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Free2bme888 06-03-2018 04:59 AM

Skin, nails, weight before and after....
I’m Free. I’m free!! Free from the abyss !!

But oh, it’s taken it’s toll, listening to that pleasure center in my brain.

Rudolph nose, spider veins on nose and near lips, not chubby tho (I’m an avid exerciser, always have been), but nails are splitting, peeling and crumbling for the past 3 years of heave drinking.

It’s only day six for me.

What changes can I expect and when? In a year? I’ve abused no less than 17 years and have drank alcohol since I was 15.

Used to have beautiful skin, nails hard as rocks, and didn’t have AV bothering me daily.

I’d appreciate your candid responses.



Soberween 06-03-2018 01:48 PM

I'll add that my hair started grow again and regain it's shine. :-)

PeacefulWater12 06-03-2018 01:56 PM

Congratulations on 6 days. I also had the flushed face with the spider veins, bloated too. That all went pretty quickly. I think a few weeks. The pleasure of realising i no longer needed to wear thick foundation to try and cover it all up was lovely. Then when i realised I could wear blusher and bronzer again, it was even better.

I had very weak, dry. flaky nails. They shredded into layers. Within months they were long and strong. The first time i had to cut my finger cuts was amazing. For years they had never grown long enough to need cutting. They were just stubs.

My hair also got better. Every part of me grew healthy and well again. Smooth skin. Oh so much, keep up the good work and enjoy the benefits.

MissPerfumado 06-03-2018 01:56 PM

Welcome Free! My nails used to split too and they grew back strong again. I lost a bit of weight and grew fit from the gym and running. My skin has a glow. My hair grew back shiny and was healthy within ~ 6 months. I drank heavily for about 12-15 years.

icewater1961 06-03-2018 02:08 PM

You might have been malnourished. I am not your doctor but a nutrition specialist I was put in front of WhenI went to rehab told me that at my age I needed at least 50 grams of protein a day, any kind of beans, lean fish, chicken or even stake. Plus some veggies. Lots of veggies. Potatoes but roasted. This may not work for you so you need to find a plan that does. Many alcoholics suffer from malnutrition.

carpetcleaner 06-03-2018 02:21 PM

Interesting post.
I'm quite early in (19 days) but can see that my red cheeks are less red already. I've even been into the garden without concealer on my cheeks which I would not have done before.
My hair is less lank and looks far healthier than it was when I was necking booze.
Someone at work said I looked very healthy with a glow around my day 7 or so and that made me feel really good as I know I always looked like **** most days!!!
When I achieved 7 months of sobriety a few years ago I dropped 12lb or so without really changing much to my diet, but by ditching the huge booze calorie intake.
But we're all so different. Just giving my experience so far.

Juliebb 06-03-2018 05:33 PM

I have found after 8 months that I really look quite different. My hair, skin, nails are lovely. I also have lost a beer belly - even though I was quite slim before I got sober. A lot of people have remarked on the changes in my appearance which spurs me on so keep going!!!!

Juliebb 06-03-2018 06:19 PM

I have found after 8 months that I really look quite different. My hair, skin, nails are lovely. I also have lost a beer belly - even though I was quite slim before I got sober. A lot of people have remarked on the changes in my appearance which spurs me on so keep going!!!!

16YearsDrunk 06-04-2018 04:49 AM

Day 15 here. I noticed I don't break out it acne as often on my face. My skin is less oily. My complexion has improved a lot and I look "fuller" in the face.

Free2bme888 06-04-2018 05:31 AM

Thanks everyone!!

So inspiring !

Only day 7(again, last day 7).

I made it 18 days last month and wish I hadn’t listened to AV😞

I appreciate the time you took to respond .
My Rudolph nose returned, so looking forward to nails again (you just don’t know how useful they are or appreciate them until you don’t have any)

I’m happy to hear days and weeks and months and years without alcohol my friends!



LivinInLV 06-04-2018 03:10 PM

Wow! I didn't realize that drinking could affect my nails & hair. I just thought its menopause, which still may be but hopefully it's the alcohol.

I am 21 days today. Thanks for the posts.

Amelie0222 02-20-2019 12:49 PM

I know that this is an older thread, but I'm trying to bump it. Alcohol dehydrates EVERYTHING in our bodies, and it robs us of the nutrition needed to function on both a physical and mental level. Every time I feed the beast, i notice it. I notice small differences in a week of abstinence that seem to really pick up the pace (for the better in about 2.) I know that everyone is different and has their own eating, medication, or activity schedule. But, the bottom line is that alcohol does harm. I have an issue with occasional 2 day slips. The camel's back breaks, but I am not a camel. This all seems so silly to me. Alcohol hurts so many people, but we literally walk past it in every store in the U.S. I'm not calling for prohibition, but I feel very awkward and ashamed even shopping for lunch box fruit. I can't unsee the abundance of booze. I don't want it there.

MLD51 02-20-2019 01:33 PM

Hair, skin, nails - all vastly improved. It's been over 4 years for me, but my skin started looking much better within a few weeks, nails took longer but are strong and lustrous now, hair is shiny and feels thicker. I look younger than I did 10 years ago (I'm 55). I weigh about 5 pounds less than I did when I quit - I wasn't heavy before, but did have a beer gut, which is gone. My body just looks and feels healthier all around.

Amelie0222 02-20-2019 01:57 PM

❤That's awesome! You rock. I think that actually seeing that you feel better physically is important. It really nails it home.

Brightsky 02-20-2019 02:53 PM

I don't weigh myself but I've definitely lost weight as my clothes are all now too big for me !! I've defo lost some beer belly and I'm no longer bloated. I used to get really bad indigestion when I ate certain things such as pastries but I'm not getting that any more. I also had bowel problems - IBS - but that has largely gone too. I'm 6 weeks sober. Onwards & upwards!

WhoDeyPI 02-21-2019 09:11 AM

Lost a bunch of weight. Skin isn't yellow anymore, and actually a nice tan healthy color. The whites of my eyes are actually....white. I never had the redness or the vein thing going I can't attest to that.

MLD51 02-21-2019 09:36 AM

Brightsky -
I thought I was lactose intolerant and I was diagnosed with IBS, also, while I was still drinking. My gut is fine now, and I can pretty much eat whatever I want. The only thing that bothers me sometimes is fried food, but I think that's more from age. Most people I know my age complain of the same thing.

Gee, who knew pouring poison into our bellies day after day could mess up our bowels?? :lmao

WaterOx 02-21-2019 11:20 AM

Most notable for me is my skin. It used to be coarse and now it’s much more smooth.

But ironically my big toenails started to get dry and crack AFTER I quit, while before they seemed fine. Don’t ask me what that’s about lol

Meddles 02-21-2019 11:31 AM

I noticed loads!!
I’m on day two after a relapse but last year I made it to three months and I noticed loads of amazing changes in my body. Literally everyone I know was commenting on it, saying my age was reversing and I was looking great. I lost loads of weight, and my hair (which I thought was falling out due to stress) all grew back thick and lovely. Turns out wasn’t stress at all! Also people said my eyes had changed. My bags were gone and they looked brighter. My memory also improved, I felt stronger and more awake, and because I wasn’t hungover all the time I did way more exercise and activity meaning I got toned more. After my relapse, I suddenly realised (earlier this week!), that my hair was starting to fall out again in the shower, that I was eating the skin around my nails again, and that my eyes were looking tired and dull. This stuff is poisonous for sure. It slows destroys you from the inside. Stay away from it, stay strong, and you’ll reap the benefits. I’m loving this forum and being able to share and learn from everyone :-)

Free2bme888 03-20-2019 09:23 PM

How is everyone doing?

Nails, tummy, weight, hair, eyes?

Notice the GOOD things about not poisoning our bodies?

listae 03-20-2019 09:37 PM

I just went to visit my mother (who lives across the country and is ill). I haven't seen her in four months and now I have 78 days. She said my whole face has changed. I've also lost 14 pounds.

But most of all, I'm so much more patient with others and the tribulations of daily life. I take deep breaths and just deal as much as possible.

Free2bme888 03-21-2019 04:58 PM

Listae, I am really sorry about your mom being ill. But I’m very happy about the benefits you are getting from not drinking. Congratulations on your almost 80 days!

I’m so proud that you were not drinking are you are going through this type of stress. Everyone around you will also reap benefits

LunaBlue 03-21-2019 05:18 PM

I’ve been sober 7.5 months and haven’t lost a pound. :headbange

But I wasn’t a daily drinker. My relapses were horrible and would last for weeks, but I would be sober for several to many months in between. So I guess I shouldn’t expect that big of a change physically but I’m still disappointed. It’s unmotivating for sure.

I dont know if I look better. No one has said anything so I’m guessing there’s not much change. I’m very tired and look like crap no matter what. My face is probably less red though.

And my skin around my nails is MORE chewed up.

Fearlessat50 03-21-2019 06:02 PM

Good to see you, Free! Everything is better! No more rosacea, bloating,puffiness, healthier hair, eyes are whiter. I did lose weight and my body seems more toned. The best part is anxiety is much much less.

August252015 03-22-2019 04:43 AM

Glad this thread got bumped!

Free- glad to see your sober date was last May and you are here with us, sober!

I had to smile at the hair conversation. I have developed the best relationship with my hairdressers (one does highlights and the other cuts). They told me the other day that they sometimes take screenshots or share pics I have on stuff like FB because I am their transformation model! I'm 3 yrs sober and I think went to them the first time right around the time I quit. They've told me that at first, they did everything possible to keep the hair on my, I'm pretty pleased with my profile pic ;)

I'm 42 1/2 and pretty sure I look about the best I ever have as an adult. Inside and out, I'll take it.

My nails still suck, though - but that's probably the lifelong biting habit that ebbs and flows :lmao

nycway1 03-22-2019 05:18 AM

I had a nice clip of sober time a few years ago. Within three months there were tremendous changes and I looked and felt great. Skin, hair, nails, weight. I was much less lazy with food prep, self care and with work outs. In the 3+ years I went back to drinking I lost nearly all the benefits of sobriety. What a waste and why would I allow myself to give it up?!?! /smdh
I hope I am able to reclaim what I lost, but if I don’t I’ll be happy enough knowing I’m not poisoning myself with booze.

LoveDD 03-22-2019 05:27 AM

I’m on day 10 and my skin is the biggest difference. Less red and less oily. Bloating is much improved. Eyes more clear-usually they are dull and blood shot. I’m sure I’ve lost a little weight but I’ve gained so much weight while drinking I didn’t want to weigh myself and add the extra stress to quitting drinking. I’ve had a couple longer bouts (9 months to a year twice) of being sober in the past five years and I always get compliments on the difference in my appearance when sober.

noaddedsugar 03-22-2019 05:51 AM

My skin has improved tons! Used to have loads of a teeny little pimples on my forehead (which I read is related to liver health) Also my wrinkles are less pronounced.. I was starting to develop them on my forehead and under my eyes but I think now my body is more hydrated the lines are less noticeable. Also I used to have to top up my makeup through the day because of the redness/rosacea on my cheeks which I don't suffer from anymore! I have quite a round face anyway but the water retention has all disappeared. My face used to look all puffy and bloated and now I actually have a jawline and definition in my cheekbones. Also lost weight around my stomach.. That extra layer of visceral fat and bloating I always looked pregnant despite being slim(ish) elsewhere. Bloodshot eyes have gone too although I still feel like they're looking quite dull so hopefully they will improve and get whiter with time.

Never had any issues with my hair so can't say anything about that but there have been countless benefits already and it's only been a few months :)

Ustacallmelola 03-22-2019 06:05 AM

I did not really realize how truly bloated I was until I stopped drinking. I thought my distended abdomen was from weight gain. Nope. Still waiting for the spider veins to go away. My complexion stinks because of menopause too though. I sleep the whole night and my insomnia is gone so my eyes are not puffy anymore. My skin is still super dry. I cannot get enough fluids in to get rid of this dehydration. I wish I could go overnight in a hospital and get some fluids to help or something. Over all, my appearance is much improved.

MyLittleHorsie 03-22-2019 12:19 PM

Physically, night and day between now and when I drank. Overall very happy physically, emotionally, spiritually.

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