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sweetichick 06-26-2016 11:26 PM

Taking it one day at a time definitely seems to be working. Its day 6 which is a bit scary wondering what a sober future looks like. I had my first real victory today; a haircut totally sober. Some of you may be wondering why that is a victory but I haven't had a haircut in over 2 years without taking a drink first to get me through it. Wierd hey? I then managed to walk past the bottle shop and decided to look the other way so the owner couldn't catch my eye. Easy as because I didn't have to see the inviting bottles of wine out the front. So tomorrow when I go grocery shopping I'll do that again. Just had to tell everyone about my victory and yes I actually enjoyed having my hair cut this time.

entropy1964 06-27-2016 05:48 AM

Congrats on Day 6. And no that doesn't sound weird. Nothing involving alcoholism sounds weird to me! That's the cool thing about this find people that get it.

Keep it up. You're doing great.

SportsFan15 06-27-2016 06:12 AM

That doesn't seem weird to me, either!

I also look away passing the liquor store and the alcohol isle. I've found its better to avoid all contact with the poison!

I recently had a slip/relapse of 2 nights and it showed me drinking is actually a prison. Not drinking is freedom. After we both arrive at feeling freedom, we will see things like people who have years of sobriety....they can't imagine going back.

U75 06-27-2016 06:57 AM

Sweetichick, taking on one of your triggers (I.e., the harcut) and staying strong is a fantastic accomplishment. Remember this and use it as a springboard to bigger and better things. Way to go!

uncorked 06-27-2016 11:32 AM

Agree with SportsFan -- drinking is prison, not drinking is freedom! You just passed an important milestone in your habits in bypassing that liquor store!

sweetichick 06-27-2016 02:42 PM

I'm glad noone thought I was wierd. Today is an even bigger challenge because its payday. Normally I go to the shops, drink my first can of premixed vodka in the toilets, then do the groceries and then buy a couple of bottles of wine. I haven't got through payday sober for a couple of years. I think it is that first can that sets me off. I'm planning on doing a smaller shop just for a few days instead of two weeks so I'm up there near the bottle shop for less time. Wish me luck!

MLD51 06-27-2016 02:53 PM

You can do it!

Dee74 06-27-2016 03:13 PM

I have faith in you too sweetichick :)


sweetichick 06-27-2016 05:34 PM

Cool, managed to get through shopping and no alcohol. What a relief! I actually looked into the bottle shop with more of a feeling of terror as to what would happen if I went in there kidding myself that I could control drink. Day 7 payday is wierd without my bottle of wine though.

MLD51 06-27-2016 05:38 PM

Find something else to treat yourself with on paydays. I like to go get pedicures. Or buy myself some fancy chocolates. Or a new piece of clothing. These are little rewards for sober time, and are cheaper than drinking in the long term. :)

sweetichick 06-27-2016 05:54 PM

Thats a good idea MLD, I definitely need some new clothes.

melki 06-27-2016 06:16 PM

Congratulations on your first sober week!!! :bigok:

JG62 06-27-2016 09:11 PM

sweetichick - well done on day 7 and a massive well done on jumping all those hurdles you have faced. We can do this, the support here is amazing :You_Rock_

sweetichick 06-28-2016 09:47 PM

I'm halfway through day 8 and feeling really deflated. I went for a walk today and came home and had to nap. I'm concerned that my liver is just not bouncing back this time. Yesterday I felt great making it through payday. My boyfriend and I had a fight last night. He just doesn't understand how hard it is. He doesn't like SR and thinks I should just move forward now and forget about drinking. 8 days and I can barely get my head around things. He complained that the kitchen was messy and to me it looked tidy. I told him to stop because he would drive me to drink. I'm still upset today. Normally I drink everytime we have a fight. Just needed to vent.

JG62 06-28-2016 10:24 PM

Hi sweetichick - I guess you feel tired because maybe your brain is in constant battle with drink/ don't drink? You should feel great, you are doing amazing and there will be down days, they are only to be expected. I don't think anyone can understand how hard it is unless they are in your situation. My husband said to me yesterday, that he would not be bothered if he was on his own all the time! When I pointed out he wasn't and never had been, he is living with his sister, has contact with his daughters and goes to work 5 days a week, he fell a little silent. He has no idea, what isolation does to someone. I can't understand what he could possibly have against SR, unless he thinks you should 'be able to cope with all this on your own, without the support of people that know exactly how hard this is and he wants to bury his head in the sand and that drink is a real problem for you'. It is possible that he is jealous that he is unable to offer you the same support that you are receiving here and feels threatened in some way, it's hard to say as we are all on the opposite side. Maybe he thinks that now you have stopped, it's possible to just 'crack on' with life. Can you maybe sit down and calmly talk to him about it or ask him to read some of the posts on here. Tell him that you are scared that you will return to the drink and you don't like that person you become? I hope you are OK now and resisted drinking. Deep breath sweetichick - love and hugs

sweetichick 06-28-2016 10:43 PM

Hey JG, that's exactly what he expects me to do, just crack on with life. He is different to me mentally and has gone straight from one relationship to another with no downtime, even when people die, he gets straight over it. He's always thinking ahead. He thinks alcoholics just sit around feeling sorry for themselves and won't face up to reality. Thanks for your message. I'm taking this hour by hour and may go out to see a movie later if I still feel this bad. I would rather end the relationship than drink again. I think you are right in that he is jealous. I'll try talking to him tomorrow again.

JG62 06-28-2016 10:52 PM

He sounds very much like my husband! I am not saying that is a bad thing though, I guess everyone is different. Although my husband has only had 2 relationships in his life. The first with his his first wife and then with me. He just shuts down and I am so different. I need to talk, talk and talk some more :( It's difficult, I don't think either way is right and a combination would be great but I think those people are few and far between. That's a strong resolve regarding ending the relationship, I don't think any relationship is worth returning to the bottle for but it's very hard to let go. Hope you have some support over there, other than your boyfriend? Movie sounds a good idea, I might join you! :)

sweetichick 06-28-2016 11:10 PM

That's amazing that he sounds just like your husband! Maybe its just a man thing. My first husband used to let me talk it out and just listen; not that I should be comparing. Its a shame your in London or we could definitely hit the movies together.

JG62 06-28-2016 11:26 PM

Sweetichick, I will let you in to a secret. I am not in London, I am in a village in Derbyshire, England but when I signed up here I was so happy to find somewhere I could get some support I just clicked London! I was in Brisbane in August 2007, it rained for the whole 2 days I was there and I found it very amusing when I showered on the camp site, that water was rationed. Although I do know it's quite a serious thing. I don't think it hurts to compare, maybe it gives a more balanced view. Damn I might see how much money is left in my bank account and do that trip again - best time of my life

sweetichick 06-28-2016 11:54 PM

Wow that sounds like a beautiful place! My boyfriend is from England and came here when he was 13. I can't believe it rained the whole time you were in Brisbane. It hardly ever rains. That was really bad luck. There's not much to see here. Did you get to the Gold Coast?

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