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Kaily 10-26-2019 06:28 AM

I'm in north London too Rose. :)
When I stopped drinking I replaced it with sugar in any form and got addicted. So now no cakes or anything. I am doing a kinda keto diet. I have been pretty strict apart from eating strawberries everyday. They are only mean't to be an occasional treat because of the sugar and carbs but I need something nice to look forward to. They help but would still prefer chocolate fudge cake.

STDragon 10-26-2019 06:42 AM

Originally Posted by Kaily (Post 7296635)
...~ maybe I should add some arsenic to kill the little bugger off. :dunno:..


STDragon 10-26-2019 06:46 AM

Originally Posted by Rose335 (Post 7296802)
... I am totally reliant on SR and feel that posting in a thread here at least once a day is an essential for me. I haven't been minded yet to try any real life groups although clearly they work very well for many of us....

Me too. Right from the day I joined, posting first thing in the morning and last thing at night was very important for me. It helped tremendously to keep my frame of mind on the 'straight and narrow'. Even now, if I miss a session with SR, I feel guilty about it.

STDragon 10-26-2019 06:56 AM

Originally Posted by Kaily (Post 7296817)
I'm in north London too Rose. :)
When I stopped drinking I replaced it with sugar in any form and got addicted. So now no cakes or anything. I am doing a kinda keto diet. I have been pretty strict apart from eating strawberries everyday. They are only mean't to be an occasional treat because of the sugar and carbs but I need something nice to look forward to. They help but would still prefer chocolate fudge cake.

My sugar demon is desserts after supper. Big bowls of ice cream, pie, cookies, butter tarts (I love butter tarts and pecan pie!). I've cut out deserts most nights, but not all.

I also use to eat some chocolate or sweets just before bed. I've managed to cut that out completely for at least the last six weeks or so.

But, when I quit drinking, I totally allowed myself all the sweet things I could stuff in my face. Part of my recipe I suppose. I was better than the alternative. It's been maybe in the last year and a bit that I've tried wrestling it back some.

STDragon 10-26-2019 09:26 AM

Here I am braggarting about my sugar intake and I just realized I bought a large bag of mini tootsie pops last night, just for me.:lol::02:

dpac414 10-26-2019 09:48 AM

Just checking in for today. Everything is the same, if not a bit boring.

Kaily 10-26-2019 10:17 AM

Originally Posted by STDragon (Post 7296904)
Here I am braggarting about my sugar intake and I just realized I bought a large bag of mini tootsie pops last night, just for me.:lol::02:

Lol that is exactly the sorta of thing I was doing. I wish I could moderate and have a little treat a few times a week but I don't have an off switch, I want more and more.

It is definitely because I allowed myself to eat vast amounts of it in early sobriety to combat cravings but lately it was getting out of control.

I do feel a bit like I have taken away all my pleasures. I'm a teetotal pescatarian on a keto diet. How did that happen. :dunno:

Not much left to give up. :lol:

Mags1 10-26-2019 10:29 AM

Looking forward to Strictly coming on soon. It’s Halloween themed this week. :)

Enjoy your Strictly party, pleased you remembered the maltesers. :)

Kaily I’m in awe of you cutting out sugar. Will you be watching Strictly too? :)

Have a good sober Saturday. :)

Kaily 10-26-2019 10:38 AM

Yes I'm watching too Mags. :)

saoutchik 10-26-2019 11:26 AM

It has been a kind of boring day here, I have been pressing on with my floor insulation and have not left my flat all day. I have not spoken to anyone either which is no hardship tbh. At least I didn't fall through the joists.

I eat more sweet stuff than I should, it creeps up on you that sort of thing.

No Strictly fo me - a double bill of Spiral instead.

harriet11 10-26-2019 11:39 AM

Wow, there're a lot of Londoners here. I'm from Oop North and it's getting pretty cold up here too, though I haven't even looked out of the window today! So I don't know what the weather is like.

Good to hear the head lump is nothing to worry about kaily.

Actually got some proper sleep this afternoon, beginning to relax I think. Feeling infinitely better for it.

loulou1981 10-26-2019 01:31 PM

Hey, just checking in on my Sober Saturday. Lots of family stuff 2day & I'm grateful to be present. I felt a bit uncomfortable this evening though, we went to a family Halloween Party & I was offered wine but obviously declined, then the inevitable was asked "why aren't u drinking". I just said its coz I've got a cold. I got asked it again twice!! Gave the same excuse.
I didnt want to have to explain it all in that kind of setting!! I feel like I should have been a bit more prepared!!

Hope ur all having a great weekend!!

mariposa 10-26-2019 02:41 PM

I didn’t check in yesterday but I’m on day 83.

last night after the gym I felt weak and dizzy in the grocery. I managed to drive myself home but couldn’t get out of my car or carry my groceries in. I felt weak, nauseous, spinning, bad stomach pains. I thought I was going to die in my car. I sat in there for 30 minutes with the AC on. I have been extremely stressed out, dieting and exercising. I’ve lost 7 pounds in the 83 days. I think I was having a panic attack. My job would definitely be to blame. When I managed to stumble in, I collapsed on my couch and had to have all the lights out. The room was literally spinning. I fell asleep. I’m still weak and dizzy. I couldn’t walk in a straight line last night. Anyone have this? My ears have been bothering me, could it be an ear infection? Or am I overwhelmed and overworked?

harriet11 10-26-2019 02:47 PM

:c012: don't forget the clocks go back tonight UK er's

saoutchik 10-26-2019 03:34 PM

One of the progenitor of this thread - Mecanix- is also a Londoner harriet. That was over 5 years ago, I hope he is doing well, it would be great to hear from him.

Well done on getting through the Halloween party loulou. I would definitely reiterate your conclusion, always have an answer ready for the "why are you not drinking question" Now I have been sober for a long time I rarely get asked it anymore.

mariposa, I hope you are feeling better, ears and our sense of balance are linked so it could be something like an infection. I would guess you would know if you were having a panic attack. Doctors if it happens again.

saoutchik 10-26-2019 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by harriet11 (Post 7297138)
:c012: don't forget the clocks go back tonight UK er's

Any chance they can go back to about 1983 and stop me from becoming an alcoholic?

harriet11 10-26-2019 03:58 PM

Aahh, if only Sao lol.

You did well at the party Loulou well done :c011:

Mariposa, I once had a bit of a middle ear infection that caused me dizziness. It was when I had flu as well, so I was also feeling pretty weak. I was given antibiotics. Might be worth a trip to the docs.

Well, coming to the end of another day, and all's well and sober. I'm feeling grateful happyface:

PhoenixJ 10-26-2019 04:59 PM

Mari- if you do not feel better- see a GP please.

STDragon 10-26-2019 07:43 PM

Quick check in, headed to bed. Funky tune Saou, like it.

Mags1 10-26-2019 10:20 PM

Morning Weekenders

Mariposa, yeah please get to the docs, I’ve had similar and it was my inner ear, but we’re all different so worth getting checked out. Seems a few holiday days away from work may help with the work stress. Or does that just make things worse when you’re not there? Take care xx

Saou, I didn’t realise Mecanix was a Londoner, I haven’t seen him about for ages. :dunno: pleased you didn’t go through the joists, :yikes:
I watch BBC catch up, I like Spiral, there’s some good box sets on 4 catch up too. KWalter presents’, some great box sets with subtitles. :)

harriett, I’m up north, not far up though. North Lincolnshire. It’s cold here too but not as harsh as further up north.
I don’t know why they confuse my brain altering the clocks twice a year. I’m easily confused. :)

Good to be sober this Sunday morning. :)

Kaily 10-26-2019 10:49 PM

Morning all,

Harriet I am glad you felt a bit better yesterday and hope you slept better last night.

Well done loulou. I think an answer that shuts down the question totally is a good idea, otherwise you will always be making excuses. Something like alcohol doesn't agree with me or a straight I no longer drink. No need for anything more.

Mariposa that must of been scary. I hope you are feeling a bit better now. If not as others have said, a trip to the Dr is necessary.

I don't like the clock change either Mags. Gonna be an extra long day. I hope the promised sunshine shows its face later. :)

saoutchik 10-26-2019 11:10 PM

Morning Weekenders. I agree, messing around with the clocks is dumb. I understand there might have been a point to it back in the days before electricity but not in 2019. We should just stay on BST.

Mecanix is a South London man originally I believe though he lives in the north west now.
Good to hear the Meters Dragon

MantaLady 10-27-2019 12:56 AM

Morning everyone, hope your all doing well. Finally some lovely sunshine up north after a week of torrential rain. Least I will get a chance to put away the ton of kiln dried logs I got delivered in the log store. Happy to be on GMT now, my body clock works better when we’re actually using the real time. It’s always confused me why putting the clocks back is seen as a bad thing because it takes us to the correct time zone and summer or BST is an hour ahead of the correct time zone lol.

The older cat now hates little Max, hisses at him all the time and won’t let him snuggle so having to keep an eye on them both, no idea why just seems one day they were pals and now their not. As long as I pass the checks should start work again next week, took a fixed term contract till Jan 2020, not as good money but I get proper paid holidays, bank holidays and are classed as an employee which will be nice to just settle for a year and have some consistency in my life.

Hope your looking after yourself MLD, been thinking of you a lot lately so sending you a big hug from across the pond.

Anyhow, take care all and be good! cx

harriet11 10-27-2019 01:40 AM

Me too - it's good to be sober this Sunday morning :ham3
hi mags, yes I'm a bit further up the north east side. It's pretty chilly this morning but the sky is blue and the sun is shining and quite golden. So that makes up for the cold.

​​​​​Finally got a reasonable nights sleep so feeling infinitely better. 6 days today so still early days. Key ingredient in my recipe is SR. Should have one energy for a few household chores today. Got to get some laundry done at least. Probably make a healthy but very easy vegetable soup with cheese for lunch.

Loving this golden morning light

Kaily 10-27-2019 01:42 AM

Originally Posted by MantaLady (Post 7297491)

The older cat now hates little Max, hisses at him all the time and won’t let him snuggle so having to keep an eye on them both, no idea why just seems one day they were pals and now their not.

I had this with two of my dogs. Alfie absolutely adored Merlin (now very sadly passed) and vice versa. Then when Alfie was no longer a weaker member of the pack as in a puppy they fought for dominance. Poor Merlin being much older lost his hierarchy which was very sad. It actually made me dislike Alfie for sometime as he was being so horrible.

It still makes me sad as Merlin was such a loving dog and Alfie just bullied him constantly. Matilda wasn't involved, it was definitely a thing between the two boys.

I hope your Alfie and Max sort it out. :)

Mags1 10-27-2019 02:11 AM

Hi MantaLady, all the best with your new job. It’s a shame your cats aren’t getting on, do you think the older one is a bit jealous, though come to think of it my older cat get annoyed with the younger one, though there’s only 6 months between them, the young one acts like a young kitten all the time.

Sun is out here too, but cold. Nice to see the sun. :)

Forwards 10-27-2019 03:46 AM

Good morning everyone. It's Day 300 for me and the sun is shining here.

I sometimes end up watching Strictly on a Saturday night at my parents' place - they are great fans. I thought the Halloween special was actually quite fun. A Paso Doble based on Stranger Things - clever...

Congrats Manta on the new contract. It looks like the IR35 tax reforms will mean I'm heading for 'on payroll' work in the New Year as well. It seems increasingly difficult to be a contractor in the UK, though I'm still doing some freelancing in the meantime.

Thoughts to you Snoozy - life is precious. Thank goodness we can experience it fully in sobriety.

Anyway, a mix of work and leisure today and some Sunday night cooking later. All good. ..

Warm wishes to all. Forwards.

MantaLady 10-27-2019 05:11 AM

Originally Posted by Forwards (Post 7297551)
Congrats Manta on the new contract. It looks like the IR35 tax reforms will mean I'm heading for 'on payroll' work in the New Year as well. It seems increasingly difficult to be a contractor in the UK

Agreed! I’ve contracted lots of places in the North West and whilst I could reluctantly suck up the loss of income to go PAYE on a contract day rate, I can’t risk working anywhere I have already worked as a LTD outside IR35 contractor but now on PAYE as that might suggest my previous determination of status was dishonest. That pretty much means not many places I will be able to work next year. Well, it was good whilst it lasted and time to do something different.

Mags, not sure if it’s jealousy with Alfie, I think Max is just getting to big to play fight with and Alfie is seeing the play fighting as a challenge to his top cat position in the house. Ordered some of that feliway plugin stuff from Amazon and will see if that helps any. x

dpac414 10-27-2019 05:21 AM

What's up everyone, it's Sunday.

Last night I was feeling like a sack of ****, to be frank. Called my mom and sat in the Trader Joe's parking lot for about a half hour before going in and deciding to get whatever my little heart desired. Got some stuff to make a lil charcuterie plate, ice cream sandwiches, and a flatbread, Exercised when I got home and watched some halloween themed cooking shows, and then Midsommar when it got dark enough to turn the lights off. A disturbing film, but a good one.

Anyway, I made it through and I'm hoping today will be better. I decided I need to now work on moving on. I have been thinking about the whole thing too much. So no more sad music, no more doing things to feel sad, etc. Gotta keep pushing forward.

Happy Sunday all. Sorry this post was all about me, but I'm glad to see all of you posting. :)

harriet11 10-27-2019 05:33 AM

Originally Posted by dpac414 (Post 7297598)
What's up everyone, it's Sunday.

Last night I was feeling like a sack of ****, to be frank. Called my mom and sat in the Trader Joe's parking lot for about a half hour before going in and deciding to get whatever my little heart desired. Got some stuff to make a lil charcuterie plate, ice cream sandwiches, and a flatbread, Exercised when I got home and watched some halloween themed cooking shows, and then Midsommar when it got dark enough to turn the lights off. A disturbing film, but a good one.

Anyway, I made it through and I'm hoping today will be better. I decided I need to now work on moving on. I have been thinking about the whole thing too much. So no more sad music, no more doing things to feel sad, etc. Gotta keep pushing forward.

Happy Sunday all. Sorry this post was all about me, but I'm glad to see all of you posting. :)

I love charcuterie plates and make up a plate myself often. They're one of the most delicious meals ever imo. Sounds like my kind of evening - cooking shows and then a disturbing film when it's dark.

I'm glad your post was all about you because then I'm not the only one lol. Besides, I like to hear how other people are doing.

Hope you have a good sunday:grouphug:

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 06:18 PM.