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time2 12-23-2018 09:48 PM

Originally Posted by tonisherrell (Post 7082721)
What are your thoughts on me having one glass of champagne at midnight? Not even a entire glass but just a few sips?

I would say bring along some sparkling flavored mineral waters for yourself to pour in to a nice pretty glass, you can even put a fresh strawberry in it to fancy it up.

Do you really want to start the Fresh New Year off with alcohol in your system?

I am sitting here on my third glass of fruit flavored sparking mineral water. I found that all I really want was that fizzy feeling in my mouth that the sparkling water is giving me. It is also so much more refreshing than alcohol that will make you more thirsty.

Waking up refreshed is a great way to start the day and the Fresh New Year.


nez 12-23-2018 11:02 PM

Why would you want to? What would be accomplished?

stargazer016 12-23-2018 11:10 PM

Don't welcome the New Year with a relapse.

Welcome the New Year with sobriety and a new approach to life.

eve123 12-23-2018 11:31 PM

For me there would be no point in a few sips. It would be just a green light for my av. please don’t do it try remember the pain it causes you eventually. It must do or else you wouldn’t be on a forum like this. Don’t do it ever

JackRabbit1 12-23-2018 11:49 PM

Please don’t. You will regret making that choice after accomplishing so much in such little time.

Ayers 12-24-2018 12:22 AM

Of course not. No !!! Why on earth would you want to do that? And anyway - why bother with only a few sips if you are considering it.
Not meaning to sound harsh, but I also think you already knew what answers you would get here.

Please change your mindset asap. Think of it this way. For a toast , you need something liquid in a pretty glass. That's all. It really doesn't matter what it is. Sparkling water, soda, whatever. Think how great you will feel if you don't give in and how absolutely disappointed you will be with yourself if you do. And the toast only lasts a moment. You can do this . Don't worry. You won't sip champagne because you don't need it and you know that. :)

Bonnefond87 12-24-2018 01:29 AM

I don't know where you are but there are some v nice AF bubbles to be found. Sparkling apple juice is lovely too. If any part of the problem is what others may or may not think then no one will know what is in your glass. Maybe others here would frown on a crutch like this but it's got me to 19 months.
Good luck and happy new year

MindfulMan 12-24-2018 01:41 AM

Do you really want to stop drinking? Or are you looking for an excuse to drink and for us to validate that choice?

If you're going to stop, make the damned commitment and do it. Whatever negative consequences you've experienced from drinking will merely get worse every time you "just have one sip" and it leads to relapse.

Which if you're honest with yourself, it would. You are not a "normal" drinker. Normal drinkers don't hang out on websites with names like Sober Recovery. You have a problem. Admit it and be done with it.

August252015 12-24-2018 02:08 AM

Not only NO, but don't go to the party or wherever champagne will be served. Straight advice, not a suggestion, and - your choice.

Verdantia 12-24-2018 02:33 AM

Don't do it. That is exactly how I got started again after 15 years of sobriety. Just a sip here and there, I've got it under control, I can handle it....that way of thinking nearly killed me, and I urge you not to go down that path; it leads to nothing but disaster. Yesterday I achieved 3 years of sobriety, and I hope you continue not to drink--13 days is awesome--please don't mess it up.

dcg 12-24-2018 03:26 AM

Your registration date is over 3 years ago, and you've got 13 days. Nothing wrong with that, it's hard, but that should give you pause as to whether this is a good idea or not.

AAPJ 12-24-2018 04:02 AM

Many hotels will offer some sort of non-alcoholic sparkling beverage to toast in the new year for those who don't drink alcohol. That would be the alternative that I would choose.

OneDayOneHour 12-24-2018 06:22 AM

Not worth it.

You’ll have three weeks of sobriety under your belt to start the new year with if you hold out. Keep going!!

dwtbd 12-24-2018 06:24 AM

Originally Posted by tonisherrell (Post 7082721)
Today is day 13 alcohol free. I will be spending new years eve at a hotel with my family. What are your thoughts on me having one glass of champagne at midnight? Not even a entire glass but just a few sips?

I'd say you haven't isolated and separated from your desire for more booze.

I was able to separate from my desire by learning about AVRT( great threads here on SR in the Secular Recovery forum on these ideas). Until I did that I couldn't live as a nondrunk. Since I've done that , I've been able to live quite comfortably with latent desire for booze while effortlessly ignoring at the same time.

Your question is simply not something I give any thought to any longer. More booze is simply not an option.

It can certainly be that way for you too, the only proof I can offer is that I imagined my current situation impossible. I could never imagine that simply not indulging the desire( the Beast) was all I needed to do in order to defeat It.

I listened to and believed the little voice that said that experiencing the desire was a reason to indulge It.

That thought of a few midnight sips is just the thought for more booze, more booze means more booze. More booze can hurt you by draining more of your mind, body and soul, the thought of it can't hurt you .

The surest and only way to Quit is to never again put one drop in your mouth. Decide right this second to never drink again and not change your mind and ignore any thoughts to the contrary. Experience , recognize and separate from the thoughts of future drinking and don't act on them.

Or keep acting on the thoughts for more booze and indulging your desire, what other choices are there ? You will need to take a leap of faith, I had to too, the leap is to believe that voice ( the real you) that knows what I said about there being only two choices is true, you can do it.

My Beast heard your suggestion and laughed, champagne blech, "one small jigger of fine bourbon, that's the ticket" , I quit, so poor Beast doesn't get what It wants, too bad for it.

ReadyAtLast 12-24-2018 10:27 AM

What is the point in having half a glass or one glass? will it be enough? i know for me it wouldn't be - after 1 glass I want another and another and another. Then finish the bottle. Don't you? is one really enough? Normal drinkers have 1 small glass. are you a normal drinker?

Sunflower79 12-24-2018 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by doggonecarl (Post 7082729)
My thoughts? That even considering it is the definition of the insanity of alcoholism.

Hope you reconsider.


August252015 12-24-2018 10:52 AM

Toni - came back to the thread hoping you had let us know where you are with this. Hoping more that you have already chosen not to drink.

tekink 12-24-2018 11:08 AM

No, I'd also consider just staying in. Sure it might not seem like fun but it sure makes it easier to avoid the madness of cravings.

tonisherrell 12-25-2018 11:30 AM

Thanks guys for all of the comments. I have decided not to drink. Merry Christmas and heres to day 15. 😆

sugarbear1 12-25-2018 11:41 AM

I'm thinking smoothie or milkshake.....

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