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Soberwolf 04-14-2016 11:49 AM

Keep up the good work Jimmy

Jimmy9212 04-14-2016 03:52 PM

I just have no motivation.. :(

finaltime 04-15-2016 05:01 AM

Keep up the fight. You don't have to feel this way ever again if you just get through this moment. Keep it simple, one minute at a time if you need too. Do you have other support besides SR? Meetings? calling people?

Don't give up. I look for you on here. You are going to get through this!!

Jimmy9212 04-15-2016 09:03 AM

Thanks final time. I do.. But you guys are more honest and up front. My sponsor sugar coats things. I've told him not to. Groups are good. Some better than others. Trying to find one that is motivated and honest.

Lying in withdrawals or recovery isn't going to benefit anyone, just the addiction. I'm amazed to see some in group lie. They say they are 100% sober but go to the bar after group.

Why? To substitute one drug with a legal one? Doesn't make it right when the end result is leaving this group for another group, but based on alcohol.

Jimmy9212 04-15-2016 02:01 PM

So angry. Many things have happened personally that have upset me.

Went to the doctor for MRI results. Two badly herniated discs.

Going to go exercise. Maybe that will help with the anger..more angry than normally because this is day 6 and emotions are all over the place but today anger is the prominent emotion.

Not quite sure how I'm going to live with two herniated discs..but I'll make it. I've done all the remedies ever, laying on a medicine ball, inversion tables, swimming, warm bags, warm bottles, ibuprofen, NSAIDs, biofeedback, and

I listed all those to save people the suggestions. I always appreciate them, but I've done so much and regularly try them.

Ya know what would help? I do..but I've quit them.

teatreeoil007 04-15-2016 05:04 PM

Oh man, dealing with chronic pain is so hard! Yeah, I would get a little weary of of endless 'suggestions' (that you've already tried). I was talking to a lady just the other day who has a bad back, funky curvature in her spine, etc. and has been dealing with chronic back pain for years. She told me, "Many people just don't understand what it is like to live in pain 24/7/365 days a year. Some days are better than others, but the pain is just there all the time". She tries really hard to do everything she is capable of doing, but some days she just gets so tired of 'coping' and some nights it's hard for her to sleep, of course. Anyways, I'm sorry you're in pain, m'friend.

Jimmy9212 04-16-2016 09:30 AM

Still not feeling the best..I just want to feel better. I know it takes time. This isn't my first time detoxing.. But caring for a disabled family member and doing yard work today..with herniated discs is a challenge.. I cannot wait until this is just a bad day I remember not love through.

Jimmy9212 04-16-2016 11:09 AM

It's like day one or two of withdrawals, the mental aspect.. The mental struggle has been the worst for me during this detox. It just wkeeps getting worse too.. Frustrating.

Soberwolf 04-16-2016 11:22 AM

Jimmy I can't imagine the level of pain your in no suggestions from me just a friend who's there for you if you fancy a chat pm bud

my late mother had sciatica

Jimmy9212 04-16-2016 12:10 PM

It's like day one or two of withdrawals, the mental aspect.. The mental struggle has been the worst for me during this detox. It just wkeeps getting worse too.. Frustrating.

finaltime 04-16-2016 06:10 PM

Hola. How you doing now? I understand your frustrations. I know with time my pain got better, the pills actually made it worse. Trust me on that. I also know that ibuprofen works better for me then the dang real pain meds!!!!! You are doing this. Remember it can't get any worse, only better. Go easy on yourself. Be proud of where you have come.

Jimmy9212 04-17-2016 12:31 PM

Hola uds. Dia ocho..

Day 8. I have the worst attitude. Mad at everyone and everything for absolutely nothing. The last time I was at day 8 I was darn near euphoric. Feeling great that I was clean. This time.. I'm just mad at the world.

teatreeoil007 04-19-2016 11:21 AM

Jim-We're with ya, man. You can do this. Yes, you feel irritable. Yes you feel 'pissy' (my word for it)...this is totally understandable and a very common thing in early clean time. I found that I just couldn't be around people too much and it seemed as though everything got on my nerves, if you know what I mean. Work was tough because you have to work, make a living and carry on with your duties and it's very difficult, which is why many people find rehab so helpful: they can just totally concentrate on getting clear and sober and ALL of the associated struggles and feelings. Stick this out my friend, no matter what. Brighter days are ahead. We are here....24/7 so feel free to get on here and vent however much and just however you need to. If the world is pissing you off right now we understand and it's good to get that out. If you just want to be LEFT ALONE, we get that too. Anything goes here and it's a safe place to VENT. It WILL get better, but it just may not feel it's better SOON enough....totally get that. Patience is a very hard things for most of us and moreso for some of us. Hang in there; you can do this. I had a challenging day at work last seemed to drag on without any let up and basically I ran my butt off putting out one fire after another...but I got through and was able to come home to a nice peaceful environment: home. Whew! That's always something to look forward; one of life's pleasures....walking through your door and just being able to soak in the peace and solitude that awaited me there and not feel smothered. Ok, enough of my rambling.

Soberwolf 04-21-2016 08:54 AM

Check in Jimmy

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