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Dee74 10-12-2016 10:16 PM

Resilience Weekender Thread 13-16 October 2016

To The Weekender Thread for

13-16 October 2016

Hi and welcome to the Weekender Thread!

This is a place where anyone and everyone can come for support - especially over the weekend - but also right through the coming week as well.

All you have to do to join is post - we'd love to see you come aboard :


I've been struggling to put up another cabinet today - 2 hours in and not much to show for it LOL...but I'll get there in the end...

I've always been a bit stubborn lol :05:

Sometimes it's served me well - I've done a lot of things I'm proud of...

and yet other times, like with my addictions, it's not been such a help - at least not until I did a mind flip and started using my stubbornness to stay sober....

The same drive, the same resilience that once led me to brave a tropical storm and a 25 minute walk there and back to get booze now keeps me sober.

I'm glad I was ultimately able to harness that, as Maxwell Smart might say, for goodness instead of evil.

I wish you all courage, resilience...and the right kind of stubornness this weekend :c014:


Tetra 10-12-2016 10:18 PM


Thanks for the lovely post Dee!

lunar 10-12-2016 10:20 PM

Thanks, Dee!

Great topic.

Congrats, Tetra!

SereneEdition 10-12-2016 10:40 PM

So happy that Thurs comes early down under. Thanks for starting us off Dee.

Good luck with your cabinet.

Dee74 10-12-2016 10:56 PM

I beat the cabinet :D

Tetra 10-13-2016 12:17 AM

It's always that bit easier to get out of bed on payday.
I'm having a large Americano and a bit of quiet time before the madness begins again.

Have a great day, friends!

Flossyteacake 10-13-2016 12:21 AM

I'm glad to be back on the weekender bus. I've been happily maintaining my sobriety, but I feel like I've not been sticking as close to SR over the past couple of weeks. There were even the odd days in there where I didn't log in all day. Part of it is because I've been busy with work, back to school, Mr Floss turning 40 (how did we get to be middle aged?! When did that happen?) ... life, I guess. I didn't like the way that the AV whispered a couple of sweet nothings about a glass on wine with a birthday dinner during our trip to the mountains. It was a good reminder of how vigilant I do need to be - to work on the addictive thinking, to not slip back into dodgy thought processes that lead down a path towards self-destruction. So I'm back to logging in daily. Occassionally posting (I aint much of a talker in real life, either). Learning, challenging, growing resiliant. Life's better this way. Yoga awaits this evening. I'm looking forwards to it. :)

Glad you showed the cabinet who's in charge, Dee!

Gilmer 10-13-2016 12:33 AM

I'm in.

Congratulations on the completed cabinet, Dee!

That's hilarious about the tropical storm (in a sad way, of course). :)

Zanna 10-13-2016 01:11 AM

...BOING....I'm in as well :) Well done on the cabinet Dee - I think after two hours, it would have out of the window followed by the air turning blue, if it was me :)

RedAndy 10-13-2016 01:27 AM

Great post Dee - previous me would have said the same Zanna - nowadays I find I keep my head with things and persevere. Well done on your completion Dee :You_Rock_

Definitely agree with the mind flip / drive and stubbornness / putting the all into staying sober and this new life that's been created, it's working wonders for me too.

Simplicity4114 10-13-2016 02:24 AM

I'm in for the weekend!

Lightning Bug 10-13-2016 03:45 AM

Here with bells on so loud you would think I was a jolly green Christmas elf!

Soberandhealthy 10-13-2016 05:05 AM

I'm in

happyandfree 10-13-2016 05:20 AM

I'm in for another sober weekend -
nice intro, Dee. It does take strength and resilience to get's hard, but possible. And with support from's possible to get through the tough times in the beginning.
Have a great day everyone!

Upward2Enlightenment 10-13-2016 05:36 AM

Count me in.

Della1968 10-13-2016 05:43 AM

Poop I will have to set an alarm to get shotgun now! But it will happen. I agree it takes less strength to stay sober than it did to withdraw every other day.

brynn 10-13-2016 05:44 AM

Congrats on shotgun tetra! :)

brynn 10-13-2016 05:45 AM

Yeah Della, I gave up on shotgun a long time ago!

Ruby2 10-13-2016 05:53 AM

Good morning and congrats on shotgun, Tetra.

Way to wrestle the cabinets into shape Dee.

Floss, i've been the same way of not logging in. Not checking in. It's had an impact. I'm going to make the effort.

I'm waiting for the train. Heading to work. Noticed the low pressure gauge in my car for the tires is lit so I'm low on air in one of them and hope it's not flat when I return. That would be a pain.

LBrain 10-13-2016 06:02 AM

first page!

Don't know if this counts... I got sober in the middle of winter. I was determined to go to 90 meetings in 90 days after rehab. We had another snow storm and it was nasty out there... Couldn't drive... I walked almost a mile in a foot of snow and slush to get to the meeting. I made up my mind I was going to do it. And I did.
It's interesting that my biggest fear was that what if only one other person was able to make it and they were really hurting. They'd be there alone.

We spent so many years doing everything we could to make sure we had our booze. Now is the time to make sure you do everything you can to help yourself stay away from it.

Midwest1981 10-13-2016 06:23 AM

Thanks for the intro Dee!! good job on the cabinet!

I am in for a sober weekend!! I am very stubborn too and I am going to put it towards sobriety. I am on week 18!!

I think it is a major part of recovery when you start being concerned about other people with addictions when you realize you can't help anyone else unless you are sober yourself.

MLD51 10-13-2016 06:26 AM

I'm in!
I remember one time when we were having a very bad snowstorm - inches upon inches of snow, piling up fast. A normal, sane person would have stayed home. But not me - I was determined to get to that bar. So I got in my car and drove downtown, nearly getting stuck right in the street several times on the way there. Turn around and go home??? NOOOOOO. Keep going. Sat at the bar with other alcoholics, all bragging about how cool we were for not wimping out and staying home. After all, we are Wisconsinites! A little snow can't keep us down! When it was time to go home, I was good and stuck in the parking lot, along with almost everyone else. So there we all were, drunk and digging and pushing each others' cars out of the snow at about midnight, in what had turned into a blizzard. If that's not insanity, I don't know what is.

I now use that sort of stubbornness to help me stay sober. I'm not saying willpower is the only tool I use, because that would be dangerous, but it's one of them. And I would never dream of going anywhere in snow like that now. Well maybe - if someone I love was in trouble and needed help.

U75 10-13-2016 06:52 AM

I'm on the bus!

Feeling "Super" today.

mecanix 10-13-2016 08:24 AM

hey all ,
hope everyone is getting ready for Friday .. quiet times in chez mex , thats fine .. trying to plan what nice things i can do for mex-m8 and mum this christmas ..

Keep on , m

saoutchik 10-13-2016 08:39 AM


Congratulations on the cabinet Dee and great intro.

I have bored this thread for 20 months and friends and family for even longer but turning a pile of rust and rodent droppings into a desirable Lancia coupe by going to a draughty garage a d working my pants of weekend after weekend is either stubborn or mad

I am on the train back from Manchester, someone with headphones on was singing along, loudly. When i went to request that he kept the noise down I could smell booze. Fortunately he is now asleep, fingers crossed he stays that way

Behan 10-13-2016 08:50 AM

Greetings weekenders!!

I used to think that alcohol contributed to my resilience in social situations, helped me relax, and served as my reward. It was actually sapping my resilience and poisoning my relationships. Without it I feel human - no extremes in emotion and behaviour.

I wish you all good wishes on your sober journey this weekend!


Tetra 10-13-2016 10:39 AM

Honestly I'm so tired at the end of the day.
My contract until December 31st is still only temporary so the constant thought of being let go is always not far from my mind.

Plus I find people can be a constant drain. There are some people in life who simply just love to find fault.
The people who are sick have some excuse.

Not so for people that work there though.

Gilmer 10-13-2016 10:58 AM

Don't people have lives?

I swear some people don't believe they have a purpose in life unless they're registering some opinion that stands out in contrast to the normal flow of events.

U75 10-13-2016 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by Gilmer (Post 6172427)
Don't people have lives?

I swear some people don't believe they have a purpose in life unless they're registering some opinion that stands out in contrast to the normal flow of events.

In my opinion, you're being overly contrary! :turn:

saoutchik 10-13-2016 12:25 PM

Home! Thank goodness

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