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biminiblue 02-02-2016 09:52 AM

I can say that image of "What's on her mind" is entirely accurate.

You can see our prollem, oui? no?

Be. Quiet. Brain. Shhhhh

LBrain 02-02-2016 10:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)
um, okay? well I blew my diet already today. since I had a bagel for breakfast I was planning no carbs for --- a while... I got lazy and fired up a frozen burrito I got for wife's emergency lunches... and a hand full of grape tomatoes, not a total loss...

random CD in the box downstairs... not the concert in the park one, ROS one, but I like this live version...
Plenty of proof around here that anyone can get sober if they really want to. ;)

oh Bim, are you talking about this?

biminiblue 02-02-2016 10:25 AM

:lmao yes, LB.

Nanner on that "mindful eating" plan.

It usually takes me two weeks to really buckle down. I'm on week five, but I had that relapse with the pumpkin pie.

biminiblue 02-02-2016 10:26 AM

and why aren't those knobs labelled??????????

LBrain 02-02-2016 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by biminiblue (Post 5775291)
and why aren't those knobs labelled??????????

does it really matter? and I'm sure they all go up to 'eleven'... :lmao

Ruby2 02-02-2016 10:45 AM

Oh, you guys. I like that little machine thing that you posted Brain.

Sao, stick Innit bruv out in the cold. Too bad you can't send him instantly to Chicago. My walk to the office was wretched. Shards of ice hitting me in the face as the gale force winds blew my cheap umbrella inside out a few times. I almost got blown into the street at one point. I stopped a block from the office to have a scone, some coffee and some warmth. I think it's changed to "just rain" now. And Sao, for some reason Mr. Ruby has been saying "innit" lately. Ghastly.

MLD, pork sounds good. I don't know what I'm going to serve for dinner. It's always a quandary on work nights. No one likes eating leftovers and I don't have time or energy to cook a full meal.

I have to get to work. I don't wanna!! Whine whine whine.

MLD51 02-02-2016 10:56 AM

Ruby - are you familiar with cube steaks? When time is short or I just feel lazy, I throw a couple of those in a hot skillet for a minute or so on each side. Make some egg noodles (or my savior - Trader Joe's Frozen brown rice) and some frozen vegetables. Dinner in less than 15 minutes. Not fancy, but food.

saoutchik 02-02-2016 11:31 AM

Ruby, I cook Mondays dinner on Sunday and usually cook a double dinner on Tuesday so at least I get some quick evenings. Does your husband cook? Maybe he could help out.

I am a cheap "brolly" man myself - I have seen people dragged off the pavement be for they remembered to let go

I decided to hang on to my last scraps of dignity and not squirt "innit" Shame in way.

Soberwolf 02-02-2016 11:36 AM

Sao who is innit bruv lol

saoutchik 02-02-2016 11:42 AM

A co worker Soberwolf, a fairly unproductive one to put it charitably. He says "innit" or "innit bruv" almost every time he speaks

Ruby2 02-02-2016 12:07 PM

Lunch time. My mother brought over the remainder of her giant pot of chicken with noodles last night when she watched the little Rubies. Yum. And some cucumbers and radishes.

MLD and Sao, thanks. Marty, daughter insists she won't eat meat (even though her lunch was pepperoni and cut up vegetables). Son won't eat "weird" stuff - like rice or vegetables or noodles. I'm just tempted to make them eat gruel. Then they can both hate dinner. Husband doesn't really cook. Sometimes. But not often and he's on the road again this week.

It's still raining out. Back to work. I volunteered to undertake an assignment. Which I used to do regularly but haven't in 8 years. Slow going and I'm panicking that I'll mess it up. Well, panic is a strong word. Practicing procrastination and then I'll panic.

brynn 02-02-2016 12:12 PM

It's exhausting being a woman.

My lunches are getting later and later. Pretty soon they'll just meld into dinner.

Ruby2 02-02-2016 12:18 PM

For the bee keepers. This showed up on my Facebook feed which I thought was rather coincidental.

biminiblue 02-02-2016 12:20 PM

What the heck was that, Ruby?

MLD51 02-02-2016 12:23 PM

That was funny and weird and slightly disturbing.

I'm beginning to understand your difficulties feeding your kids, Ruby. I thought my son was picky. I'll consider myself lucky from now on.

Ruby2 02-02-2016 12:32 PM

The bees thing apparently originated as a skit on Conan O'Brien where he introduces the video by saying that not all of Oprah's "favorite things" are successful.

biminiblue 02-02-2016 12:34 PM

Yeah, I can see mega-buck lawsuits from 98% of Oprah's audience if that was for real.

Ruby2 02-02-2016 12:39 PM

If Oprah just visited them in the hospital they would be healed.

biminiblue 02-02-2016 12:41 PM

Ha. There are many O.p.r.a.h/Jesus memes. I don't want SR to bear the wrath of her attorneys, so I won't post any of them, but Google it.

Ruby2 02-02-2016 12:46 PM

Ha! I was thinking about that.

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