?
Please forgive me if that is just to much to ask of you right now.

Sending all my love,

dalejen 02-16-2006 08:49 AM

Thank you valley, I will try to do what you said sometime. It just hurts too much to look at it right now, to look at what he used to look like and what he looked like laying in that bed. He never got mad, he never asked why me, nothing. He took everything they threw at him without a complaint. I will open the letter sometime soon and if he past along anything to pass on to you guies I will tell you ok ?

ValleyGurl 02-16-2006 09:09 AM

Jen, Dale was just so special and he had such a strong and wonderful faith in God. I am sure that that is why he didnt get mad or complain....I believe that he just turned hisself over to God and trusted that God had a plan for it here on earth or in heaven.
It takes a very special and strong person to do that. I'll tell ya, Dale was just the whole package! I feel that one is very lucky to come to know a person such as he was once in their life time.

Jen, you just do what you need to do and do it on your time and terms. When you can handle it, then you open the letter. I would try and not take to long, just in case he had a special request that may needed to be done very soon after his passing. But sweetie, thats ok, you do it when you can.

Did you get the private message i sent to you? Let me know ok?
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Love, Valley

tinert 02-16-2006 10:06 AM

Hey Beginagain - I have a question about this board.... Are people here goign to be okay with the fact that I am still on meds every day? I know that some of the people on Healthboards didn't agree that I was getting any control over my addiction because I am on the methadone for pain now every day... But I think that most that KNOW me understand that I cannot go off the meds because of my pain condition and that I did a lot of work to get off the vicodin and to find a med that didn't get me high and that I could follow the precription properly with... which the methadone has been great for. But some people dont' agree and see that as still "using". Just don't know what the mindset is on this board about that subject? Thought you might know... Just want to know what to expect over here.

dalejen 02-16-2006 10:27 AM

Originally Posted by ValleyGurl
Jen, Dale was just so special and he had such a strong and wonderful faith in God. I am sure that that is why he didnt get mad or complain....I believe that he just turned hisself over to God and trusted that God had a plan for it here on earth or in heaven.
It takes a very special and strong person to do that. I'll tell ya, Dale was just the whole package! I feel that one is very lucky to come to know a person such as he was once in their life time.

Jen, you just do what you need to do and do it on your time and terms. When you can handle it, then you open the letter. I would try and not take to long, just in case he had a special request that may needed to be done very soon after his passing. But sweetie, thats ok, you do it when you can.

Did you get the private message i sent to you? Let me know ok?
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Love, Valley

In his letter
I think I am in trouble, Dale said that he wanted to thank me for so much help he gave me but he said his lawyer would be contacting me in the next week. What could I have done ???

BeginAgain 02-16-2006 10:37 AM

Tina I think you are on MMT (methadone maintenance therapy) for a valid reason 1) addiction and 2) pain management and 3) you are smart enough to have your brother help you with your meds. There are lots of people here who are on MMT or who have just gotten off MMT. The fact that you are not self medicating and you are doing what is necessary to keep your addiction in check is a wonderful thing. Will there be people who disagree with MMT here? Yes, but there will also be people who dont - just like everywhere in the world - there are differences.

There are people who don't agree with Sub, and there are people who won't like it that I take something to sleep occasionally, and being different makes the world go round. You are welcome here - don't worry and in the event someone disagrees with your treatment, ignore them and move on. You will know when it is time to stop MMT and when you feel well enough and strong enough to do it. Until then we are by your side.

BeginAgain 02-16-2006 10:41 AM

Jen - probably he has left you something in his will dear. You haven't done anything wrong. And yes please do put that picture out here or e-mail it to me and I will do it for you. Probably need to post it in the "cafe" thread - we can do a special little tribute to him right here....I think that would make him happy!! Let me know if you want my e-mail address and I'll send it to you.

ValleyGurl 02-16-2006 10:44 AM

Jen, Oh sweetie....dont didnt do anything wrong! You are not in trouble!!!!!!! Often people will have a lawyer to make provisions for ones loved ones after they pass on. He may have asked is lawyer to request something of you (like, maybe he wants you to do something that he didnt ask of you) or he may have left you something in his will.

Sooooo you are not in trouble!!!!! Most people as they get older or those who may be diagnosed with a terminal illness will contact a lawyer and will draw up a will. Once the person passes away the lawyer acts and handles everything for the person.

Once you talk to the lawyer, maybe some of your questions will be answered.

It will all be ok honey, I promise!


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