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Dee74 05-21-2019 10:12 PM

You can use the ignore function on anyone, Sweetichick - and that cuts both ways for anyone else here feeling aggravated.

Ignore bothersome members. If there is someone on the forum that bothers you, select the Ignore option on the drop down menu under their name on the post. You won't see any posts from this member again.
Members calling other members out - no matter who the member is - is not acceptable.


Dee74 05-21-2019 10:13 PM

I didn't use AA either Sweetichick SR worked for me.

It doesn't seem to be working for you tho so you really need to find something else to use to keep you sober.


Ayers 05-21-2019 10:51 PM

Great post, kk1k5x, thank you .

I'm an addict and a broken person. But I never was nor am I unfixable. You're the same.

Good luck!
Sweeti, hope you have some good news for us . That you put your chin up, did some laundry, got to a meeting or outpatient or inpatient? Something that you did to help yourself ?

Good luck

sweetichick 05-21-2019 11:02 PM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 7189373)
I didn't use AA either Sweetichick SR worked for me.

It doesn't seem to be working for you tho so you really need to find something else to use to keep you sober.


I am hoping the counseling outpatient program will work. If not I have to wait for rehab and fork out the money from my super fund. My parents are against it but it's better off than being dead.

sweetichick 05-21-2019 11:09 PM

Outpatient is next Friday. I am seeing a psychologist straight up. Fantastic news.

Dee74 05-21-2019 11:15 PM

I'm glad you have some things on the horizon.

I didn't think I could survive without drinking, but when it got down to drink or die...I found I could - it wasn't easy or comfortable but it was a lot less agonising that my fear built it up to be.

Do whatever you can, Sweetichick :)


Ayers 05-21-2019 11:39 PM

This post rocked my boat.

Surlyredhead/My Story
25 years ago , I walked into a treatment facility, more dead than alive. I was there as indigent, basically, I was homeless and had no money. I had one bag of belongings, everything I owned in the world, and it fit into one bag. I was so sick, my hair was like straw, my skin was red and peeling, if I coughed or sneezed, my nose would bleed, I was bloated and in a lot of mental and physical pain. I had two warrants out for my arrest, I had lost my marriage, I had also lost my Son, my family, my job, my license and everything I owned. I had moved from place to place 19 times in less than two years until I ended up in the streets of Detroit or in a shelter, if I could find one I had not been kicked out of for not being able to stay sober. I had been stabbed and it took 28 stitches to close my arm, I had a gun put in my face and I had been beaten black and blue more than once. I was tired, more tired than I could ever imagine being without losing consciousness. I wished that I would die more times than I could count, but I was too chicken to do it myself. I was 28 years old and totally worthless in my eyes. Then I ended up on the couch of someone who saw something in me that I did not see in myself, he took me to the Health Department for a referral to get into treatment. I walked into S.H.A.R. House on April 27th, 1994. My first day sober.

I stayed there for the 90 day inpatient treatment, not easy at first. I needed to learn the most basic life skills again....sleep at night, awake in the day. I had a job function and I had to be responsible, I had to follow rules and face some pretty hard truths. Somehow I managed to complete the program. It took over a month of detoxing to not sweat through my night clothes every night. It took two solid months to start to feel like a human again. It took much longer for my short term memory to come back. But I made it, 90 whole days. After I completed, I put in a proposal to stay there, I would live there and work with the newcomers, I would get a small stipend, but I would have a roof and I would be safe. Thankfully, they accepted me. I stayed 18 months total.

After that, I got into there shelter plus program, basically, a small apartment that I would pay 30% of my income for and I would need to attend aftercare groups. I found myself pregnant before I moved and I had my now 23 year old Son after I was in the apartment. We lived there for 5 years, sharing a bedroom. But it was ours. I raised my Son alone, it was not easy, but we made it. I eventually found a job making $6 an hour, but it was enough to take over my apartment. During this time, in the beginning, I had trouble sleeping, I would wake up feeling scared or sick, thinking about what I had let myself become, of things that had happened to me, or how I had lost my family etc. I could not go back to sleep, so I usually just got up regardless of the time. My Family was cautiously talking to me, but the trust was not there yet. I had to let them vent out there feelings to me and just take it, after all, I had put them and myself in that situation. As time went by, the trust returned and my Mom even told me she was proud of me! I also remember the first time I had woke up with that sick feeling in my stomach and I was able to say "Thank you God, that I am not that person anymore." and roll over and go back to sleep!

Over the years, I have spoken at a few schools about addiction. I was invited to speak at a S.H.A.R. Graduation, I have been a mentor and I give back whenever I can. Everyone who knows me, knows that I am in recovery. If someone actually tries to make me feel bad, I just say, "Are you actually trying to make me feel bad for being a success story? Who does that!"

The next years seem to have flown by, I got my license back, took care of my warrants, I got us a bigger apartment, got a better job and a car. Got an even better job, a better car and bought a house! Nothing big or fancy, but it is MINE. I was even able to buy my Son a small car on his 16th birthday, all by myself. He is now a Deputy Sheriff, and a GREAT person. He knows that I am in recovery and always has. He tells me how much he respects me and is proud of me.

Has it been easy, no. Is it worth it, ABSOLUTELY. I am the Daughter my Mom Deserves(my Dad is gone) I am a great Mom, Sister, Aunt, Friend, Employee and, if I do say so my self, a pretty Awesome Gal. I understand that I am one drink away from losing it all. I understand that my Sobriety has to come before everyone and everything, because if I lose my Sobriety, there is no more Cathy. I have found an inner peace that only comes from Sobriety, self forgiveness, and self love. I understand that I can only keep what I have, by giving it away. I understand that I must never forget and always be aware that Addiction is lurking around every corner, waiting to get me back. I refuse to fight Alcohol, it wins every time, the only way for me to win, is to stay out of the ring. I am truly powerless, and in knowing that, I am free.

Today, at 53 (no one thought I would make it to 30) I am 25 years Sober, who would have thought? If there is anyone who doesn't believe in Miracles, I am here to tell you, they happen, I am one of God's own.

Thank you all for helping me make it One More Day, Tears are flowing as I type, but they are Good Tears.

Gratefully, Cathy
Every Saint has a past and every Sinner has a future!

sweetichick 05-21-2019 11:48 PM

Thanks Dee.

sweetichick 05-21-2019 11:54 PM

Originally Posted by Ayers (Post 7189405)
This post rocked my boat.

Thank you Ayers. I can only thank God I have not fallen that far

sweetichick 05-21-2019 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by Ayers (Post 7189388)
Great post, kk1k5x, thank you .

Sweeti, hope you have some good news for us . That you put your chin up, did some laundry, got to a meeting or outpatient or inpatient? Something that you did to help yourself ?

Good luck

Did 3 AA online. No meetings available. It's 5 pm now and going for a lie down.

Dee74 05-22-2019 12:15 AM

Originally Posted by sweetichick (Post 7189412)
Thank you Ayers. I can only thank God I have not fallen that far

Cathy (Surlyredhead) is a great woman to know.
She'll tell you straight up she never expected she'd fall so low either.


sweetichick 05-23-2019 04:24 AM

End of day 2. Nothing interesting to report. No major cravings. Thanks to all who got me through day one.

digdug 05-23-2019 06:07 AM

Please keep posting, Sweetie.

Join the class of May 2019. Post in the 24 hour thread. Post in the one year and under thread.

Recovery involves action - if you aren't going to get to in-person meetings, the very least you can do is keep involved with the community here. There is tons of support on this site if you reach out and ask for help.

ReadyAtLast 05-23-2019 06:43 AM

congrats on day 2 :)

I hope you have a plan -something different for when you get to day 3/4/5 and normally pick up again. As has been said many times, if nothing changes nothing will change.

gypsytears 05-23-2019 08:37 AM

Sweeti when are there any meetings you can go to in person? Surely you can find some in neighboring towns to get to. I know there are many within a 5-10 mile radius of where I live for example. Even if they aren’t in my town they’re still available. I hope you did some laundry so that excuse is off the table. Honestly, as it’s been pointed out already, the people at AA don’t care what you wear. Even your dr suggests you go.I hope you have a plan to make it through the weekend. Meetings and posting here would be positive actions. Congrats on day 2.

sweetichick 05-24-2019 02:26 AM

I failed on day 3. My camper cooktop blew up and cracked the electricity. Atm trying to cook up pasta in an electric frypan.Avtotal night mare and I am still withdrawing. Just another excuse I know you will all say. I nearly burnt my cooking because I dozed off after. 3 hours sleep. I got the loan for food.

Dee74 05-24-2019 02:32 AM

I dunno what else to suggest for things to do.

I drank over everything so I had no coping skills.

I had to find an alternative strategy for crises to take the place of drinking and my early sober life was one crisis after another.

You need to find different strategies to help you develop coping skills too.

I hope you find your way out of all of this sweetichick.

Don't do it now in the dark after drinking but in the morning check the fuse box - you may have just tripped the safety switch or something.


sweetichick 05-24-2019 02:59 AM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 7190742)
I dunno what else to suggest for things to do.

I frank over everything so I had no coping skills.

I had to find an alternative strategy for crises to take the place of drinking and my early sober life was one crisis after another.

You need to find different strategies to help you develop coping skills too.

I hope you find your way out of all of this sweetichick.

Don't do it now in the dark after drinking but in the morning check the fuse box - you may have just tripped the safety switch or something.


Hopefully the psychologist next Friday will help

Dee74 05-24-2019 03:01 AM

Sure, I hope so too, but I think you really need to do your part to save yourself too, tho?

Think about what else you could do the next time you run up against a crisis?


fini 05-24-2019 09:09 AM

sweeti, the psychologist is likely able to help with some insight and suggestions, but the thing is: it will still be you who needs to implement whatever the agreed-to suggestions are.
ultimately, as now, it will be up to you.

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