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saoutchik 02-02-2016 05:18 AM

Clear and sunny here for a change

Della1968 02-02-2016 05:49 AM

Supposed to be 60 here tomorrow. I think I still live in Central New York. :)

MLD51 02-02-2016 05:50 AM

Well I sent my son off to school, but just got a call from the district that there's going to be an early release because of the coming snow. He will be happy.

brynn 02-02-2016 05:53 AM

Yay for sunny London, Sao!

Too cloudy here for planet watching or space station sightings, although I love getting those alerts from nasa!

Off to work. Happy Tuesday y'all! :)

brynn 02-02-2016 05:53 AM

Hi Della! :)

MLD51 02-02-2016 05:55 AM

Hi Della!

Della1968 02-02-2016 06:06 AM

Hi everyone :)

Weasel1966 02-02-2016 06:11 AM

Great to see you Della!!!!

gettingsmarter 02-02-2016 06:33 AM

Good morning all. Sorry if I said that already.

happyandfree 02-02-2016 06:59 AM

Good morning eveyone!
Hi Della!
Today is going to be a great day. Yesterday was so rotten, I don't want a repeat. So I started today with a gratitude list and am working on keeping positive.
I am grateful that I didn't drink last night.
Gonna bundle up and go for a dog walk. I think I'll take my camera.
See you all later.

Ruby2 02-02-2016 07:28 AM

Hi Della! Good to see you.

At work. Fun stuff. Got the kids off to school. I've heard snow and rain here. No 8 to 10 inches. Sounds like a good day for soup, MLD.

Behan, that's great that junior slept all night. How awesome! Then you get scared that something is wrong because the baby is sleeping. Enjoy!

Brain that must have been so cool to see. No viewing here because of the clouds. Hopefully it clears up at some point.

Nothing earth shattering here.

Della1968 02-02-2016 07:44 AM

I could eat soup every day off my life!

LBrain 02-02-2016 07:46 AM

taking 5 to catch my breath...
decided to wash the wifemobile... took it to the local car wash, did a cursory cleaning to get most of the mung off it - didn't rinse it tho...
supposed to get an inch of rain tomorrow... it can rinse in the driveway...

cleared packed snow from front of house - if water backs up it will seep into basement... my yews were flattened... I dug out the rhododendron/mountain laurel as it too was to the ground... but my task was to clear a way for water to 'drain' away from the house, plants will bounce back, don't need water in basement at any rate... it's on my to do list this spring to come up with an inexpensive plan to keep water out... giving it a place to go besides 'in' is the first part... we'll see after the deluge tomorrow... flood warnings abound around here. heavy rain combined with melting snow, should be fun

LBrain 02-02-2016 07:47 AM

Hello Della!

Jsbodhi 02-02-2016 07:48 AM

Originally Posted by learningagain (Post 5774618)
Morning everyone :)

Congrats Melina, and great words of advice!

Brynn - I cry all the time for no apparent reason. I am just overly emotional I guess

Off to teach my students today, will be fun up to the point where I have to ask where the heck they learned to do references?! Was very well behaved last night - knew I was exhausted so declined Mr. Fireman's invite and was tucked up in bed with the cats nice and early!

Me too, I cry very easily Brynn xoxo
I hope you feel better.
Ignore that idiot at work, xoxo
You did awesome though, and drinking really never does help, it just makes things worse with its depressant characteristics.

biminiblue 02-02-2016 07:51 AM

Originally Posted by MLD51 (Post 5774207)
(((Brynn))) I hate nothing more than crying at work. I've done it several times in my life. I always feel like such a ninny. <snip> When I cry at work it's almost always out of sheer frustration and anger - because I don't lash out at others. And you did not cave in to the AV, so in the end, the day is a win for you. And now cake!! You can go to bed feeling good about yourself.

^^This - when it comes to crying, I cry out of frustration and anger at work too. Doesn't happen often, but it happens. In hindsight I think it would be better to learn to tell those people to back off, but I always get tharn when it happens. (do we use "tharn" here? Can't remember. Urban Dictionary: tharn)

With food - I have to not have that stuff in my food choices. I've been logging food again for a month now and I'm just now getting comfortable at the lower number - my body fights me for a couple weeks and I have to really fight through the myriad desires. It's just like alcohol. Mmm mojito. Mmm cheeseburger. If I eat a cheeseburger, that's 600 calories if I make it at home - 800 with a potato. A pizza is 1200. That pumpkin pie put me back 1500 - which is a whole week's worth of deficit. I can't eat a reasonable amount of ice cream if I have it at home. Is it worth it to me? It is in the early days, but as time goes on and I've been on low cal for a while, I have to make better choices with lots of vegetables and fiber or I spend a good part of the day too hungry. I'm pretty comfortable now and feel like I can do this, but by Friday I'll have visions of sugarplums.

Bees. Mmmm. I spent hours yesterday online reading about bees and beekeeping. So complicated. Must find local people to hook up with.

biminiblue 02-02-2016 07:56 AM

I wouldn't know the planets if they had labels on them. Not that it matters/Seattle.

Jsbodhi 02-02-2016 07:58 AM

Me too Bim- Yesterday I was on my way to starbucks to buy a macchiatto and some kind of treat.
In total my little trip would cost me over a thousand calories, so I came home and has herbal tea with a small cookie.
I worked out yesterday, at well- the starbucks would've been the same as buying a bottle of wine.

Of course I'll have starbucks and other delights, but I'm actively trying to grt into shape right now.
Its about learning to tell myself no and set boundaries with myself- I'm not very good at that.

Jsbodhi 02-02-2016 08:00 AM

Brynn and HAF- I hope today is better xo
Good call not drinking xo- it wouldn't have helped ( words from a serial relapser: it never is fun, helpful or good at all)

Enjoy the sun sao! Don't melt!!!!!

Jsbodhi 02-02-2016 08:01 AM

Hello Della! What's new! So glad to see you xo

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