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Impurrfect 02-23-2010 08:41 PM

((Lenina)) - OMG, that is SOOOO Elvis:) I'll post a pic of him under his "tanning lamp" as soon as I get it downloaded.

Lenina 02-23-2010 08:45 PM

Amy, I thought you'd like it! Hope it made you smile!

And we can always use more Elvis pics here!

Much love,


Impurrfect 02-23-2010 08:54 PM

Here's Elvis on his "tanning bed", trying to stay warm

Lenina 02-23-2010 09:13 PM


Elvis looks very content and cozy! Thanks for the pic!

Much love,


CrackQuack 02-23-2010 11:11 PM

((Amy)) I am so sorry about Elvis. I understand what you are feeling, kind of. I SOLD my beloved Cockatoo, Duke, in order to get more crack. Sure, I think he went to a good home, but all I cared about was the grand I was getting so I could go get some more. I am still haunted by my decision today. But I really think you're doing a darned fine job with Elvis (Gosh, he's beautiful!) and the others. I hope they are well when they get vet checked. *HUGS*
AS for school, ugh. I am up at 2 AM. Have to be in class by 8:30 and my night time butt can't go to sleep. Who made out that rinky dink schedule anyway? I told them I was a third shifter. *sighs*
I guess I am still awake, though, because I am having a lot of really nasty, vivid, flashbacks of using with my ex. Sitting in his bedroom, on his bed, by the table. And doing drugs. Then the hot tub. Stupid hot tub. I don't care if I ever get in one again.
And my friend, the stripper, has a new job. So I guess you can call her the ex stripper. But either way, she's selling kirby's. She told me she was just setting up and taking down displays and wanted to practice at my place so I said sure... Anyway, she comes over and does the whole demonstration and then begs me to buy one. If anyone knows what those are, ya know they cost more than my salary last year. Yeah, the WHOLE year. Ok, so now y'all got an idea what I made for 2009 too.. LOL. Hense WHY I am in school. She knows I don't make any money and it's a HUGE stressor for me. Why she thought it would be cool to put me in a spot like that. And then tell me to ask my boyfriend. He's down to 4 days a week at work, and he's FRUGAL. He spends as little as possible. And YES, it's irritating as flies on a horse's behind sometimes, but I accept him AS IS. It's HIS money and he can do whatever he wants with it. It's why I was elated when he dropped that dough on my truck's heater for Christmas AND took me to Red Lobster for my birthday. That is NOT something he'd do. He's very tight with his wallet. But anyway, when she did that, I got upset. I want to be supportive of her new line of work, but I don't want to be put on the spot like that. Especially when it comes to money. I simply do not have it. Period. Ugh!!!!!
And those memories. Can I cuss? Just a little bit... LOL. They make me want to cry. I cannot believe I did that. Snot bubbles... *sighs* I need a therapist.. But wait.. That money thing again.
It's been a kinda bad start to the week for me. I am sure I'll bounce back, but well.. I did my finances too. For the living expenses I applied for from Financial aid. I make a whole 510 bucks a month (minus the food card, which is 260 a month) and I put out 545 a month. No wonder I am asking Mom for help on gas or sold car parts, or cleaned a house or two in addition to the buildings I do.. Of course, I do have a fair coming up in April AND it's 5 weeks. That'll be a little extra. Plus I should get the living expenses then, and my boyfriend is getting a radio for my son's car. Since he doesn't have a license and you have to have a license to get insurance, I am putting his car in my name and I'll drive it until Spring, get my car fixed, get him practice so he can get his license, and things should ease up a bit with the cars only being about 30-40 bucks a week in gas.
Just too much money junk going on this month. Honestly, I think, with how people are stressing me out about money, if I had some, you can guess where it'd be going. No where useful, I can promise that. :(
Hope everyone else is doing well. :ghug3 Sorry I missed so much goings on here.. I bet, with school, I'll miss more. Ugh!

Dee74 02-23-2010 11:41 PM

I dunno what kirbys is but I reckon you don't need it CQ :)
:hug: and tissues for the bubbles :)


Lenina 02-24-2010 12:30 AM


I'm sorry you're struggling just now. But you know what? I can see you're a fighter! Money issues are always hard. I know you're going to succeed because you are a hard-worker! You work hard at your recovery and hard at making a new life for yourself.

I'm so impressed with you. You inspire me.

You're a winner, my girl! Don't forget that!



CrackQuack 02-24-2010 06:30 AM

Thanks so much!!! I am in school right now. They let us have a 15 minute break and we can play on the internet. I can't stay too long online here, but wanted to check in. Heck, I just wanted to be here on high speed internet. LOLOL
A kirby is the cadillac of vacuums. Cost thousands of dollars. I'd love to have one, but not on this budget. hahahaha...
Ok. Will check back in later. *HUGS*
Thanks so much lenina! Love to everyone else! ((jay)) I am glad you are getting some sleep.

newwayoflife 02-24-2010 07:44 AM

I love animals....passionate about animals.....and I had a cat named cougar that had lymphnode cancer. At the end she could barely eat and became dehydrated. I told her goodbye one evening when she tried to jump on the counter and couldn't make it. She went to sleep under my bed that night and passed. It was not painful or anything. Anyway, near the end they lose their appetite. That is usually what takes their life is dehydration and malnutrition. Something very good and healthy if Elvis begins to lose his appetite is cans of tuna and turkey baby food in a jar. They will eat that stuff, even sick. And have the vet hydrate him from time to time, if needed. I am so sorry. On the other hand I have another cat that is 20 years old. I have had her since I was 15, moved away from home with her and still have her. She is nearing the end of her days. And on another note, just because I want to share with someone, the doctor's office just called and are seeing me tomorrow at noon for 1 hour evaluation. I am finally going to go air my dirty laundry. I am scared and excited. I don't know what is going to happen but I cannot wait to be honest with someone.

Impurrfect 02-24-2010 09:07 AM

((CQ)) - sorry about the money situation...been dealing with that for a long, long time and if I don't get a job soon, will be dealing with it again when the settlement money runs out. It sucks...big time.

I'm about to run out and do errands 'cause dad is ill as hell and I don't want to be here...sigh.

Good news - Mots is negative on both tests!! So, he is being neutered as we speak, and getting all vaccinations. I will call after 3 to see about picking him up. He normally will NOT let me hold him, sit on my lap, etc.....did all of that in the vet's office, so I guess he was pretty scared. I've got an appt. for Patches at 11 tomorrow to get her checked.

Okay, gotta get out of this house for a bit. Can't deal with the snapping dad. We had snow flurries but nothing stuck and they're gone.

Hugs and prayers!


Impurrfect 02-24-2010 09:12 AM

((Newway)) - thanks for the info - Elvis is eating chicken like crazy, and I gave him water with a syringe when he first got sick, so will keep an eye out. Good for you for going to the dr!!

Hugs and prayers!


Dee74 02-24-2010 12:00 PM

great news on mots Amy! :hug:

Lenina 02-24-2010 12:06 PM


Such good news about Mots. Glad he behaved in the vet's office. Fuzzy goes into freeze mode when he has to go to the vets. He's been a healthy guy, thank the stars!

Hope your Dad feels better soon too. Does he have a cold?



windysan 02-24-2010 01:12 PM

I just caught my dog masturbating !! I was like OMG LOL !!

Impurrfect 02-24-2010 05:13 PM

((Windy)) - damn, I've missed you and your sense of humor:)

Poor Mots had to spend the night at the vet, as he was having a little bleeding after his surgery. They said it was pretty common in the adult males (it's preferable to neuter them as kittens) and otherwise he was fine. I can pick him up when I take Patches in to have HER checked...feels like I live in the vet's office.

Got the cats a water fountain and the good kind of food - Elvis LOVES it, and so does Patches and it's much healthier for them. They've both been drinking from the part of the fountain where the water comes out..pretty funny.

Took the family to a steak dinner, Brit leaned forward to reach something and I realized she has gotten a tattoo. She "shushed" me but I got her to show it to me when we got home (dad and stepmom have forbidden a tat, so they don't know). It's a cross with angel wings, with her mom's name R.I.P. and "love you" on it. Pretty good size, bigger than I thought she would have gotten but it's her back and she'll have to deal with the consequences when they find out.

We had a good dinner, I'm stuffed and Patches took over Elvis's bed, but she just moved back to her old spot. We are having a lazy night.

Hugs and prayers!


windysan 02-24-2010 07:11 PM

I looked up from my computer and he was humpin the air !! I started crackin up and said "CHEWIE !!" real loud and he looked all embarrassed. Man that was funny. He's fixed too??? Can he still get horny if he's degonadded?

Marshgirl 02-24-2010 07:22 PM

(CQ) - when I get down or lonely I read through the posts here and your story is so inspiring. I am just amazed at how far you have come and how much you do for yourself. If I lived near you, I would take you out for a Red Lobster dinner and listen to your recovery story. You really have been a beacon for me. I am a recovering pill addict for 48 days, but used to do coke back in the day. I get depressed about the insane things I did in those days. I feel your pain, snot and all. Been there many times lately. I am so sorry about your $$$ situation, but I wanted you to know that your strength has motivated me. I wish you nothing but love and money. :) Your story is helping this recovering addict.

Cat stories are heartwarming too. In my thoughts (Impurrfect). Elvis is king in that pic. :)

Impurrfect 02-24-2010 07:31 PM

((Marshgirl)) - welcome to the henhouse!

((Windy)) - I'll ask Mots when he comes home tomorrow...degonadded.

((Jaybird)) - sending you and Kirby lots and lots of extra prayers....I know this is a really hard time, right now.

Hugs and prayers to everyone!


Lenina 02-24-2010 08:39 PM


I don't know too much about dawgs. Degonadded? I thought it was "denutted." Hmm,
learn something every day!


Welcome to the 'House! Good job on your clean time!

(((Amy))) Hope you have a peaceful evening. I went out and got my furry ones a little drinking fountain at PetCo for $19. It looks pretty cool and OG has taken to it right off. Once Fuzzy sees it, I'm sure he's going to have fun with water too! He often comes in with a very wet chin so he's sure to like it too.

(((Jay))) Hope you're getting some good sleep. Do let us know how the Rozerem works for you.

I'm in for a quiet evening. Grateful, grateful, grateful I can have quiet evenings. I got a cup of herbal tea, a lap full of's bliss.

Much love,


Tiredofdrugs 02-25-2010 01:09 AM

Originally Posted by Stagebear (Post 2524370)
Dear Friends:
Yesterday, an awful thing happened. A tiny part of Da Bear escaped to the front and took over the body. This awful segment of my personality actually took control of the fingers and typed some really dumb, old behavior stuff.
I reread what I wrote, and slapped myself silly on behalf of those of you who justifiably wanted to do so.
I also embraced that tiny part because I never want him to vanish entirely, he helps me remember.
So, going forward, I will not be petulant and complain about ridiculous things. I will also not refer to myself in the third person ever again, unless and until I suddenly find myself in line for the British throne. (the royal "we", you know. One doesn't refer to oneself as "I". It's simply not done.)
I subscribe to this theory; It is none of my business what a smacked a$$ pharmacist thinks of me. Or what anyone else thinks of me, for that matter.
(((Lenina)))- CarbyAss? I just don't see that nickname catching on any time soon. Anyway, my good pal Dee-zy-doo knows how I feel about cute nicknames. (Please, Dee, don't kill me. I couldn't resist. at least I didn't call you my "gal pal").
It's far too early @ 5:24am, but I've been up since 4:30 with my all-too-familiar morning headache. It, too, has passed.
So, thank you all for being far more tolerant than I had a right to expect.

Hi Poo Bear:

Have you tried putting a heating pad on your head for the headache. It works wonders. And also BTW, I use to be in the ARNG with a guy that could be your twin. When I saw your picture on your profile page I sort of did a double take and had to look closely to make sure it wasn't my fellow soldier.

I know everyone has a twin somewhere. I know where your's is.

Have a wonderful smiley day.

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