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Ruby2 08-20-2015 04:45 AM

Hi Kamm, and itwillbeworthit. You sneaked in while I was typing. Good to see you.

Tetra 08-20-2015 04:48 AM

I have always been very shy and quiet.

That is why I drank: to cope with my social anxiety.

As some of you know, I will be leaving my current position next week when my contract ends. I have been here for 9 months.
This morning I had coffee with one of the other girls, just the two of us. I was saying that the 9 months just flew by. I told her that I am very grateful for the kindness I was shown, particularly in the beginning when my confidence was low. I was so shy and timid in the office and afraid of making a mistake.

She replied with "yes, in the beginning we were not sure what to make of you. We were all kind of wondering. But we will never find anyone with handwriting as nice as yours, and you will do really well as you have so many strings to your bow".

Now, I am sitting at my desk close to tears. My heart is breaking for that shy, scared little girl I used to be.

I have decided not to dwell on the past and look to the future. Who cares what people think?

I have a job interview next week for a position at HP.
I am treating myself to a pedicure after work. Since I quit drinking I have been going to the salon A LOT more.

Onwards and upwards as they say.

Sometimes I feel like packing it in, but I am not a quitter.

Happy Thursday to all of you.

MLD51 08-20-2015 04:55 AM

I'm in!

Behave, Della and Brain! :)

Tetra - you are not a quitter, and then again, you are! You quit drinking!! :) I have confidence you'll do great in your interview and land something soon. I know what you mean about the salon. I used to get a pedicure maybe once or twice a year. Now I go every month. Usually on or around my sober date. It's my little reward. I look down at my pretty toenails and it reminds me I'm doing well.

ulfr 08-20-2015 05:15 AM

Am in
Who wants to sit on my lap ?

MesaMan 08-20-2015 05:58 AM


Roses are red
And, Brain is now wishin'
That he got Shotgun
While I be out Fishin'

Burma Shave

See below a Pic from yesterday up here while commissioning my shiny new Fishing Rod. The Fishin' was great. The Catchin' was terrible. Didn't care one whit. This ~2,600 Acre Rez is West a bit of the actual South Park CO; inspiration for that TV Show. ~5' of Snow up here in Winter, I'm told. The giveaway are these long 'Poles' strapped to Telephone Boxes and Hydrants to enable finding them when buried.

I nabbed a Campsite on line in more shade than expected, so I moved to a sunny spot yesterday at the end of this Cul-de-sac Loop. Killer location, and enough Solar to hit the Roof Panel and top off my Trailer Batteries. It also got me in a better spot to hit this solitary Cell Tower up on a Hill behind a very old Ranch turned private RV 'Park'. Lotsa neato Log Cabins now rented to Brynn's fellow Texans hauling ATVs with massive Trucks. Love us some Tourist Dollars! Me, I opt for National Campgrounds now made very affordable with my new Lifetime Geezer Pass that cuts 50% off all Fees.

Met a super-nice Couple from my old SoCal Desert stomping grounds, and steered them towards a very nice Site just down this Loop.

Got my old Shortwave Radio wired in to the Trailer 12 Volt System, so that's about all the entertainment I need. Radio Australia is now pounding in strong on nighttime frequencies.

A Mouse has invaded the new Trailer, so my ongoing, relentless efforts will soon send his lil MouseyAzz to The Great Mouse Beyond. Dog Food + Meeses is a tough Combo to work around. Re: the prior W'ender Thread, we had a Raccoon in our Suburban House Attic. A wiry Pro who could fit anywhere grabbed the Youngsters by gloved Hand after he trapped Mom on our Roof.

Fog over the Rez just now, and hard Frost on the Bear-proof Dumpsters. Time for a morning Campfire, me thinks. A lil Fishin' Music, Maestro...

- 'I'm Gonna Miss Her' ~ Brad Paisley -

bigsombrero 08-20-2015 06:07 AM

Cool fishin' pic, Mesa! Looks amazing.

Ruby, remind me where you are on vacation? I know you were doing a regional 'stay-cation' recently and I'm guessing you're continuing to enjoy that?

As I just posted on another thread, I'm off to Mexico in 2 weeks for Labor Day weekend. Can't wait, I have heard great things about Guadalajara and it should be a neat little trip. Will bring the camera and keep SR close as usual. Maybe I will spot 'El Chapo'? ;)

I am sober today. I have manageable life. Exciting travel on the horizon. A few things to take care of, but nothing life threatening. What more could you ask for? Stay sober everyone, and that means YOU! I will do my part also!

Gilmer 08-20-2015 06:14 AM

I'm in.

My son plays tuba, and he always sends me cool tuba stuff to listen to. This one is amazing! Who knew a man and his tuba could do this? (It's worth watching just for his facial expressions! :) ).

Soberwolf 08-20-2015 06:17 AM

I'm in thanks

happyandfree 08-20-2015 06:29 AM

Good morning eveyone! I'm in.
Ruby, I didn't realize the significance of your vacation. Good for you for going out of your comfort zone and having a family adventure. Family time is so important.'re doing great. Keep building confidence in yourself. Positive affirmations help. Post them on your wall.
mesaman..your fishing hole looks great.
Ok...time for dog walk...would rather be hiking but I don't want to get stranded with the bad battery. New one this afternoon.
Welcome newcomers -
See you later -

ulfr 08-20-2015 06:32 AM

SoberWolf i love your avatar
Wolfs are beautiful :Valdog:

rednails 08-20-2015 06:33 AM

I'm in =D

Behan 08-20-2015 07:26 AM

Greetings regulars, irregulars, rogues, vagabonds, and burma shaves.

May I extend a big welcome and greetings to:



Charlie117926 08-20-2015 07:53 AM

Hey everyone. I am in. Sorry i have been so spotty lately. Been traveling like a rock star but without all the compensation and perks. Its been really busy with work. Sitting in an airport waiting to go home to finally see my wife and kids. I am on board as i have had a slip over the last two weeks and need to get back on track. No better time than now ☺

ArtFriend 08-20-2015 08:02 AM

Hey ya'll - Just poppin' in. An oldie but goodie. Orange peanut for me?

MLD51 08-20-2015 08:21 AM

Got myself a really nifty Bluetooth speaker yesterday. Being able to broadcast my iPad playlists really helps with getting stuff done around the house. Now I need to buy more music...

MLD51 08-20-2015 08:27 AM

That's great, art friend :) made me giggle.

biminiblue 08-20-2015 08:48 AM

I thought that picture of Mesa's was some laser line across the lake. Thanks, BigS, I would not have seen fishing pole. I would have just wondered.

In. Not too chatty. I have a sober friend who is struggling and I have nothing to say that is helpful, so I'm tempted to just pull back completely. It affects me.

I'm going to the zoo - two days in a row. Just - - uncomfortable - - need to boost my detach skillz. All I'm getting is excuses when I say anything. I'm afraid there is a relapse coming. (not me, her.)

biminiblue 08-20-2015 08:49 AM twice??

Behan 08-20-2015 09:00 AM

Well done on getting through your vacation sober Ruby!!! Amazing achievement. Many more await you now as your confidence will grow.


MLD51 08-20-2015 09:06 AM

I'm working on detaching these days, too, Bimini. I get so wrapped up in other peoples' "stuff" and it can be draining. There comes a point where it's healthier for both people to back off for a while. There's only so much you can do, and your friend will have to figure it out for herself, ultimately. I have a friend who I love to death, but he drinks way too much, and he knows it. He knows I'm here to help, should he want to quit, but I can't tell him what to do. Decision has to be his. I'm trying to back off for a while, because he can be a real jerk when he's drinking. He even admits that freely. So for my own well-being, I'm mentally detaching. Easier said than done.

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