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Dee74 02-22-2019 05:14 AM

Weekender Thread 22-25 February 2019
Hi There :You_Rock_

I'd like to welcome anyone new to SR and new to this thread.

Weekends can be a tough time -and that's what this thread is about - support.

We also share bits and pieces of our lives and the things that are important to us, or make us laugh..anything that makes the journey a little easier

If you've never jumped into a weekender thread before - no time like it now! :grouphug:


trachemys 02-22-2019 05:16 AM


Mags1 02-22-2019 05:34 AM

Thanks Dee!

theVman31 02-22-2019 06:07 AM

Thanks D.
Vice Shotgun :)

It's starting to feel like the summer here in france. 20+ °c again this afternoon. It is amazing how a little sunshine can lift the spirits. A little outside garden work too..

I hope you manage to stay cool in Australia.

DarklingSong 02-22-2019 06:11 AM

Thanks Dee. I am in.

MantaLady 02-22-2019 06:20 AM


Evoo 02-22-2019 06:21 AM

Hey, all! Happy weekend!

First off, I changed my avatar to a photo I took in Thailand years ago. Kind of reminds me of early sobriety, a breath of life forging a new way through dry and broken land.

Second — some updates:
  • The kid: He’s doin’ great. Lately I come home, give my wife a break (she is still on maternity leave) and play with my little buddy through the evening. Been introducing him to Andrea Bocelli, Eric Church, and 90s-era science fiction (he is gonna be SO cool like his old man ;))
  • Food and fitness: Literally obsessed with keto/Whole30 recipes right now. I’m at my target weight, too — healthy BMI and have been shifting to a maintenance plan. Hitting the gym tomorrow for a good lift, racquetball Sunday!
  • Work life: I can’t complain at all. I’ve been really sharp the last few weeks — more creative, more motivated... I do take some periodic forum breaks and short walks during the day, but I’m lucky to be in a situation where that’s acceptable (it’s big project-based work, not hourly). The upcoming project launch looks really good and I’m so ahead of the curve, I’ll be able to really unplug this weekend.
  • Gotta get a crib: This weekend I have to assemble a crib. This is not my jam. The little man is growing out of the bassinet. Wish me luck (will probably take hours). Note to self: learn to be more handy... I can build a computer just fine... hell I could build a crib in AutoCAD more easily that this lol
  • Saint Paddy’s Day? I’m starting to make a plan for Saint Paddy’s Day (I’m sure we’ll have a thread here at SR). We’re gonna bring the little guy to the grandparent’s house for the weekend — and my old man and I are gonna make a nice Shepherd’s Pie. I’m gonna drink nitro cold brew (a damn good Saint Paddy’s drink, if I do say so myself). Already talked w/ them so nobody will be offering me any alcohol. Just going to focus in on cooking, music, family.
That’s it all. What are other folks plans for the weekend ahead?

Stay well!

WhoDeyPI 02-22-2019 06:52 AM

Hey ya'll! Happy 184 days to me. This weekend is going to be a CHALLENGE! Normally, I have plans all weekend, but so far, nothing the weather is going to be rainy. This will lead to me staying inside and getting bored...not a good combo. I'll stay strong thought, I'm sure of it.

WhoDeyPI 02-22-2019 06:56 AM

Originally Posted by Evoo (Post 7130500)
Hey, all! Happy weekend!

First off, I changed my avatar to a photo I took in Thailand years ago. Kind of reminds me of early sobriety, a breath of life forging a new way through dry and broken land.

Second — some updates:
  • The kid: He’s doin’ great. Lately I come home, give my wife a break (she is still on maternity leave) and play with my little buddy through the evening. Been introducing him to Andrea Bocelli, Eric Church, and 90s-era science fiction (he is gonna be SO cool like his old man ;))
  • Food and fitness: Literally obsessed with keto/Whole30 recipes right now. I’m at my target weight, too — healthy BMI and have been shifting to a maintenance plan. Hitting the gym tomorrow for a good lift, racquetball Sunday!
  • Work life: I can’t complain at all. I’ve been really sharp the last few weeks — more creative, more motivated... I do take some periodic forum breaks and short walks during the day, but I’m lucky to be in a situation where that’s acceptable (it’s big project-based work, not hourly). The upcoming project launch looks really good and I’m so ahead of the curve, I’ll be able to really unplug this weekend.
  • Gotta get a crib: This weekend I have to assemble a crib. This is not my jam. The little man is growing out of the bassinet. Wish me luck (will probably take hours). Note to self: learn to be more handy... I can build a computer just fine... hell I could build a crib in AutoCAD more easily that this lol
  • Saint Paddy’s Day? I’m starting to make a plan for Saint Paddy’s Day (I’m sure we’ll have a thread here at SR). We’re gonna bring the little guy to the grandparent’s house for the weekend — and my old man and I are gonna make a nice Shepherd’s Pie. I’m gonna drink nitro cold brew (a damn good Saint Paddy’s drink, if I do say so myself). Already talked w/ them so nobody will be offering me any alcohol. Just going to focus in on cooking, music, family.
That’s it all. What are other folks plans for the weekend ahead?

Stay well!

Dang, Evoo, you got it all going on! My sister just did Whole 30. That's far too much work for me, but I may try it sometime. I just ordered some 30-day skinny tea detox cleanse thing last night. I'm kind of obsessed with these cleanse things...they make me feel so thin.

Wish we lived closer, I would love to get into racquetball again. It has been YEARS!

MidnightBlue 02-22-2019 07:28 AM

I am in!

Thank for the new thread, Dee.

Congrats on the shotgun, Trach!

Vinny - Send me some warm, please. It's -8C here.

I am back from the gym - did some cardio.

Going to go for a walk to sort my thoughts out.

Have a great day, everyone!

SoberLeigh 02-22-2019 08:15 AM


Love, hugs and prayers for all.

saoutchik 02-22-2019 09:23 AM


Thanks Dee and congrats on shotgun Trach!

Good luck with that crib Evoo and well done on everything else.

We began the day in London with thick fog like in Charles Dickens or Sherlock Holmes days. It burned off real fast and by lunchtime it was T-Shirt weather at 16°C (60°F) but the fog is back again. I hope my train knows the way.

For anyone reading this thread the Weekend, for most of us is the hardest time of all to quit drinking or using but it is also the time of highest reward and this thread is to help us all do both.

BlueWellies 02-22-2019 10:23 AM

Hello everyone, I'm looking forward to another sober weekend with you!

WhoDeyPi, congrats on 184 days, that's awesome! :You_Rock_

MLD51 02-22-2019 11:21 AM

I'm IN!

Still buzzing from the thrill of seeing Elton John last night, and also a zombie at work because I was up until well after 1 am. That used to be a regular thing for me when I drank, but not anymore. Bedtime is usually 9, asleep by 9:30. I probably should have taken the day off, but my boss needs me right now, if only for moral support. I'm not really doing much actual work.

The concert was INCREDIBLE. I mean, like, one of the best I've ever been to. And I've been to a LOT. Yes, I'm a huge fan, but my man friend, who is not as big of a fan, thought it was really great, too. I'm putting it up there with Bruce Springsteen and Peter Gabriel, my very favorite concerts. So grateful I'm fortunate enough to be in a position to do things like this (it wasn't cheap) and to be sober to enjoy thoroughly and remember. I went to quite a few concerts when I was younger pretty wasted... and wasted my money. Pretty sad.

Anyhow - not much planned for the weekend, as of now. Need to catch up on some housework and icky paperwork. We have YET ANOTHER snowstorm coming Saturday into Sunday, so it'll be a good time to stay in and get things in order. Maybe bake something complicated.

Evoo - nitro cold brew is my new favorite thing. There's a place in my town that has it. One of those, and I am practically bouncing off the walls. Once, I made the mistake of having two. It was not good. I'm pretty sensitive to caffeine. Too bad I can't help with your crib assembly. I'm weird, but I adore putting furniture together. I'm happy to read that things are going so well with you - you sound so positive and upbeat! Keep that going!

MantaLady 02-22-2019 11:25 AM

Wow Marty, very envious, what an experience!! xx

theVman31 02-22-2019 11:53 AM

Stay strong WhoDey.
You won't regret it :)

Concerts and any kind of live music is the best thrill ever I agree. I also enjoy the odd concert:)

MB - 8°c ouch that must be refreshing when you go out in the morning... :)

Evoo sounds like you are well in control of things. Bravo !

My plans for the weekend are some old friends calling in tomorrow and staying over saturday night. Then I got my sister and her husband and kids coming to visit us next week.

My clean time counter says 82 days.

That's about it really.
Goodnight weekenders :wavey:

Hawkeye13 02-22-2019 11:58 AM

Sounds like the weekend is starting for all of us :)

I am at the lake, and just took the two puppies to the park to play ball and run around.

The big news today is that the pelicans are back!
We are inland, and because this is a very large lake along the flyway, we get pelicans without having to go to the ocean.

It's awesome. . .

Happy Friday / Saturday depending on your time zone :dance4:

MLD51 02-22-2019 12:09 PM

I love pelicans. When I was in Belize there was a big bunch of them that hung out in the surf right in front of my little cabin. Loved watching them looking for fish as they floated there, then they'd fly up a ways and dive down to catch them.

H379 02-22-2019 12:28 PM

I am all in for a sober weekend.

My birthday tomorrow. Will wake up sober. My boys will be spending couple of hours with me. We will go out for dinner.

Excited for my first sober birthday since I can remember.

andyh 02-22-2019 01:57 PM

I'm in.

wishing the serenity of this cat on all this weekend:


MantaLady 02-22-2019 02:12 PM

That clip makes my stomach churn! Terrified of heights! x

MLD51 02-22-2019 02:14 PM

Me too, Manta. YIKES!

Canadian Koala 02-22-2019 02:16 PM

Hello weekenders!

Count me in! ☼

itsmaria 02-22-2019 02:22 PM

I'm in. I am telling myself I don't want a drink so it doesn't matter that I'm not drinking, but that is total bs, I do want a drink.

Buuuut...I have other plans. Tonight I am tired out from the week plus I went for a quick run. So I am hoping to relax and watch tv. I may indulge and buy a piece of cake or a brownie at a store nearby.

Tomorrow morning going to a farmers market, I try to buy my meat there even though it is insanely expensive. But there are some Mennonite farmers that have great beef and turkey. Then gym in the afternoon, and I will make a few meals for the upcoming week.

Sunday morning I'm going to a Buddhist temple for a meditation session. It is open to the public, you don't have to be Buddhist. I used to meditate alot but have gotten out of the habit. I am trying to start again, bc it helps me slow my reactions down and be more patient and grounded. But it's hard!

I feel- cranky and maybe sad, I dunno, but hopefully it will pass.

Too many posts to respond to them all but- elton John wow! Jealous. I love music.

Anyway will try to pop in over the weekend.

gettingsmarter 02-22-2019 02:55 PM

I'm on board.

saoutchik 02-22-2019 04:03 PM

That's great seeing Elton John MLD51, really glad he lived up to expectations too.

82 days is fantastic VMan!

Good to see you H379 - Happy Birthday to you from London! (it is midnight here so it is your birthday)

London was properly Jack the Ripper foggy tonight - I live about a mile from Whitechape - his area of operation so to speak. I got a good score at Crazy Golf tonight but as usual still didn't win. Hey Ho. Have a great Friday.

saoutchik 02-22-2019 04:23 PM

Hang in there itsmaria - wanting and needing are different things, it sounds like you are doing well.

I meant to say that cat clip you posted Andy is!

biminiblue 02-22-2019 04:48 PM

That cat. I don't know if it's serenity or not that bright. Either way it freaked me out.

I have a lot going on, none of it good and I'm struggling a bit. My health is good, I have food, a car, insurance and a roof.

Now if I can just hold onto that.

A job would help. I kind of feel sick about it...congrats to all you who recently got jobs. Gives me hope.

Anyone hiring?

I'm not gonna drink at it.

STDragon 02-22-2019 05:23 PM

Exausted, early to bed for me. We skipped our usual Friday night shopping. Will go in the morning. Then Ukulele class in the afternoon. Sunday is suppose to be cold with exreme winds, so staying in, maybe a movie, maybe not... leaving the day open.

listae 02-22-2019 07:52 PM

Greetings sober weekenders! There was an impromptu dj and dance party near my house. I danced without drinking for the first time in I don't how many decades. At least, I can feel where my feet are landing and didn't have any sprains or fall down. Sober dancing steps!

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