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andyh 09-27-2019 08:21 AM

whoop - Happy Friday!

my weekend starts now, except that I have to fly to the US on Sunday for work next week. :( I'm not sure I've ever flown long-haul sober, not that I'm the slightest bit tempted to drink, I just wonder what you're meant to do if you're not pretty much passed out for half the flight. :confused:

I'm also probably going to have to be 'sociable' a few evenings while I'm there, which isn't really my thing any more. I'm just going to say that drinking aggravates my lycanthropy if anyone asks why I'm not drinking, which isn't a lie.

have a good, safe weekend all. :)

Macaroni1234 09-27-2019 08:23 AM

Looking forward to a sober weekend before going back to work. I’m somewhat depressed and I think what can I do!? Then I realize. Stop drinking period then go from there.

saoutchik 09-27-2019 09:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Good to see you Lila I agree although it's not a cast iron guarantee not drinking will definitely improve your chances of lifting any depression. I wish you all the best.

Andy, that's great news about going to NYC for work, it shows they have faith in you. Well done sir!

Originally Posted by SnoozyQ (Post 7276314)
Alcoholics are the nicest people when we are not drinking,

Dragon, i woke up with a huntsman spider on my pillow one day staring me straight in the eyes with his 8 eyes.
I did the noble thing and picked him up, took him outside and put him in the neighbours yard :lmao

I never kill them , they eat flys and other bugs, plus if you try to kill them, they go back and tell their families..... :run


Agree about alcoholics being nice people when not drinking. I agree too about not attempting to kill spiders in case they tell their larger mates. Here's one I upset earlier...

Canadian Koala 09-27-2019 11:47 AM

Thanks for this new thread Mags

Hello Weekenders friends! :grouphug:

I'm in for another sober weekend!

theVman31 09-27-2019 01:52 PM

I used to suffer from lycanthropy too until very recently. Even got a sick cert for it :)

Goodnight weekenders

saoutchik 09-27-2019 04:36 PM

I used to suffer from Lycanthropy but i'm alright nooooooooooooooooooooow!

Good evening and goodnight from me

Trojanhorse 09-27-2019 07:22 PM

Thanks Mags for setting up a new thread, love the graphics and the verbiage.

Off to another weekend we go, enjoy everyone, be sure to do something fun!!

STDragon 09-27-2019 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by andyh (Post 7276358)
whoop - Happy Friday!

my weekend starts now, except that I have to fly to the US on Sunday for work next week. :( I'm not sure I've ever flown long-haul sober, not that I'm the slightest bit tempted to drink, I just wonder what you're meant to do if you're not pretty much passed out for half the flight. :confused:

I'm also probably going to have to be 'sociable' a few evenings while I'm there, which isn't really my thing any more. I'm just going to say that drinking aggravates my lycanthropy if anyone asks why I'm not drinking, which isn't a lie.

have a good, safe weekend all. :)

I had to look that up!:lmao

I didn't much look forward to business trips after I quit drinking. (think I've been on four since) . It usually means a group of people, all whom want to go out 'socializing'. Really the worst part was my pre-trip anxiety which turned out to be for nothing.

theVman31 09-27-2019 10:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Morning everybody :wavey:
It's morning so coffee.

Kaily 09-28-2019 12:12 AM


Seems to be a few weekenders suffering with lycanthropy, nasty. Brilliant answer to an irritating question Andy.

Spiders! I was feeling quite smug that I wasn't having that problem this year. Until yesterday evening when the biggest blackest spider suddenly ran across my front room floor. Yikes. Lucky he was fast as Alfie was trying to catch him. I suspect he will be out again tonight. Freaky..

No sugar or carbs is not easy. My tummy keeps rumbling :lol:

I had a minor altercation with another dog walker yesterday, totally unfounded but an annoyance. Afterwards I wanted to comfort myself with a Belgium bun, same way I would of reached for a drink. Definitely rely on sugar in a unhealthy way so moderation is not an option. :sad:

Not sure how long my resolve will last. We can but try!

theVman31 09-28-2019 01:07 AM

How's life MB..?

Mags1 09-28-2019 02:03 AM

Morning from a windy North Lincolnshire:):fall1

We travelled through torrential rain yesterday on the motorway. Fortunately most drivers drove to the road conditions.

Kaily I imagine it’s not easy giving up sugar, I’d like to cut down myself someday. :dunno:

Sao, scary spider, how does a tiny little spider scare the biggest of people, it’s a mystery.

After a busy day yesterday I’m ready for a relaxing day at home, reading or watching a series on tv.

Snoozy, good to see you love. I know you’re going through a lot at the moment, so please remember to take care of yourself first so you can be there for your family and friends. :hug:’s

Another sober Saturday on the cards. Yaaaay

MidnightBlue 09-28-2019 02:48 AM

Morning, weekenders.

MidnightBlue 09-28-2019 02:53 AM

Hi, Vinny.

Thanks for asking)

Life.. I don't know...Ok, I suppose, but still lacking that zest for life, can't shake my emotions back into aliveness.

Awake61 09-28-2019 03:28 AM

I'm In with you all. This is my safe place and each day I'm grateful to have you all. No where else does anyone in my life really get this. Thank you.

Mags1 09-28-2019 04:40 AM

Hi Midnight and Awake, good to see you. :wave:

trachemys 09-28-2019 06:28 AM

Hiya Weekenders.

STDragon 09-28-2019 06:40 AM

Hiya Midnight! missing you!

STDragon 09-28-2019 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by trachemys (Post 7276948)
Hiya Weekenders.

Hey Trach! whats new?

STDragon 09-28-2019 06:41 AM

Off to a book sale this morning, then I start Ukulele classes this afternoon. So excited!

ManInTheArena 09-28-2019 07:27 AM

Hi Weekenders!!

I've never suffered from that lycanthropy, but I'm pretty sure my wife has!! (ba-dum-bum). Haha.

Glad to be here with all you awesome people - have a great day :)

biminiblue 09-28-2019 07:56 AM

Sober Saturday morning never gets old. Not even a little bit.

The world is my oyster. I can go and do whatever I want. So many possiblities!

I had to turn on the heat for the first time this morning. I noticed yesterday that all the trees suddenly switched on their psychedelic coloring. I know where this leads...better get to the zoo today to enjoy the not-too-hot-not-too-cold Goldilocks weather.

Nice to see you MidnightBlue. I miss your posts.

I won't drink today. :)

Hawkeye13 09-28-2019 08:25 AM

Hi Everyone;

I’m in and glad to see you all—my SR sober friends.
I pretty much gave up seeing all my IRL friends when I quit drinking as socializing with them was always a booze affair.
I need to build new relationships but that is harder over 50 and with limited free time. I hope to change that in retirement.

Things are going well but I have been Uber busy,
Just a hint of Fall here I’m, but mostly still in the lower 90 degrees range so no heat needed yet.

In fact, just bought a freestanding hammock rack for enjoying the days as they slowly get cooler. I love lounging in a hammock in the Fall especially.

saoutchik 09-28-2019 08:50 AM

Good to see you MidnightBlue, Trachemys, Hawkeye!

mariposa 09-28-2019 03:33 PM

Happy Saturday. I had horrible cravings and AV this morning. I really was certain this evening was going to be spent drinking. But I white knuckled through, went to the gym. I went to the grocery, by the time I got home I was ready to eat dinner and watch a movie. No cravings. I will make it to 8 weeks AF when I wake up tomorrow.

andyh 09-28-2019 04:20 PM

congrats on 8 weeks mariposa!

ManInTheArena 09-28-2019 04:24 PM

Nice work, Mariposa - very nice :) Eight weeks is an awesome accomplishment!!

Kaily 09-28-2019 07:04 PM

Another bad night, been awake since 2am, its pouring with rain and I have a headache :sad2:

Feeling miserable.

Dee74 09-28-2019 07:11 PM

I hope the day gets better Kaily :)


Kaily 09-28-2019 07:13 PM

Thank you Dee. :)

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