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saoutchik 03-01-2017 11:22 PM

Spring is sprung weekender 3-5 march
The British Meteorological Office says it started yesterday and that is good enough for me.

OK first things first, I know that by no means all of us who post on this thread are from the northern half of the planet and I don't want to be accused of being a "hemispherist" so let me say that the general thrust of the title and this OP is that we are approaching better weather. Given the recent heatwave across parts of Australia I think this can be applied to you guys too.

What does the change in seasons mean to the habitual drunk or user? Nothing really, when I drank the seasons were irrelevant, I did not go out and make use of the better conditions nor did I use the increased daylight productively like most people. For me every day involved either intoxication, hangover and having no energy beyond the minimum level needed for day to day survival. Other people made plans while I made excuses.

This weekend we can be those other people who plan things, who undertake tasks and who have fun. We can do it if we stay sober over the weekend which is what this thread is all about.

A simple "in" is enough to join or you can let us know how you are doing, good or not so good. What is there to lose?

:bus. :bus. :bus. :bus. :bus

Lorax1981 03-01-2017 11:25 PM


Dee74 03-01-2017 11:26 PM

Thanks Sao :)

It's officially autumn here but I fear it'll be the same as it has been for a few years - pretty warm . Still 30 today and very humid here.

Still I got out and did things which is more than I could ever say for drunk me.

I'll enjoy winter - even if it only lasts a few weeks LOL


petals 03-01-2017 11:27 PM

Oooohh so close. Missed it by a smidgen.x

Scruffanie 03-01-2017 11:33 PM

I'm in for a sober and productive weekend. Still pretty warm here (for me anyway), but I found myself dreading our up coming winter and the loss of daylight savings.

I guess I should not be thinking so far ahead.. and just focus on today.

Overall I'm doing well, 84 days today :)

kevlarsjal 03-01-2017 11:42 PM

I'm in for another sober weekend!

Plans so far are to meet up with my mum, aunt and cousin for tea on Sunday.
Friday night and Saturday will hopefully be spent with my boyfriend if he's not too exhausted from work.

Plans for today are to study and to drill a hole through one of my 40cm thick brick walls for my TV cable. I hope I won't mess that up. And to not drink today.

Lorax1981 03-01-2017 11:51 PM

I'm ready for spring. We've had lots of rain and snow here and I am ready for some sunshine. I'm big into RC cars these days and I built a track on my property but racin' in the rain and mud isn't much fun. Also looking forward to having a BBQ sittin by the fire before it gets too dry. I have 6 years sober today AND got the shotgun on the weekender. What can I say? Happy weekend y'all!

Pinky1 03-01-2017 11:54 PM

I want a sober weekend please. I'm only day 4..............again 😔
I feel so much better already though just keep relapsing but know how much better it is to be sober. Just need to be firmer with that AV
Weathers vile here by the way wet and windy, typical UK

PhoenixJ 03-02-2017 12:30 AM

Dee stole my thunder. Autumn here- but my little bit of Aus is 36C and dry. Still in for the count.

saoutchik 03-02-2017 02:41 AM

Congratulations on shotgun Lorax and more importantly congratulations on 6 years sober. Fantastic.

Dee I am jealous of 30C (86F). Maybe not the 36C (97F) that PhoenixJ is enduring. I hope it doesn't last too much longer.

Scruffanie, Daylight Savings really annoys me, I have no idea why we are still using it in 2017. One of my many pet!

Welcome Pinky1, weather is not great in London, really windy.

Dee74 03-02-2017 03:07 AM

With the high humidity I get you wouldn't want it sao. It was like swimming in soup this morning.....:eek5:


STDragon 03-02-2017 03:28 AM

"when I drank the seasons were irrelevant" So true, yet my AV had told me once that summers coming and it's a good time to drink. not. I'll invest in some ice and have a big jug of lemonade sitting on the picnic table.

I live north of the 49th parallel and look forward to the hot weather. It can get 30 or higher here. I have one of those Intec "Steel set" rubber pools that goes up every summer. One of my favorite summer activities is to go for a morning run and jump right into the pool to cool off.

Olive1 03-02-2017 03:42 AM

Good morning Enders!!

I am in for the weekend!

LadyBlue0527 03-02-2017 03:58 AM

Thanks for the opener Sao and congrats on shotgun Lorax!

Tis true the seasons were irrelevant when drinking. I don't care if it was a blizzard in winter or so hot in summer no one wanted to go out of the house, I'd still find a way to drink. But...... I did find that the coming of spring was a trigger for me. With the arrival of the start of nicer days far more people are out and roaming about. They have cabin fever and have been cooped up so they're excited. People drive by with car windows open and tunes cranked. Loud tunes, that's a signal to my brain. PARTY! In fact, this just happened the other day when I was standing outside my work intown. It was a good test. We were taking a break and I noted there were far more people walking around. Then, the proverbial car window open and the music cranking. Old me? Where's the party going to be? New me? Right to the darkness and the void.

Yesterday I got to hear a share from someone who was celebrating 18 years sober. To this day he says that when he sees, thinks of, or hears about alcohol an image immediately forms in his mind. It's an orange jumpsuit , handcuffs, and a jail cell.

Maybe there's something to creating a go to "end of the road" memory in our minds. I know we "play the tape". Maybe instead of playing the tape we make it more immediate and associate the end response right away? I know that even when I played the tape it still brought me through the pleasure part of the drinking although it ended in the darkness. Sometimes that pleasure part was too much to handle.

So, instead of playing the tape maybe we create a visual of the outcome and do not pass go, do not collect the drunk, and go directly to that visual?

It's been removing all possibilities of thoughts in my head for some time now.

Have a great sober weekend everyone!

Gilmer 03-02-2017 03:58 AM

I'm in!

Trees39 03-02-2017 04:10 AM

I'm in.
Autumn now. I need to order wood for winter.
I'm doing great, sober is as sober does (Mesa?)

Bebrave 03-02-2017 04:35 AM

I'm in! Day 1 and determined. Leaving for a family vacation today with my husband and daughters family, including 4 year old granddaughter! I know this can be tricky but it will be family focused so maybe that will make it easier.

Hang in there everyone-- we all have our reasons to stop, all very important to our health and happiness. :grouphug:

PhoenixJ 03-02-2017 04:59 AM

Hi G.

Dee- what sort of soup?

happyandfree 03-02-2017 06:05 AM

I'm in for another sober weekend - thanks Sao.
seasons didn't effect my drinking volumes either...but I've found I hang out on my patio a lot less the past few summers sans alcohol. I do have associations that I try to avoid. I used to sit out there for hours drinking wine. Maybe this summer will be different. All I know for sure is I'm looking forward to warmer weather.

saoutchik 03-02-2017 06:08 AM

Welcome to Weekenders Bebrave, congratulations on quitting. Enjoy your vacation.

Thank you for your thoughtful post LadyBlue. Now that I have accrued two years of sober time the really bad memories are fading so when I "play the tape" it is a bit like thinking about another person. This is why I still post on the Newcomers thread, so that I don't forget how bad things were when I was drinking.

Dee, I forgot about the humidity, it must be tough, I hope it doesn't last much longer. Like SoberTDragon I am a long way north of 49° and it is easy to forget how uncomfortable heat and humidity can be.

My ball chair will soon be receiving its third coat of paint, I think it will come out OK. Speakers and upholstery to go in tomorrow.

Midwest1981 03-02-2017 06:28 AM

I am in! thanks for the intro Sao! :grouphug:

Congrats Lorax!! 6 years is amazing and shotgun on this thread for me is unattainable!! lol!! ;)

Della1968 03-02-2017 06:31 AM

Other people made plans while I made excuses

^^ This

BruceSA 03-02-2017 06:54 AM

I'm in, please.

Autumn for us too. Can feel that the temperature is starting to ease off and the sun is definitely rising later.

Got some work to do this weekend - first time in a while. Going to rip some planks on the saw in the garage for a table. And it's time to plant some red onions.

Every now and again I'll come in and check in.


biminiblue 03-02-2017 07:08 AM


Hey, welcome new-to-the-thread people. My friend Bruce is here!! ^^

Rolling into March, I lovelovelove Spring. Not a chance in the world I'm going to mess up one more day of my life with a toxic poison. Nope. Not happenin'.

MLD51 03-02-2017 07:16 AM

Spring is my favorite season. I used to go into spring with all sorts of plans for doing things outside - gardening, more outdoor exercise, games in the yard with my kids, having people over for barbeques. Inevitably, time passed and my plans were never realized, because I was too busy "having fun" drinking. This will be my third sober Spring and Summer. I might not get everything on my "good weather" list done, but it won't be because I'm drinking. And for that, I am very grateful.

kevlarsjal 03-02-2017 08:16 AM

For ***** sake what's wrong with me?! I have such bad cravings again lately and just on my way home I have to pass like a hundred shops that have liquor on display. I stare at them like an obsessed idiot which I probably am. I don't have the energy to fight it, it's so exhausting. I feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare.

biminiblue 03-02-2017 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by kevlarsjal (Post 6352081)
For ***** sake what's wrong with me?! I have such bad cravings again lately and just on my way home I have to pass like a hundred shops that have liquor on display. I stare at them like an obsessed idiot which I probably am. I don't have the energy to fight it, it's so exhausting. I feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare.

You're okay, it's just a thought. All thoughts pass and they pass more quickly when I just say, "Hm. There's a drinking thought. I don't drink."

Fighting it is worse. Just acknowledge it and let it a helium balloon.

MLD51 03-02-2017 08:32 AM

What Bimini said. Just a thought. Happens to everyone. Nothing wrong with you.

FreedomHorse 03-02-2017 08:32 AM

Great weekend posts! I'm in...

Midwest1981 03-02-2017 08:44 AM

Kevlarsjal- you are doing great! Stay busy and those feelings will pass. :) Remember H.A.L.T don't let yourself get Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired.

All times are GMT -7. The time now is 08:44 PM.