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SnoozyQ 07-05-2020 08:18 AM

Hi everyone :wavey:

Bim, i agree with youm theres no such thing as too much posting ;-) especially in the early days of sobriety when we are glued to this thread , it really does help others and Mags, you do a great job every Thursday x

All this talk of fishes....i just made a delicious tuna mornay. Its about the only thing i cook well lol, it didnt matter that it was midnight. Time is irrelevant to me these days

Least, i love how you still talk about Jack, i think the same about Lewis when certain things cone up. We will always miss our beloved doggies :doggy: :doggy:

hope you all had a great weekend. I may not post as much, but i love reading yours xxx

much love to you all


Kaily 07-05-2020 09:32 AM

Thanks for the camera advice Captain. I had a quick look online but need to study it a bit to understand all the jargon. I too like to see plenty of posts. Glad you are staying close. :)

Just done a couple of hours cutting the grass and deadheading in the garden. Wherever I go Alfie follows and drops a ball at my feet. He has to be shut in when I use the lawnmower as he is just dangerous with his obsession!

biminiblue 07-05-2020 09:58 AM

To further the cause of more posts...

Yesterday when I was at the big park where I watch the eagle nest, there were a couple guys with a remote control Cessna tri-gear airplane. The one guy has been out there for a week trying to learn to fly it and I've watched him from a distance as he improves. He mentioned that he just re-painted it from white and blue to black (who paints a toy plane black, but I digress...) and yesterday he brought a friend who was getting to fly it (if you want to call Climb-Stall-Crash "flying.")

The park has a lot of open area and deep grass for softening the unplanned landings so it's a great place for novices...

I was watching the young eagle do some wingersizing in the nest and one of the adult eagles was in a nearby treetop. I was standing near a footbridge over a small creek which is choked with blackberry brambles.

I don't know what happened but the plane crashed into the ten feet deep creek gully. There's not much water so it was caught somewhere in the brambles. The guys came running over and they could hear it because it still had connection to the remote - but they couldn't see it.

The owner tried to go down in the gully but blackberries will leave you shredded when you're wearing a tee shirt. They got a pipe from a nearby shed, but that wasn't any help. The owner was getting snappish.

After twenty minutes they decided to go home and get more tools and jackets and stuff. I heard one of them say, "If we can't get to it no one else can either." I guess they thought I wanted their plane - I was the only one there. I went on with my walk.

Moral: paint the plane day-glow orange because you know it will crash into the only blackberry-choked creek gully within a mile. :lmao:

saoutchik 07-05-2020 10:21 AM

I'm glad you saw off the AV Captain, it will get easier with time. Your Metric/Imperial conversion was spot on. What do you use in SA? I assume it is metric. Here in Britain we use a chaotic mixture of both, one of my many pet peeves.

The reopening of pubs and bars went OK I think but I still expect a spike in new infections in 2-3 weeks time.

CaptainHaddock 07-05-2020 10:30 AM

We’re on metric Sao, everything in ones, tens, hundreds and thousands works well, I think. :)

Bim, thanks for not only putting up with, but in fact encouraging my bout of verbal diarrhea!

Looks like I’m going to get through the weekend sober, thanks everyone! I’ll perhaps make one final post when I lay my head on the pillow, safe in the knowledge that there will be no tossing and turning come 2am tomorrow morning.

theVman31 07-05-2020 11:51 AM

Thanks Mags 👍
Sunday evening checking in with you fine folk.
All is good in vman's land. In my 4th month.
CH very happy for you that your battling on, your a fighter you will beat the booze. I bought a book online and it's doing me some good. It's Thich Nhat Hanh - Anger - Wisdom for Cooling the Flames. Congratulations on 7 years soberwolf. 7 they say is the union of the physical with the spiritual. So for an alcoholic in recovery it's a pretty cool milestone.

This should be played loud.
It's an (a good) interpretation of Jeff Russo's wrench and numbers from the best series ever made for screen (in my opinion in my 43 years on earth)

CaptainHaddock 07-05-2020 12:08 PM

Thank you for dropping in, Vman! Awesome that you’ve already gotten to 4 months. Glad to hear that all is well on your front.

I’m almost off to bed and very grateful to have made it through the weekend. The work will continue tomorrow, but not so much from a position of despair. Night Weekenders.

Coldfusion 07-05-2020 12:38 PM

Bim, the story of the crashed toy airplane reminds me of when I was working at a hotel here. A couple had won one-night stay in a contest, and they got totally smashed that evening. The woman set out down a blackberry-covered hillside, and lost her wallet. I found it for her the next day while she was soaking in the tub trying to soothe her scratches. She didn't give me a tip.

We bought a couple of really cool, made-in-USA Hawaiian print face masks, but they are unusable. When we got them, they were way too big so we ran them through the washer and dryer and they fit a little better, but the material is too thick to breathe through. All the air comes and goes past the sides with no filtering effect. Also, the pretty image of Diamond Head and coconut trees is sideways. My wife's skin is irritated by the made-in-China disposable masks we bought, so we're still searching for the perfect solution.

It's beautiful here, no smoke from Siberian wildfires yet (I guess that's farther south). Enjoy the day, everyone!

PhoenixJ 07-05-2020 03:31 PM

Good stuff, Hawkeye.

biminiblue 07-05-2020 03:35 PM

End of internet time for me for the day.

I went back by the scene of the plane crash.

There are blackberry vines strewn all about. A little tunnel and I'm assuming they retrieved it.

Night Weekenders. Hi, PJ.

PhoenixJ 07-05-2020 03:37 PM

hi Bim, sleep well. 0806 here, off to the gym soon to 'uneat' all the chocolate I gutsed when covid hit.

biminiblue 07-05-2020 03:40 PM

There's always more chocolate...I can relate to eat, move, sleep.

It's only 3:30 in the afternoon here. I'm just going to have a big shrimp ceasar salad and watch some Netflix for a couple hours - THEN it's bedtime. :)

Cityboy 07-05-2020 05:52 PM

Briars are terrible awful things, unless you are brer rabbit I suppose.

A guy I used to work with had a collection of remote control model aircraft. My favorite was his F4U Corsair. Never got to see him fly it though. Last time I visited the Boeing museum in Seattle they had two Corsairs, very striking aircraft.

Kaily 07-05-2020 11:09 PM

Wow I slept all night with no nightmares! First time for a long time and makes such a big difference. But I was awoken by a magpie that had got in my bedroom window (another first) and was frantically fluttering and headbanging behind the curtains. Having slept deeply I thought it was a burglar and took a minute to work out what was really going on. I grabbed a towel and helped him out, off he flew.

I don't know what it is about me and birds this summer but there is also another injured pigeon in my garden. I noticed him yesterday evening unable to fly but little I could do except put water and food out and hope he would be recovered and gone in the morning but he is still here. I will to take him to the wildlife hospital when they open.

Bim I read your story with trepidation as I feared you were going to say the plane collided with the eagle :no:. Glad the boys got their toys back!

Happy Monday all. :)

Mags1 07-05-2020 11:24 PM

Morning Weekenders

Great posts from the Weekenders. I didn’t get back yesterday. We had no electric after lunch until gone 8pm. I had mobile data on wi-fi assist, which is supposed to enable you to use the internet, but it was sooooo slooow. So I sulked a bit and because I couldn’t have a coffee also, poured a glass of water and read a book.

I don’t like the way I’m so independent of all the facilities we have to make life easier. Luckily I didn’t have my injections in the fridge after using them last Thursday. That was one less problem. :yup:

Bim, the remote plane went the right way, into the Bush (sorry blackberries!) and not the eagles.:)

I’ve ordered some face visors as I have an hospital appointment with the immunologist on the 16th and it looks like I will be going to the hospital, not a phone one. They said in their letter they wanted to do more blood tests and I guess they’ve not mastered taking blood over the phone yet! :laughing:

See you later. Stay safe. xx

Mags1 07-05-2020 11:28 PM

Kaily, great news on a good nights sleep, nightmareless. :yup: I’m glad you got Mr. Magpie safely out. :)

PhoenixJ 07-06-2020 01:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My thoughts go with you Mags. I understand, at least the rigmarole and waiting times for going back into hospital...with the burns I had around 50 outpatient appointments and 2 admissions for graft surgery 2y after THAT event. I acclimatised to lots of needles- have scars from some (dialysis). It is uncomfortable and frustrating at times.

Went to the gym. The a 10k walk. The photo is Somerton Park, Adelaide coast.

Willow00 07-06-2020 01:43 AM

I’ve been one of those serial relapsers too Captain. I’ve felt so embarrassed coming back over and over but it is what it is and at least I’ve come back I guess....
This time around I’m hoping it’s my last. I’m on day 13 and I am off to bed and then I just have 1 more day to be back at 2 weeks again. The AV was acting up again today but I just kept shooting it down. It is not discriminating about when it starts harassing me, it started early this morning as I was laying in bed about 4am unable to sleep and it piped up. Mags hopefully it goes away like you say yours did :)

Mags1 07-06-2020 02:55 AM

Willow, don’t be embarrassed. You’re talking to us remember. :) Just a suggestion, how’s your tool box looking, is it worth getting your ‘tools’ out and give them ‘a coat of looking at’ ?
Sometimes changing the mix can help. I know it’s not possible for you, but when I was newly sober I couldn’t be around alcohol. It would’ve drove me mad, like a dangling carrot. I couldn’t even watch programs on tv that I used to watch whilst getting pi§§ed.

Finding how you can move forward with your sobriety and using what works for you, we’re all different, even in our recovery. And calling for help and support, as you did, until you’re blue in the face or until the penny drops. And it will. Stick with it, it really is worth it. xx

Mags1 07-06-2020 02:56 AM

PJ, lovely photo. :yup:

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