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PhoenixJ 07-07-2020 01:15 AM

My less than practical friend booked a cabin the size of a toilet for 5 people.. not enough beds- 2 teenage male humans. I am barricaded in the 'adult' bedroom. Otherwise I would be digging shallow graves outside.....they have the heater cranked up to summer heat....oh well, I will put this down to one of those times, which apparently years from now I will look back on and laugh. My friend seems to have the habit of booking or organising stuff which turns out be less than expected.

biminiblue 07-07-2020 01:25 AM

PJ, yay!? You made it to your destination!?

I have stories of less-than fun weekends. Hopefully the man-children will be gone some of the time. Or do kids these days stay in and watch their phones?

I'm up at 1:24 AM. Pretty sure that's not a good time to get up, so I'm having some chamomile tea and try again.

CaptainHaddock 07-07-2020 02:54 AM

PJ, I知 sure you値l make it fun. When I was younger a group of friends booked a hiking weekend for us in a beautiful mountainous area with some indigenous forests. Our accommodation consisted of a wooden cabin with many bunk beds. Upon arrival we couldn稚 figure out what the longish metal hooks were for that were hanging from the ceiling at regularly spaced intervals. The next morning we realized that they were for hanging anything remotely edible safely out of reach from the floor, away from the mice and that would take over as soon as we went to bed. I must add that the rodents were of the cute type with the long noses that you see on nature documentaries, rather than those mean city dwelling rats, but still...Anyway, good times were had and as you say were looked back at for a long time.

Willow00 07-07-2020 03:18 AM

That sounds crazy PJ :scared: I hope you have fun anyway :)

Captain I went on a camping trip like that once. The rats ate a hole in my backpack to get to food. I wasn稚 happy about that!

Soberwolf 07-07-2020 04:33 AM

Watched Lano & Woodley's new amazon special "Fly" last night and was howling with laughter .. LOL Australia is pretty decent if not mental and going to watch Anne Edmonds new special tonight .. if you need a laugh watch fly i nearly died laughing

Cityboy 07-07-2020 06:08 AM

Hope you got some more sleep Bimini.

Mice and rats in the cabin. :omfg:

Hope you have a great time PJ.

MLD51 07-07-2020 07:22 AM

I had a long day yesterday. I mentioned that my dog was in distress Sunday night? I had thought it was the fireworks, but it wasn't. He was a little better during the day yesterday, but still not right. At about 1:30 I noticed some blood on his fur on his rear end. And I could tell something was hurting him back there. I called his regular vet here in town to get him seen to right away, and they told me they were totally booked and that they could not see him (they don't have emergency services - none of the vets here in town do, I found out). I was told to call an emergency vet in a town 20+ miles from here. Fine - I just wanted him to be seen ASAP. They also told me they could not see him. Too busy. They referred me to an emergency vet in St. Paul, 30 or so miles from me. Fine. I called them and they said their urgent care hours started at 3 pm, and it was first-come, first-served. By this time it was after 2 pm so I hustled the dog into the car and we headed over there. We got there just a bit after 3, and I called to let them know we were there, and proceeded to wait in the car, in the parking lot, until they could see him. COVID has caused their lobby to be closed, so everyone waits in the car and a veterinary technician comes to get the animal when it's their turn. Well for whatever reason, every vet is really really busy right now. We waited OVER 3 HOURS until they could finally take him in. I had to run the car so we could have air conditioning, because it's really hot here right now. I was pretty annoyed but I really had no choice but to sit and wait. The dog was of course acting like he basically felt fine by this time so I did question whether or not we really needed to be there, but blood on the rear end? Yeah, we needed to get that checked out. Well it turned out he had a ruptured anal gland, and an infection back there. I have never had to worry about his anal glands, they seem to take care of themselves, thankfully. But not this time. So he's got a lovely cone, and pills to take for a couple of weeks. We didn't get home until after 8 pm. He's going to be ok. He slept all night last night, and is quiet but feeling better today.

Cityboy 07-07-2020 07:35 AM

Could be much worse than having the cone, so sounds like a happy ending.

CaptainHaddock 07-07-2020 07:40 AM

Yes, I知 very relieved to read the happy ending, but getting the help he needed does sound like quite an ordeal. Hope you can kick off your shoes a bit later today, MLD.

By the way, I think I知 developing a tea addiction. Anything to stay off the booze. At least I have some non-caffeine varieties and I知 drinking water as well.

biminiblue 07-07-2020 08:22 AM

I'm really glad Chauncey made it to the doc. I had a cat that had that happen. Hurray for antibiotics. Boo for cones. And yeah, socially distanced vets are a thing now. I have to go in once a month to pick up meds and it's an ongoing chain of changes.

Hopefully in a couple days he'll be back to normal. I bet the vets do get a lot of calls when people are mostly home to see any changes in their animals. I have enough time to count the number of kibble bits in the bowl if I were so inclined. Which I'm not!

((MLD)) :hug:

MLD51 07-07-2020 09:16 AM

I talked to my normal vet's office this morning. She said they have just been super busy the past month. A combination of people being home and having time to take pets to the vet when any tiny thing comes up, and a backlog from when they were not doing any routine surgeries or exams during the first months of the shutdown. I made an appointment for him to have a follow-up there in two weeks to make sure things are ok.

saoutchik 07-07-2020 09:38 AM

Three cheers for Chauncey and his malfunctioning backside! I'm pleased you did get to see the vet. Well done for waiting patiently. I bet a hungover person would not have seen it through.

Cityboy I can well understand why have those tape measures etc. Imperial measures are next to useless if you need to percentages from them. For business/professional use it is almost all metric here now.

Good luck PJ. My last trip anywhere as a drinker was to a stag party weekend when someone booked us (in our early 50s) into a youth hostel - 5 or 6 bunk beds in a room. :(

Good job you have aircon DesertDawg. 47C is bordering on cooking temperature.

I am a man with TREMENDOUS hair problems. I must get it cut now the barbers are open. I look like a hairy Dutch cheese

CaptainHaddock 07-07-2020 09:47 AM

Originally Posted by saoutchik (Post 7473203)
I am a man with TREMENDOUS hair problems. I must get it cut now the barbers are open. I look like a hairy Dutch cheese

Evening Sao, I知 a firm believer in that old saying that a picture speaks a thousand words! :)

saoutchik 07-07-2020 09:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Mr Sad.

CaptainHaddock 07-07-2020 10:03 AM

LOL! Not nearly as bad as you made it sound but yeah, perhaps you could book an appointment first thing tomorrow morning? :) I myself have one on Thursday.

andyh 07-07-2020 10:29 AM

Originally Posted by saoutchik (Post 7473210)

good grief - have The Inspiral Carpets reformed?


Robbie64 07-07-2020 01:23 PM

Originally Posted by andyh (Post 7473228)
good grief - have The Inspiral Carpets reformed?


Your mention of the Inspiral Carpets has now got me listening to their Greatest Hits album on Spotify!

Forwards 07-07-2020 01:42 PM

Hi gang,

Glad to see everyone doing well this week - lots of good posts. I've been busy with the new job. It's proving most interesting although it's going to be a good challenge to get fully up to speed.

I've just been on the phone to my parents. My Mum's advice was good as always - 'Make sure you do something nice before you go to bed'... It struck me as quite a good policy to adopt every day. As for the haircut, I have one booked for a week's time which will mark 4 months since I last had it trimmed. The pessimist in me says I had better get it done before the rebound of the virus, but I'm hoping that won't be the case.

Anyway, I'm rambling as usual. Stay sober folks. Warm wishes to all. Forwards.

Willow00 07-07-2020 03:19 PM

Lol Sao. The fashionable bowl cuts sprang to mind when I saw your pic :)
I think many people are in the same boat :)
I’ve been cutting my own hair, but I often do, between visits to the hairdressers. Although weirdly, hairdressers remained open throughout the lockdowns here in Australia. Essential services apparently included hairdressers in Australia. Everything is currently reopening here, but now there’s been big spikes in case numbers in Victoria, so that state has beed shut down again. I’m not sure about the hairdressers though.....

Marty I’m glad things ended well for Chauncey. You were very patient to wait that long, but it was for the best for Chauncey.

Forwards that’s lovely advice from your Mum.

Mags1 07-07-2020 11:03 PM

Morning Weekenders

PJ, will you be able to sleep in the car or aren’t you in your vehicle? I hope it’s not too squashed for you. :yup:

Willow, nice one on the sober tools. :)

Marty, so pleased you persevered and got Chauncey to a vet. He’ll be back to his normal self with the help of the meds.

Saou, You could be one of the great four, The Beatles! Mr. Mags has hair like a mad professor. It continually amuses me. He managed to trim his beard though, so he doesn’t look so raggedy.

Forwards, glad your new job is going well. Your mum is very wise.

I just thought I lost my post and there was a note at the bottom left saying, restore auto-saved post. Yaaaay. The words came back. Phew.

Rain again today, not much happening except my groceries being delivered. A bit of a humdrum day, ooh do you remember that song? Humdrum days and a humdrum ways, I can’t remember what it’s called at the minute, I’m sure it’ll come to me.

See you, take care. xx

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