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biggbbs 03-23-2008 02:52 AM

Noone ever wants to discuss crack in these forums. i smoke 300-400 dollars a week and i cant stop. i need to kill myself to stop, im driving my parents nuts, wakig them up at 3 am for money(its mine) just to smoke dying.

splendra 03-23-2008 03:55 AM

Sure we want to talk about crack. Have you looked into rehab?

Impurrfect 03-23-2008 05:22 AM

There are several people here who are recovering crack addicts....I'm one of them, and I spent $100-$200 a DAY, 7 days a week. Now, I have over a year clean.

It's possible, but you have to want to quit more than you want to use.

Rehab is a good option, 12-step meetings are another. Recovery is possible!

Hugs and prayers!


canuhearme 03-23-2008 09:57 AM

hi Big,
I know the feeling of putting money in a safe spot just to find ways to get at it. Keep trying.

Aa_vark 03-23-2008 01:14 PM

we're here.

Recovering crack addict, Aarons my name.

There are a bunch of us around here, youre not alone.

DOne posted this yesterday, i thought it was very helpful.

Listen, you can quit this drug, and your life will get better. The compulsion and obsession to use fades away in time. As long as you dont pick up, each craving lessens.

I found the desire to die shortly before i found the desire to live drug free. I had a moment of clarity, and got myself to an inpatient rehab for a month, then followed their aftercare plan, 12 step meetings. I kept coming back, and followed the suggestions. i was willing to do whatever others who had recovery had done before me. NA saved my life. It took alot of work, and a desire to stay clean today nomatter what....

Good for you for reaching out. Thats the begining of the solution.:)

I suggest you check out this link, and read it.

frstnm 03-23-2008 01:18 PM

for me everytime I drank I wanted to smoke crack
stopping drinking has helped the urges
I did have a crack dream last night and was the first one in months

FearlesslyHappy 03-23-2008 01:27 PM

Originally Posted by biggbbs (Post 1716662)
Noone ever wants to discuss crack in these forums. i smoke 300-400 dollars a week and i cant stop. i need to kill myself to stop, im driving my parents nuts, wakig them up at 3 am for money(its mine) just to smoke dying.

Thank you for your honesty. I"m struggling right now myself, so I understand the fear. IT's terrible. I hope you get help soon and get helped quickly. Keep posting and let us know what progress you make. Your story can help others, too. YOu haven't wasted anything.

Aysha 03-23-2008 02:01 PM

I have seen alot of crack threads here. Alot of them by me.
Your right..You are dieing. Very slowly poisoning yourself.
So do something about it.
I had to go to inpatient rehab. A couple times. But it doesnt stop there. You need to work some kind of a program afterward.
It is possible to stop.
I use to hate myself everytime I would be waking my grams up in the middle of the night begging almost crying for her to give me money. But yet I still did it.
Get some help. Before your habit becomes in a day what you are spending in a week.
There are alot of recovering crack addicts here with some pretty impressive clean time.
And a few have already responded here.

JustOleMe 03-23-2008 03:17 PM

Another crackhead here who is willing to talk. Is there any specific issue you want to discuss?

Stopping crack is extremely difficult, but others have done it without resorting to suicide. I was clean for >1 year before my relapse a couple of weeks ago. Thought I could have a couple beers and wound up on a major crack binge. I was spending $300 a day. Now I have to go through the hardest part again - the first few days.

Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'
- Jedi Master Yoda

Aa_vark 03-23-2008 05:01 PM

i had similar experience to justoleme and frstnm.

with a bit of recovery under me belt, i decided it was ok to try 'controlled drinking'. 9 months of progress gone, and another crack binge later, i got a sponser.

the next 9 months i did what i had done the first time, just meetings, no steps.

Still defenseless, i picked up the rocks and the bottles one day and didnt quit for about a month.

i never stopped going to meetings, never lost the desire to recover, though.

Beaten once again, i surrendered, and started working the 12 steps from the NA stepworking guide at a stepworkshop meeting, and also with my AA sponser from the big book and 12x12.

my clean date is 7/19/04.

i'm pretty cautious today and i try to practice the principals of recovery in all my affairs now. Note, i said practice... Addiction is chronic, im not cured, but i've found balance, and my life is pretty good again, i have hope, happiness, new relationships, freedom from active addiction.

I dont have to pick up today. I never have to go through that hell again. neither do you. NA showed me the way to recovery.

Gmoney 03-23-2008 07:09 PM

Another ex-crackhead here! In the end my habit was around $200 - $300 a day and I shriveled up like a raisin. My story isn't much different than those already shared, and it isn't about how much we spent because the money pales in comparison to the damage we did to ourselves and others. The good part is that recovery is possible and you don't have to die a crackhead. I've been clean for years, and you can do it too. Don't give up.

hairgirl 03-23-2008 08:26 PM

Been off the crack for over three years.I did it without treatment, just made allot of personal changes.It took a while to stick, but I eventually got past the craving, and started loving life.It is an awful place to be, but you can beat it if you really try.

PeachyClean 03-24-2008 07:54 PM

Same here. Former crack head ....... > $100 - $200 /per day for YEARS! and like the others suffered / created MUCH damage all around. Been off crack for almost 10 years. I did it with 10% Treatment and 90% Personal Life Changes.

No matter what works for you.....> know this: You do not have to continue using crack/drugs...........> determination to find what works for your is key. Whether it's in patient treatment, NA, or something else. There is a way. You just have to want it bad enough.

Don't give up....> ever.

jaymehigh 08-15-2008 12:21 AM

i have a $300 a day habit and iits killing me 2

VengeanceofRain 08-15-2008 05:13 AM

i'm a crackhead!!

6 months and 3 days clean. the craving is no longer there. You eventually start to be able to do certain things.

when I first got out of rehab everytime I had 50 dollars I wanted crack. That eventually passed.. I couldn't be left alone for a long amount of time or else I would want crack. that's gone. you start to find yourself being able to do more and more things. I went into my old stomping grounds 2 weeks ago and didn't use.

the longer you stay off of it, the more you realize what you were doing to yourself.

I was in NA/AA but i'm like the above poster now, I have my own program that is talylor made for me. I dont' play Recovery Politics, However you do it, the key is DOING IT.

kj3880 08-15-2008 12:46 PM

Although I'm not a crack-addict, I'm an opiate addict, and I know the differences can make people feel alienated either way. In my home group, most people are crack or meth-heads.

When I first went there, I felt that they didn't understand the physical illness that opiate withdrawal brings, and they also don't have the option to use replacement therapy as part of their detox program (although I think that scientists are working on a cocaine treatment drug). So there are some differences.

They still can't understand everything about opiate addiction and recovery, but what I try to do is to focus on the similarities at NA and here. We were all out of control, including the alcoholics among us. We all neglected some or most of our responsibilities. We all have to continue to work together and on our own towards our recovery. We all work the steps. Try to keep your focus on what we have in common. Our DOC becomes less important then, and we have a closer fellowship.

After all, as we say at NA: We are not interested in what or how much you used...Welcome can do this, with the right help. Do you need to get into a rehab, do you think?

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