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birwin91 09-17-2018 05:58 AM

Huge congrats on the 100 days! To me that seems like some sort of distant milestone I don't think I could ever reach. Today marks my three week anniversary of being sober. Sometimes it feels like barely any time has passed as all. Others it feels like its been years and years since I've had a drink. Reading this has given me a completely new perspective. And hope. Dealing with your feelings again, with your real feelings, I can totally relate. I think somewhere along the years of drinking, I lost to ability to really feel, and also lost sight of myself. As well as dealing with the urge not to drink again, I'm also trying to figure out who I am as a person. I lost most of my 20s to alcohol, so I'm starting to try and figure out if who I am socially when drinking is who I am really. It's a little terrifying but also a little exciting.
And the dreams, that's something I definitely relate to, I'm starting to have two or three a night, and nights now feel so wonderfully long, I'll wake up a few times in the night (not ideal) but usually only an hour or two has passed and it's amazing. I feel like my whole body is recharging. I think the dreams might be my body trying to subconsciously figure out to deal with my emotions now that I don't have the crutch of alcohol.
So thanks so much for posting this, and huge congrats again! Onwards and upwards as they say!

Kdon853 09-17-2018 07:17 PM


Willow00 09-17-2018 08:09 PM

Way to go Bumblebee :) so glad to be sharing the journey with you ❤️

August252015 09-17-2018 11:05 PM

Yay for being in the 100s! I remember a good jump forward in a lot of areas around 100 days. It really does keep getting better as we get better able to deal with life, make clear decisions, enjoy things....keep going!

5upersonic 09-17-2018 11:17 PM

Great post and congrats on your milestone

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