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4givn 10-18-2016 09:33 AM

Dear Least,
My prayers go out for strength and steadfastness for you. God sees and feels your tender heart for this precious animal. I pray for the little creature to not be suffering and confused at this time and return again.

Sincerely,from another one of God's creatures

least 10-18-2016 12:08 PM

I just came back from walking around the college campus and posting flyers. Gave quite a few to students to put up in their dorms. Also gave one to a college employee who travels the campus working. He said he'd put it up on the board at the service center.

No calls yet today, other than the false alarm this morning. :(

aasharon90 10-18-2016 12:35 PM

Keep the Faith Least because there is
always some sort of gift just waiting
for you down around the corner.

Meaning, something awesome will
come to light whether your loveable
pet returns to you or another lesson
and gift will become yours in a big way
as acceptance.

In recovery we all understand what
is meant by acceptance of people,
places and things in the way they
are meant to be.

Right? :)

aussieblue 10-18-2016 02:03 PM

(((Least))) :hug: Keeping you in my prayers.

Pondlady 10-18-2016 04:14 PM

least, I'm so sorry about the false alarm, that had to be deflating. It's very positive, that they called you, word is getting out!

Kris47 10-18-2016 05:05 PM

Feel the tug at your heart. Never give up hope though.

I continue to pray that he and you will meet up soon again.

Opivotal 10-18-2016 05:16 PM

I wish the students would all get together and form a search party.

Maybe it sounds far fetched, but perhaps if you spoke to administration? Offer a reward?

I feel so badly... I wish, I could help you search, Least.

Keeping you and Jack in my prayers. :hug:

Dharma33 10-18-2016 05:30 PM


LadyBlue0527 10-18-2016 05:33 PM

least, have you called the local animal control at your police station? What about the area animal shelters?

My heart is breaking for you. My cat "Piggy" (yes, that was her name) went missing for a month and a half. She showed up one day when my husband came home and it was clear she got stuck somewhere. I'm sure that's not the case for Jack but animals can go on jaunts too.

Praying you find him soon!

Jeni26 10-18-2016 10:17 PM

Hugs Least. Thinking of you ❤️

FBL 10-19-2016 04:13 AM

Thoughts and prayers continue...

least 10-19-2016 10:34 AM

Need prayers that Jack is found today. :hug:

jaynie04 10-19-2016 10:40 AM

Thinking of you Least.

Gilmer 10-19-2016 10:41 AM

You've got 'em. :hug:

Delizadee 10-19-2016 10:47 AM

Thinking of you least, praying for Jack's safe and speedy return :hug:

LadyBlue0527 10-19-2016 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by least (Post 6179106)
Need prayers that Jack is found today. :hug:

I'm all over it! Praying hard and sending all the white light I can your way least!


Fusion 10-19-2016 12:19 PM

Thinking of you Least and sending my continued prayers for Jack's safe homecoming.

Kris47 10-19-2016 12:23 PM

Lets all pray hard in 2 hours for Jack's safe return to Least.

It can't hurt and may really help!

HopeandFaith1 10-19-2016 12:36 PM

Gosh darnit, where IS he? From one dog lover to another, I am praying with everything I've got that you find him!

least 10-19-2016 02:02 PM

Walked around the college again today, handing out flyers and asking students if they'd seen him. Nothing since the sighting Monday. :(

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