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trachemys 01-08-2015 08:08 PM


Mustard-Crusted Pork Tenderloins Recipe -

I love this.

trachemys 01-08-2015 08:15 PM

Here, Olive...Elton, 1970

happyandfree 01-08-2015 08:47 PM

I love Elton John too-
Ruby. ..your commute sounds horrible, on top of your other stressors, I don't know how you do it. I wish you could make some changes...but I'll mind my own business. ..
Olive. precious dog had some lumps that ended up being harmless cysts.
Daxemus....welcome and congratulations on 13 days! Stick with us -
Stephandu...Japanese restaurant sounds great. And the bill is nice without booze. use you àll later.

Ruby2 01-08-2015 08:49 PM

Trach, thank you so much for the recipe. I might do half the tenderloin that way. Unfortunately, my kids like it plain. Salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion,powder. They need to develop palates although my daughter tries new stuff more willingly than my son. She doesn't eat much meat though. What six year old wants cherry tomatoes and baby carrots for breakfast?

Ruby2 01-08-2015 08:54 PM

HaF, you made me laugh with that mind my own business comment. I can and will make changes but it will come at my snails pace, procrastinator's speed. I'm sure I will share as I go along. It will be everybody's business:). And the commute usually isn't that bad but it is irritating. I'm just going to chalk this up as a really bad week all around so the weekenders thread can be my new start to thing.

Ruby2 01-08-2015 08:57 PM

Thank you Ellay. Vicious circle isn't it?

Lola23 01-08-2015 09:09 PM

Hello! Had a few not so good weeks, but I'm back now, hoping I can climb aboard the bus! Really nice to "see" some familiar friends here again :). And of course a big welcome to any newcomers!

The weekend is going to start of in not the greatest fashion...have a court date tmrrw at 9am. Nothing serious, just a minor 'improper vehicle registration' thing I gotta clear up. I really don't get why they make people come to court for this, but oh well. And then it's work over the weekend to catch up on things I majorly procrastinated on, totally my fault so I just have to suck it up.

That's about it! Looking forward to laying low and hanging out here with you folks this weekend.

trachemys 01-08-2015 09:17 PM

La la la la Lola! Welcome back.

Ruby, carrots are good but, if asked, I will take a good tomato over any other food on the planet.

I used to go to my grandparent's garden with my grandfather and eat them right off the vine. Have you any idea what a perfectly ripe sun warmed tomato tastes like? This is a family friendly site so I can't say.

PaulinaPolitely 01-08-2015 09:25 PM

Me Too!!!

trachemys 01-08-2015 09:46 PM

Paulina< the thread or the tomato?

happyandfree 01-08-2015 10:04 PM

Wow...I got interrupted and really cut short my last post ...sorry about that.
In my old age I am all about reducing stress. If it means changing jobs, getting a smaller car to reduce payments, going out to dinner less to afford a cleaning service, or whatever. ...I say DO IT. Life is so short, we need to have time to relax and smell the roses.
On that note...I can't wait for the weekend. One more day till fun time. And Friday nights aren't so difficult for me anymore. I used to dread Friday night cause that is when my AV would really bug me. 11 months later the cravings are minor and I realize that I don't want to ruin my beloved weekend with a hangover! I hope I never have to feel another hangover in my life. And....for you who are struggling, hang in there, it does get easier. If it didn't, we'd all still be drinking. It not only gets easier, it gets wonderful! No kidding, life is so much better in sobriety.
OK - I'm rambling.
btw I've got black beans in the crockpot cooking overnight. I'm eating more vegetarian these days although I don't intend to go 100%. I do intend to cut way back on meat consumption due to health reasons and feeling bad for the poor animals that we eat. And I love lots of vegetarian black beans and brown rice for breakfast with a fried I'm getting hungry.
Good night everyone :) see you tomorrow.

canguy 01-08-2015 10:33 PM

Okay.... we go.

This the difficult bit, guys. The Weekend. The Friday Night. End of the week. Which has been great. Productive, etcetc. And it'd just be so good to kick back and lift a few bottle tops....wouldn't it?

Well, maybe no....certainly not tomorrow morning.

So, its gonna have to be a sober, solitary evening.....have to get busy

Later, all

Weasel1966 01-08-2015 10:37 PM

So many new faces!!!!! Welcome!!!

I had an interesting day yesterday. Up because I cannot sleep. Got to try.

Work comes quick at 6.

Talk more then!!!

It's Friday. Think about a plan for staying sober. Let us know what steps you will take to get yourself there.


canguy 01-08-2015 10:50 PM

Plan for Friday?

Kick off my shoes, wriggle the toes....sit here and read SR for a bit and have a tomato juice and Tabasco - sort of like bloody mary no vodka. (and now known as a 'Virgin Mary' thanks so a fast wit on the Jan class thread, lol)

In a bit, change into the work stuff and go down the workshop for a cleanup. Plenty to do there this weekend.

7.30 - 8 ish the Iwannadrink's will be fading. Late evening, cook a good dinner....there's a good movie on some good chocolate. Got a book to finish. Laptop on the couch for some posting and reading here maybe.

Eventually it'll be nearly midnite. Slip off to bed...and that will be a week sober.

That's tha plan.....

petals 01-08-2015 11:19 PM

My usual window seat please.
Had to take a sample of my cats wee wee to the vets yesterday. .. hes losing weight.....
So far had two blood tests and now his wee wee being checked. I do hope he's going to be ok. I'm still struggling with my poorly ear.
Sorry. .. best pull myself together.
Aw ruby.... your life sounds similar to mine. Hugs.
Hi to all the regular peeps and hi to all the newbie peeps.xx

Englishrose70 01-08-2015 11:36 PM

Friday night here already, I've booked in at a cardio class tomorrow, really would love a glass of red tonight but I know when I walk into that class tomorrow at 10am with a clear head, the little internal struggle I have right now, which I will win, will be worth it and I will be feeling good about myself and thankful I stuck it out. One day at a time!

Buggirl 01-09-2015 12:04 AM

Exciting weekend ahead! I will go to the back of the bus and wave goodbye to the last 100 days tomorrow!

Weasel1966 01-09-2015 02:11 AM

Sounds like a good plan CanGuy!!!

Nice ER70!!! I just started a kettle bell class every Tuesday. Could never do that before!

!00 days!!!! Congrats buggirl!!! Good to see you so up and happy!!!

Good morning weekenders... Ready for work BE&BT!!!!!

I did not have my ipad with me yesterday so I missed most of the action here but you will be in hand... literally... all day today!

ShenzyT 01-09-2015 02:31 AM

Hiya everyone

I'm in for a sober weekend.

Ruby - I'll mention the bacon, always have to mention bacon .... (sounds good with the tomato aswell.....).

Take care everyone.


2Wheelterror 01-09-2015 02:57 AM

Ok i will share my crayons if i can get some delicious bacon. Off to work later peeps

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