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TryingSoHard 04-02-2009 09:08 PM

Darn it, I had typed out a post and my wireless internet died and I lost it.

All I really said, though, was that the only guesses I have for this are lame. :P I feel like I should know this one, but I keep coming up blank.

Mane man?

gneiss 04-02-2009 10:29 PM

I like it. Dandylions. :D

Here I am. Last night I couldn't sleep, and ended up sleeping until almost noon today. And of course now I am bouncing off the walls, no chance of sleep. I have to be at work tomorrow no later than 6:45 am. I hope I get to sleep on the way to our work site.

I'm supposed to be working on a project for class but I can't focus. 1500 word paper, about 3 pages. I should have had this done before dinner. I have written about 3 sentences. Gah!! I ran errands and watched ER instead.

windysan 04-03-2009 07:24 AM



that is all


TryingSoHard 04-03-2009 08:56 AM

I'm about to go have curry.


windysan 04-03-2009 01:02 PM

Panang Curry is most eggsellents

TryingSoHard 04-03-2009 06:47 PM

It's impossible to hijack a random thread, Phal. ;)

I've gotta think about that one for a minute... hmm.

TryingSoHard 04-03-2009 08:14 PM

Random Rambling for tonight:

I'm pretty sure that I'm no longer staying sober for me. I'm about 90% certain that I'm staying sober because it would greatly sadden my husband if I drank again. If I had my way, I'd be drinking Jack and Diet tonight. And tomorrow night, when we celebrate the fact that he's done with grad school (his final is in the morning).

I know this is a bad place to be. I have to figure out how to stay sober for myself again. I have to figure out how to be happy with me.

I still haven't figured out Phal's latest picture pun, either. Dammit.

desertdonna 04-04-2009 12:32 PM

Gator aid. Sorry, but I cheated.

It was just an excuse to tell you, TSH, that where you are is okay. You're looking for your own path, you recognize it, and you'll find it if you just remain open. It's awesome that your husband has made this great accomplishment, but finding your own identity and what fulfills you is just as important.

Thinking of you.


TryingSoHard 04-04-2009 12:34 PM

OMG! I *so* should have gotten that! Hubby is graduating from the University of Florida... THE GATORS! *smacks self in head* UGGGgHHHHHHH! ;)

His final exam was this morning. Tonight we're going out to his favorite sushi restaurant. He's challenging himself to eat 54 pieces of sushi - 2 for every exam he's taken in the past 3 years. LOL Then we're coming back here and playing Guitar Hero/Rock Band.

coffeenut 04-05-2009 11:44 AM

TSH, good to see you around, again. And, a huge congrats on 6 months! :)

TryingSoHard 04-05-2009 11:57 AM

Thanks, coffee. :)

So last night was actually quite awesome. Let me take a minute to tell you about it.

My husband has been in a graduate program through the U of F for the last 3 years. It's designed for working professionals, so you only take 1 class a semester. It was an online program but he had to go for a remote weekend once a semester. It's been kind of a long 3 years. ;) Work required him to do this, and they paid his tuition, but they would NOT pay any of his travel expenses for his remote trips - which TOTALLY sucked.

Hub is a HUGE sushi lover, and for about the past year he's been saying that he was going to have a big sushi party once he was finished with school. He came up with a personal challenge for himself: to eat 54 pieces of sushi, 2 for every exam he's taken over the past 3 years. The most he'd ever eaten prior to last night was 41 pieces, so this was a good bit more than that!

The other thing he said he wanted to do when school was over was to burn his books.

So we started at the sushi restaurant - where he succeeded in his challenge - and then we came home and started tearing up books. I even got some of my old tax and accounting books and added them to the pile! I haven't been in school since 1997 and it still felt surprisingly good to rip up my old books!!! We threw it all in a big metal trash can, doused it in lighter fluid, and set it ablaze - while "School's Out" played in the background. As the big, $350 UNUSED book burned, the soundtrack changed to "Ring of Fire". :)

Then we jammed to Guitar Hero: Metallica - as Metallica got inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Ohio.

And we have no hangover today, and we had A LOT of fun last night.

Just thought I'd share that with y'all.

coffeenut 04-05-2009 07:34 PM

Yay on a sober celebration! That just Rocks!

TryingSoHard 04-05-2009 09:34 PM

Tap dancing?

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