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bobquin 02-09-2014 08:08 PM

TERRIFIED of Alcohol Detox
Hi all,

This is my first post here. I've been lurking the board for a couple of weeks now, and am so happy to have found this forum. Seems like a great support system, with tons of great people!

I'll be entering a treatment facility later this week for alcohol detox for the very first time, and I'm absolutely terrified about how sick I'll get or how bad it will be for me. Even though this facility offers a benzo taper plan, I'm afraid that my 15+ years of heavy drinking are going to make the 5-day stay an absolute nightmare. :(

Any words of encouragement would be more than welcomed. Thanks in advance, and I look forward to getting to know you all!


zerothehero 02-09-2014 08:12 PM


It is what it is. I drank for 40 years, and I have to say I'm glad you're doing it under medical supervision. Look at it this way, it will be a lot less painful than the suffering you would cause yourself if you kept drinking. You can do it. Glad you're checking yourself in - that takes big courage. Look forward to visiting with you on the other side.

freethinking 02-09-2014 08:13 PM

You may still get the dry heaves and crazy dreams, but the benzos help a LOT with paranoia, panic and anxiety. They help with the shakes. The good thing about a lot of places you detox at is you have the company of people who are in the same boat....and sometimes AA meetings are available too.

An inpatient detox is truly not too bad, nothing to be scared of and you are surrounded by people in the exact same boat (which I always found comforting).

Dee74 02-09-2014 08:15 PM

Hi Bob

withdrawal is so idiosyncratic - I had detoxes where I had no symptoms at all, and then I had some very bad ones.

try and relax - chances are it may not be anywhere as bad as you fear, and in any case, you'll be in a place where you have medical care - it is really the best option :)

welcome to SR :)

1newcreation 02-09-2014 08:19 PM

Welcome bob
Don't be terrified bout it coz there will be a doc & meds to do it safely & not suffer withdrawals. Tomm is not here yet anyway so don't worry bout it. Live 1 day @ time

Coldfusion 02-09-2014 08:26 PM

Welcome, Bob!

I found my detox program to be relatively painless. I was so distracted by sleeping and living in a strange place that I forgot about symptoms (the benzos helped me too).

You'll be fine!

not2late 02-09-2014 08:30 PM

Good luck Bob. We are here for you.

SweatyHands 02-09-2014 09:24 PM

It can be scary going in to detox, but speaking from experience it is far less scary than pulling over to have a seizure on the way to work in the morning. The doctors are there to keep you safe and comfortable. They want your detox to be as painless as possible to give you the best opportunity to be sober. My best advice is to be very honest and specific about your withdrawal symptoms. That way the nurses can administer exactly what meds you need to be safe. Good luck! In 5 days you will be amazed at how good it feels to not be chained to a bottle!

KateL 02-10-2014 02:45 AM

Welcome Bob xxx

bobquin 02-10-2014 08:31 PM

Thank you SO much for all of your responses. My anxiety has largely dissipated, and for the better part of today I've been looking forward to taking this next step in my recovery.

Tomorrow, I call the facility to determine availability of a bed in the detox unit for Wednesday morning. I REALLY hope that I'll be able to get in and make this happen ASAP. Keep your fingers crossed for me...will definitely keep you all posted on my progress!

Renarde 02-10-2014 08:44 PM

Welcome! You are doing the best thing for yourself. I'm glad you are here.

least 02-11-2014 12:13 AM

I wish you well during your detox. I'm glad you're doing this under medical supervision. :)

bobquin 02-12-2014 05:37 AM

Thanks again to you all for your responses and support. Bed reservation has been verified at the treatment center, and I'll be heading to the treatment center at noon today EST. Keep those positive thoughts coming, and I'll hopefully be reporting in here five days from now on a path to sobriety and good health! Stay well, all!

jaybee1 02-12-2014 05:40 AM

Good luck! You got this!

Be sure to check back in when you have a chance!

suki44883 02-12-2014 05:42 AM

Congratulations on your decision! I actually enjoyed my time at medical detox. I had been drinking for about 30 years and had no idea what to expect. It wasn't bad at all. They gave us meds to help, they fed us very well, and taught us some coping skills for when we went back outside. Just become a sponge and absorb everything you can. This is a wonderful gift you are giving yourself. (((HUGS)))

SoberMama13 02-12-2014 07:26 AM

It's gonna be ok.
I cried a lot, but then I didn't.
GOOD FOR YOU for going in.

freethinking 02-12-2014 07:30 AM

Good for you, Bob!

HeadLump 02-12-2014 07:34 AM

A brilliant and life-changing decision to make, Bob - you're right on the brink of giving yourself a new future! We'll all be here to support you every step of the way :grouphug:

angel23 02-12-2014 07:45 AM

All the best Bob, you'll be ok and put it this way, even if it sucks for a day or two just remember the reason why you're doing it....for a bigger and.better future
All the best :D

pickles999 02-12-2014 07:54 AM

don't be body and mind needs this will help i have been there like a lot of us.keep an open mind and get the rest you need.

Mountainmanbob 02-12-2014 08:03 AM

good luck

Originally Posted by bobquin (Post 4461029)

I'm absolutely terrified about how sick I'll get or how bad it will be for me. Even though this facility offers a benzo taper plan

I have been to treatment and seen and met many recovering ones there
in a few days after entering most all in the treatment center I was in
were feeling pretty good and joking around with each other and staff

they are the specialist in this field
they will do their very best so as to keep you comfortable

some will stay sober for a considerable amount of time after release
make it your goal to be one of these few (sobriety should be taken very seriously)

good luck

another -- Bob

Joe Nerv 02-12-2014 08:14 AM

My last 4 years of drinking I drank every single day without fail. I didn't suffer in detox at all. Was a lot different than I actually expected it to be. It was AFTER the detox that the fun stuff for me really began :). But I dove right into AA (actually was dragged by someone, first night out of the hospital), then after a month without a drink got myself into a 28 day rehab. I really felt I wasn't going to be able to hang on if I didn't do that. Went straight to outpatient treatment after that, continued my involvement in AA, and started living a completely different life. Didn't feel anywhere near normal (or even a part of anything, including AA), until around 6 months sober. Took me well over a year before my anxiety and panic completely went away. But while the progress was slow, it was steady.

You're about to embark on a wonderful journey. Embrace it, and things just happen as they will. You'll be in safe hands.

bobquin 02-16-2014 12:08 PM

Well, folks, I DID IT!

Entered the detox unit on Wednesday, and was discharged yesterday. It was MUCH less uncomfortable than I'd feared. You were all right. The meds (Librium for detox and trazadone for sleeping) made a world of difference, and aside from some shakes and a few dry-heaves here and there, it was not bad AT ALL.

I'm now on day 4 of my sobriety, and can't be more delighted about it! I went to an AA meeting last night, and will be attending another this evening. I also reached out to a friend who has 10 years of sobriety and asked her to be my sponsor. Hopefully, we'll be able to make it work!

Thanks to ALL of your for your helpful input in this thread. Now, I'm off to join the Class of February 2014 thread! :)

Mags1 02-16-2014 12:14 PM

Hi bobquin, congratulations on day 4 sober. Brill.

We are all here for you, keep posting, it's a great place for support here at SR, helped me tremendously.

least 02-16-2014 12:19 PM

Congrats on the start of a brand new life. :)

Sorensen 02-16-2014 12:34 PM

As Rob Schneider says in many Adam Sandler movies "You can doooo it!"

HeadLump 02-16-2014 12:36 PM

Yay, Bob!!!! :You_Rock_

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