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Grateful09 05-13-2021 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by biminiblue (Post 7635717)
In for a sober weekend. :)

I had never heard of the white horses show - I would have loved that as a kid; I was crazy over horses.
Thanks for the uploading tips - usually I can upload pics fine, but was having issues for some reasons. Appreciate the steps & will see if I can share one of my sober weekend woodpecker neighbors - looks like a distant cousin of the one in Mags' photo (maybe the American cousin). I love seeing the birds on the weekends (and remembering them)

Burra 05-13-2021 03:47 PM

This'll be the first sober weekend for me in a long time.. plan to keep busy with films, music, and a long walk in the countryside

Free2bme888 05-13-2021 04:04 PM

Welcome Burra!

We also have class of May 2021 if you’d like to join us!

least 05-13-2021 04:23 PM

I had to google 'crapulous' as I didn't know the meaning of it. I've heard it used before but couldn't remember what it meant. It perfectly defines my drinking 'career'. It is so nice now to not be under the influence anymore. :)

venuscat 05-13-2021 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by Burra (Post 7635755)
This'll be the first sober weekend for me in a long time.. plan to keep busy with films, music, and a long walk in the countryside

Welcome from me too dear Burra! :) :hug: s ❤️

Grateful09 05-13-2021 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by least (Post 7635764)
I had to google 'crapulous' as I didn't know the meaning of it. I've heard it used before but couldn't remember what it meant. It perfectly defines my drinking 'career'. It is so nice now to not be under the influence anymore. :)

Oh this is hilarious. I didn't know it was a real word!! I thought Mags had invented it! OK, as I was taught in grade school: use each new word you learn in a sentence. "I am looking forward to a non-crapulous weekend." Well, not as creative as Mags' wonderful poem, but I stand by the sentiment!

Dee74 05-13-2021 05:34 PM

Welcome Burra :)

I think I have to take the blame for introducing crapulous to the SR Community,
It is a real word but it's also a great pun.:D


Free2bme888 05-13-2021 07:10 PM


My only crapulous experience today was going to the nursery three times for an item, they said they had it via phone conversation but couldn’t say that was for sure, so I went in. They actually didn’t have it out, but thought they had it on a pallet somewhere. They would call us.

Then we got a text that they had the item, so I drove back, only to find the text came from a person that mistook the item for what we were looking for, but wasn’t it.

Third time after they said they have 19 of the items I only need five of, I found two hidden in a weird area.

they are Coco planter shells for trough planters.

Old me would have drank alcohol in my frustration.

Not today, not for me.No alcohol. Not ever.

I’m not dying for a drink.


Purplrks3647 05-13-2021 07:20 PM

That would be super annoying, Free ~ Glad you finally found what you were looking for :)

Welcome, Burra ~ You've come to the right place! :wavey:

Google definition:
Crapulous (comparative more crapulous, superlative most crapulous) Characterized by excessive eating or drinking. Synonyms: debauched, intemperate. Suffering physically from the consequences of excessive eating or drinking. Surcharged with liquor; sick from excessive indulgence in drinking or eating.

Mags1 05-13-2021 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 7635782)
Welcome Burra :)

I think I have to take the blame for introducing crapulous to the SR Community,
It is a real word but it's also a great pun.:D


Dee..I’ve learnt so much from you over the years. :biglaugh:

Mags1 05-13-2021 09:21 PM

Good Morning Weekenders

Free, how frustrating, glad you got what you wanted. Days gone by I would’ve drank on any small problem too. Well done for not drinking. :)

Saou, that’s the one. Love the music. Sad to hear she died at 38. Makes us grateful we gave up the drinking.

Grateful, look forward to your bird pics. It’s a lovely pastime out in nature with the birds and animals around. :yup:

tufty13 05-13-2021 10:00 PM

Morning Mags,

I’m looking forward to spending time in nature today

I get a three hour work break every day. And rather than sitting in a random pub slewing pints & smoking tabs, I’m going to sit on a fallen tree in the middle of a copse & listen to the blackbirds and psithurism.*

*my (now relegated to second) favourite word.

Kaily 05-13-2021 10:35 PM

Hi weekenders,

I can remember going into work more times than not totally crapulous. Often barely able to function, looking like death, shaking and giving off enough fumes to intoxicate anyone in the vicinity. Strange thing is I never even really considered giving up, it was just who I was. I didn't know any different.

Things progressively went from bad to worse. I was never sober, bad stuff happened.

Eventually I gave up drinking till the age of 55 after it had escalated into gargantuan amounts, I was no longer capable of working, my mental health had declined and I was drinking all the time I was awake until I passed out.

I am still adapting to this new way of living. The want to numb myself from the world will never leave me. I will just have to live with that in order to stay out of the gutter. It took far too much to drag myself out to ever go back.

But nobody said it would be easy. :)

saoutchik 05-13-2021 10:48 PM

Morning all, welcome to Weekenders Burra!

Originally Posted by tufty13 (Post 7635855)
I’m going to sit on a fallen tree in the middle of a copse & listen to the blackbirds and psithurism.*

*my (now relegated to second) favourite word.

Psithurism, what an excellent word, I had not heard of it. The dictionary describes it as follows:- The sound of wind in the trees and rustling of leaves. See also related terms for rustling.

I had heard of "crapulous" but like others did not know it was a real word.

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely crapulous..." William Shakespeare.

Mags1 05-13-2021 10:53 PM

Tufty I’d not heard of Psithurism, I googled it and also now know how to say it, courtesy of youtube. :lol: I love the word and I love to listen to it too.

Kaily good to see you. Hope yourself, Alfie and Daisy are ok. I’ve missed you. :hug:

Saou, lol, I can just imagine Shakespeare on the stage uttering those words. :lmao:

Kaily 05-13-2021 11:03 PM

Thanks Mags.

Alfie n Daisy.

Ladytron 05-13-2021 11:24 PM

Morning weekenders, heading into weekend 5 with two new words under my belt, love them both! Kaily, I read your post with tears in my eyes. Seriously never want to go back to ‘living’ like that.

tufty13 05-13-2021 11:58 PM

Kaily, we joined SR in the same year, and I remember your early struggles very well.

If I said “you’ve come such a long way“, it wouldn’t come close to describing how well you’ve done.

I hope you’re giving yourself the recognition you deserve, along with loving yourself deeply. You’re definitely worth it.

Jo43 05-14-2021 12:17 AM

Good Morning all!

Lovely to meet you Kaily and we’ll done on all you have achieved!

Im still struggling with my asthma and have a girlie home sick but I’m not hungover so all is good with the world! My lad made me laugh saying if he stayed home he could catch up with his homework!! Ummm nope that should be done anyway 😂😂

My partner is stressing me out too as he doesn’t really get it. We have had the week off together and have spent lots of time together but this morning he said it wasn’t good and we had had hardly any time due to school runs and weather being rubbish and me then getting ill. He’s made me feel rubbish to be honest! Like why do I bother. Now he’s chosen to go to work today! I have to concentrate on myself as otherwise I think my AV may win

Mags1 05-14-2021 12:55 AM

Jo, wise to concentrate on yourself. The av will be there with any opportunity. I found being sober helped me deal with life’s ups and downs (and my Asthma too). Sorry you suffer with Asthma, take care of it...remember to follow your Asthma Action Plan.:hug:

Aaaw there they are, Alfie and Daisy. ❤️ They actually look like they’re smiling. I bet they have a blessed life with you Kaily.

Robbie64 05-14-2021 01:35 AM

Thanks for the thread Mags, I'm IN!

I had to count this up, but this weekend will be my 16th consecutive sober weekend. I'd like to think I've escaped the crapulousness behaviour of my drinking days.

Welcome to the Weekenders thread Burra :wavey:

It's my first post in the thread and we're already three pages in. It could be a busy weekend!

I love the theme tune to The White Horses. Hearing the song takes me back to my childhood. The programme was repeated every year during most of the 1970s during the long school holidays. Despite having seen every episode I was still surprised to learn that only 13 episodes were ever made. Being on constant repeat made it seem like there were many more episodes (other programmes that had a mere handful of episodes that ran for what seemed like forever: Trumpton, Camberwick Green and Chigley, all known as the Trumptonshire Trilogy). Singer of The White Horses theme is Jackie Lee who also sang the theme tune to another TV programme that takes me back to childhood - Rupert The Bear. I'm listening to theme tune at present!

I hope everyone has a good weekend. I plan to have a lazy one. The weather forecast for this weekend is awful, lots of rain forecast, so I'm going to stay home and watch football on TV.

andyh 05-14-2021 02:03 AM

I always loved the Clangers music - very ahead of its time:

CaptainHaddock 05-14-2021 05:32 AM

Afternoon everyone, Friday afternoon and the weekend is coming along nicely.

Kaily, we are just as happy as Alfie and Daisy appear to be in your photo, to see you join us again. I agree they are certainly beaming!

Thanks tufty, I have been a diehard fan of Hergè’s ever since I read my first Adventures of Tintin (The Cigars of the Pharao) when I was about ten years old. Most of the books were still in hardcover back then. To answer your question on how long I’ve been sober, I wish I could say that I have years of sobriety under my belt. Alas, I have long periods of sobriety, interspersed with periods of controlled drinking that sooner or later metamorphosed into bouts of uncontrolled overindulgence of varying duration. A bit of a roller coaster, really. After yet another good run, I had a stumble earlier this year, but am now back on track. Thank goodness nothing bad has ever happened - no DUI’s, have been in the same profession for over 20 twenty years with (insofar as I can tell) a good reputation for work ethic and skill within my field, still happily married etc. But when drinking, things are not always as they appear on the outside. I’m glad to say that I firmly believe that I may have finally jumped the fence!

By the way (and Sao is probably already aware of this), I believe tomorrow is international Whiskey day, but couldn’t care less!

MidnightBlue 05-14-2021 05:55 AM

Hi, weekenders.

I popped in to say Hi and to celebrate yet another sober Birthday with my SR friends.

I am also exactly 8 years and 7 months alcohol-free today.

Life is not ideal, but it's surely better sober.

Treated myself to a taxi ride to work, got flowers and a present from colleagues.

Have a good day, weekenders!

CaptainHaddock 05-14-2021 06:01 AM

Good to see you Midnight, thanks for joining in and most of all, happy birthday! I am especially pleased to read of flowers and a present, with no mention of a scarf :). Congratulations also on sobriety approaching 9 years.

MidnightBlue 05-14-2021 06:06 AM

Sorry, double post)

Not my fault)

MidnightBlue 05-14-2021 06:16 AM

Originally Posted by CaptainHaddock (Post 7635991)
Good to see you Midnight, thanks for joining in and most of all, happy birthday! I am especially pleased to read of flowers and a present, with no mention of a scarf :). Congratulations also on sobriety approaching 9 years.

Thank you, Captain!

Great to see you too.


Though scarf was for another holiday.

With the Birthday it was even better - no present because he "couldn't come up with an idea what to give me as a present".

Dee74 05-14-2021 06:19 AM

Congrats MB :)


biminiblue 05-14-2021 06:39 AM

I also didn't know crapulous was a real word. Pretty appropriate, it is.

Hi, Midnight! Congrats - is it the soberversary we're celebrating?

Gorilla baby #2 born in the pandemic has a name now: Zuna

Blog, if you like baby pics:

All's well in the PNW. Beeeeeyouteeful weather, long days, the governor announced full rollback to normal activities will happen in just a few weeks. The feds say masks can (mostly) go away...but it's a confusing message in general, like all of this. Things are definitely looking up. Thank you baby Jesus, we need it.

MidnightBlue 05-14-2021 06:41 AM

Originally Posted by biminiblue (Post 7636012)

Hi, Midnight! Congrats - is it the soberversary we're celebrating?

Hi, Bim!

It's both my real Birthday and Sobervesary)

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