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Angeloflight 04-08-2018 04:50 PM

I’m so sorry to hear

In the face of extreme adversity we are tested like none other. I can’t imagine as I haven’t lost a close family member but I can tell you, you have immense support.

Sending you hugs and love and strength, you will get through this 🌷⭐️💐🌈❤️💜🧡❤️

Horn95 04-08-2018 05:31 PM

Thanks all. I am devastated, but I am hanging on.

daredevil 04-08-2018 05:41 PM


You have my sincerest condolences on your loss.

Did you go to any AA meetings today, or talk to your sponsor?
I go to 2 on Sundays. I almost always feel better afterward.

J50 04-08-2018 07:31 PM

Sorry for your loss Horn.

time2shineagain 04-09-2018 12:08 AM

I'm so sorry for your loss. Take care. :grouphug:

Berrybean 04-09-2018 02:36 AM

Sorry for your loss Horn. Please don't drink over this though. That really won't help anything.

I agree will DD that getting to some meetings for some support would be a good idea. Be with some poeple who understand for a little while. It'll likely help some.


soberista 04-09-2018 02:41 AM

Wow Horn such devastating news. Just really feeling for you right now. You've got what it takes right inside you to be strong, be sober and get along through all this. Stay close to us all as support is here.

Much love Xx

Dean1978 04-17-2018 11:47 AM

Hi Horn, I lost my mother suddenly in 2015, my world fell a part. She had wanted me to live a sober life and was a worry of hers for a long time. Her dying was perfect for my AV as it justified my drinking, coping with grief, anger, sorrow and sadness the list is endless. It took me over a year to realise alcohol wasnt going to help me cope, it was preventing me from grieving properly and moving forward with my life (as she would have wanted), more importantly as a sober person.

As much as I am living in sobriety for me I am also doing it for her. I am not religious nor a believer in some afterlife but my belief is in having her legacy and impact on my life be a positive one. Giving back to the world in a sober & happy place, being productive and hopeful means I can say to myself "we did it mum, we did it".

Alcohol will never help heal, never help you become a better person and will never let you move forward.

Midwest1981 04-17-2018 11:51 AM

Sorry for your loss!!

PeacefulRain 04-17-2018 12:16 PM

I’m so sorry for your loss Horn. I’ve lost both of my parents, relatively young.

I say this from experience, that is a pain not even alcohol can touch. I hit the bottle hard after my mom died 2 years ago. If alcohol could help with that hurt the amount I drank would have helped tremendously. It didn’t. Her family has more alcoholics than not and I did the last thing she ever would have wanted. One day I will pass on and the last thing I would want is for my kids to drink over it. Play my favorite songs, remember the good times and laugh through your tears, make my favorite meals, watch my favorite movies but please don’t pick up a bottle.

Many prayers for you and your family. (((Hugs)))

Hevyn 04-17-2018 06:10 PM

Horn, Thinking of you today - hoping you're ok.

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