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AwkwardKitty 11-16-2021 09:52 AM

First struggle for a long time
Coming up for 2 years sober in December but today I'm having a wobble, first serious one for a good while.
Some debt I'd been avoiding caught up with me today.
I am seriously considering drinking tonight. I can't eat and feel sick, I have a headache.
I just keep thinking of escaping into the alcohol.

Thrillhou 11-16-2021 09:59 AM

Drinking and giving yourself a hangover will only make those symptoms worse.

Introvrtd1 11-16-2021 10:15 AM

Not only a hangover, but the brain chemistry and balance you’ve obtained through nearly two years may be negated back to day one in terms of progress but not in time. That could start a whole rash of withdrawals over again. Been there, done that, got the shirt for it.

If you could only hang on it would be so worth it when this passes.


Anna 11-16-2021 10:15 AM

AK, I'm glad you posted.

Is there some way that you can work with whoever you owe money to? Maybe you could come up with a payment plan that would work for you and help you feel less stressed by this.

AwkwardKitty 11-16-2021 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by Anna (Post 7726024)
AK, I'm glad you posted.

Is there some way that you can work with whoever you owe money to? Maybe you could come up with a payment plan that would work for you and help you feel less stressed by this.

It is sorted out now and there has been a plan put in place.
I'm feeling really angry and disappointed in myself.
I'm having thoughts like, why try to better myself when I'm still always in a mess.
I'm feeling like I'm a failure.
It's all feeding into my low self esteem and self hatred.
I've been maintaining calm and equilibrium.
for some reason I'm craving the chaos and messiness of alcohol tonight.

biminiblue 11-16-2021 10:49 AM

AK, you are forgiven for every perceived mistake you may think you've ever made.

You can stop punishing yourself now.

Go out and live a good, wholesome, happier, peaceful life. Leave the drama and chaos behind. It no longer serves any purpose, even though it feels familiar.

Anna 11-16-2021 10:50 AM

AK, I think you should be proud of yourself for dealing with the debt and getting a plan in place for handling it. You're not a failure at all. You're doing the right thing and taking care of yourself. We do lots of destructive things when we're drinking and it's so hard to face those things when we're sober, but you're doing that. :)

Kaily 11-16-2021 11:00 AM

Don't give up 2 years of sobriety for a night of chaos, you will regret it so much tomorrow. Do you really want a day 1 post?

Well done getting the payment plan in place.

Have an early night and wake up sober. :)

fishkiller 11-16-2021 11:14 AM

This too shall pass

Good Work posting up.
Don't fall for the ole AV.
Mine was piping up yesterday over some stresses in my life right now but it is just not worth it.

least 11-16-2021 11:59 AM

Don't give in to the chaos. You'd regret it the next day. Please stay sober. Your debt can be worked out and paid off, but drinking will just lead you back down that awful path to destruction.

Please don't drink! :hug:

Dee74 11-16-2021 12:24 PM

It’s important I think to keep a sense of perspective.
Don’t put too much emphasis on one mistake.
We all make them.
You’ve paid the debt - I t’s done :)

You have 2 years sober :)

that’s a great accomplishment, and I know you’ve done many other good things in that time.

All of this is wildly out of perspective…

I'm having thoughts like, why try to better myself when I'm still always in a mess.
I'm feeling like I'm a failure.
It's all feeding into my low self esteem and self hatred.
it’s what the AV does.

You don’t need to surrender to chaos to try and feel better. You just need to cut yourself a break. :)


yojimbo 11-16-2021 12:57 PM

2 years is fantastic.... please dont ruin it... it happened to me after being sober 22 months, once.

aasharon90 11-16-2021 01:13 PM

Throw those drinking thoughts right out the back door
and replace them with good healthy positive thoughts.

When times seem tough i look at it as growing pains
in recovery. This hurdle you will muster up all the courage
and willingness you have deep within and get over it.

From this experience, you will grow from it. I promise.

As long as you don't give into those dark temptations
and drink.

Also, if alcohol is not in reach or around you then you
can't get drunk and wake up tomorrow with more added

Grow and remain strong and always reach out for
help and ask for suggestions as to what you can do
to help make any and all you life challenges easier
for you down the road.

SR is a good source of recovery support and lifeline
to hold onto in good times as well as hard ones.

Hodd 11-16-2021 01:22 PM

It’s past wine o’clock here, AK. I hope you don’t/haven’t drunk. You can fix the debt problem. It’ll be easier than an alcohol problem.

MissPerfumado 11-16-2021 01:34 PM

AK, I was about 3 years sober when I found myself unexpectedly in a lot of debt. It was a tax bill that I hadn't seen coming. It was my own fault for not being more diligent.

I was angry with myself because I'd worked hard to get myself to a good financial situation in sobriety. It was too much money to borrow although that was a possibility I considered. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone close to me. I spent weeks in high stress, waking up in the middle of the night, going over the numbers, knowing I couldn't pay it. Ugh, when I look back over the period, it was probably the most stressful thing I've gone through in sobriety. So I sympathise with your feeling sick.

The thing about being sober is, it really is about facing life on life's terms. There's no running away from things like we used to. What would it do anyway? Have a drink to escape, it becomes two and then a whole bottle, and many more after. Soon you'll have destroyed your sobriety and your problem will still be there and you'll have a bigger one besides, of having to quit again.

Being sober you can look at your life and say, this is the problem, these are my tools, these are my options, how will I address it? It'll be normal to be scared, anxious and angry with yourself or others but eventually you'll settle on a solution, just like you have.

Be proud of yourself. See it as a win for yourself. You faced up to the problem, resolved it with your own resources, and emerged stronger and wiser. And still sober. And now you know you can face problems sober.

As for me, after weeks of sweating, I eventually rang the tax office and agreed on a payment plan. It took 2 years to pay off and I told no-one during that time, just paid it every month. It's done now. I'm still sober, I'm still in a decent financial position, I survived it. I am absolutely diligent in knowing exactly how much tax I have to pay all the time now. And I'm actually owed a refund this tax year.

brighterday1234 11-16-2021 01:45 PM

Drinking is no solution but you always know that or you wouldn’t be on SR.

I heard many times in recovery that maximum spiritual growth always occurs when overcoming pain. This is my experience too. Stay sober and get through this will always be the best thing and you will grow from it undoubtedly.

Sammy1980 11-16-2021 03:13 PM

Like everyone here has said drinking won't help. Your problem will still be there when you are done. You have taken care of the problem already and in time it will be all over. I had the same problem with owing a lot of money to the IRS in no fault of my own. I was so mad and still so mad about it. I have paid the money but I am fighting with them to get some of that money back. So I know all about that anger. I never thought to drink over it.
There was a time only a few months ago that I had a very strong graving to drink over nothing and came so very close. I didn't and I am so happy about that. So don't drink over it and you will be happy with yourself tomorrow and your self hate will go away.

Wastinglife 11-16-2021 03:23 PM

I'm also struggling with stress/anxiety. I just came off a 10 day relapse though and it didn't help things. I'm on Day 5 sober and my issues are still here waiting for me. The temporary escape feels nice in the moment, but having to detox and then remember all your issues at the same time is torture.

Silver11 11-16-2021 04:56 PM

I know what you’re feeling. The prospect of escape is tempting. You know you’re problems will be waiting for you in the morning..
So these days when I feel a lot of stress I still escape.. by taking a long walk, reading a book I love, watching a movie. It’s just as temporary as drinking. Without the negative effects 😊.
Stay on the path!

RecklessDrunk 11-16-2021 06:36 PM

Im making what I would've thought was pretty good money. Now prices are growing out of control. I'm single so paying all of this on a single income is getting more difficult. Its better then it was because I'm not drinking and druggin but all those years of drunk me turning into a junkie did some damage. Then just all the procrastinating and dumb decisions I made over the years. I'm really cutting it close and it stresses me like crazy when I let it.

Right now though, right as this moment I am fine. I could sit around and worry about the price of this and the price of that going up. What if my car brakes down. What about the debt I do have.

This is where the serenity prayer comes in handy. I can only control what I can control. I know we need to act responsibly with our finances. I don't mean to completely ignore it but all debt is, is a number in a computer. We move on and try and do the next right thing.

Even besides the hangover, all a drink will do now is turbo charge the obsession to drink. Days after a binge that obsession will be so strong. It will be so difficult to get back out of. And for what? Chances are those first few drinks would feel nothing like you would expect. Then you get all that misery for a sense of ease and comfort that no longer exist. What your AV tells you that drink will do for you is an illusion. The drinking you did at the end of your drinking years was probably nothing like the early years of drinking. For me it got pathetic and it sure wasn't getting better.

Alcohol is kind of like a pool hustler that lets you win a few games. Then you sware you can beat a pro pool player. Thats how foolish trying to recapture that ease and comfort of a drink is. Its like a normal person that thinks they can beat a pro pool shark.

BackandScared 11-17-2021 05:25 AM

They have already given you lots of good advice and you have done the right thing reaching out. I hope you are already in a better place.

Steely 11-17-2021 10:08 AM

I found myself in similar situation AK. Came very close to drinking at nearly 2 years. Major stress the cause. I really hope you don't act on the urge AK. Resist with all of your might. It passes.

I can't tell you the relief felt when making it out alive :)

It has made me so much stronger. You will find the same, irrespective of whatever life deals. Hold the winning hand AK. Please don't drink.

Dee74 11-17-2021 11:23 AM

How are things now AK?


AwkwardKitty 11-18-2021 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 7726467)
How are things now AK?


Thank you so much for your kindnesses and experience, all of you. It helped. A lot.
I'm still sober.
I'm tired, a little depressed and feeling rubbish but I am sober.
I'll update properly when I get a chance.
Thank you again.

least 11-18-2021 04:16 PM

:) You are most welcome! :hug: Glad you came here first. :hug:

Hodd 11-19-2021 12:28 AM

Sounds like a rough time, Kitty. Sorry to hear, but you had us worried with the drinking which you know would’ve only made things worse.

aasharon90 11-19-2021 03:20 AM

Don't hesitate to use SR as a sounding board or in
other words, lending and ear, support, helpful suggestions,
to guide you rough spots in your recovery.

Remember that all of us have either been there,
done many of the same similar things as you or
been in the same similar situation as you and found
how to navigate thru them seeking healthier, positive,
effective solutions for them instead of returning to
our addiction.

When folks talk about what's bothering them then
that keeps situations from building up inside them
and festering causing turmoil within, anxiety, depression,
headaches or worry or other health complications.

Sharing frees ourselves which brings forth relief and
personal growth and allows us to receive helpful suggestions
to correct those troubling lifes difficulties with willingness,
openmindedness and honesty. :)

Triggered 11-19-2021 03:54 AM

I really needed to see a post like this. The fact that youre even posting means you havent given in and you did exactly the right thing and reached out for help among friends. Yesterday I felt exactly like you. I had the first hearing of my DUI court case. There was nothing I could do but face it head on. I could have drank the Nile dry after it. Then I played the tape and it helped me survive another potential disaster. Keep doing what youre doing Kitty and you'll be just fine.

VikingGF 11-19-2021 04:08 AM

I’m so grateful to hear you made the best choice, Kitty. I want to thank you for this post as I really needed it today, not because I want to drink, I’m just so overwhelmed and all the words of dealing with financial struggle help a lot. I hope your situation works out for you in time, and thanks for being such a great example of how to rely on SR in times of struggle. Good job, be proud.

anxiousrock 11-19-2021 01:33 PM

Congrats on not drinking. It's NOT worth it. 2 years is so good, and you don't want to give that up because of will only add to it.
hang in there:)

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