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l33t5p1d3r 01-27-2014 05:00 PM

New Person here
I am a alcoholic, every day round about 8pm, (after work) I will start drinking not decent stuff either usually like 7.5% cider. Back when I was younger I was what people would call a player, basically a different lass back at mine every week. I've lost all confidence now, my life consists of work, come home, eat then drink, rinse and repeat. In between that I do nothing else. Days off are worse as I consider starting to drink earlier.

Mountainmanbob 01-27-2014 05:01 PM


I think that you will like it here


nicole100 01-27-2014 05:02 PM

Welcome to SR! Glad you are here! Sounds like you're ready to make some positive changes :)

least 01-27-2014 05:03 PM


You've come to a great place for support. It is possible to stop drinking and enjoy a sober life but it takes some effort. It's worth it! :)

sobercatholic 01-27-2014 05:06 PM

Glad you found your way here. It does look like you're open to some changes. Keep posting and asking, there's a way out of the rut.

Anna 01-27-2014 05:34 PM

Welcome, I know that addiction robs us of everything, including our souls. But, know for sure that you can find your way and we are here to support you.

Dee74 01-27-2014 05:39 PM

welcome l33t5p1d3r :)

I was in a similar cycle for years - I found coming here and posting regularly, and using the support here, really helped me change my life.

I hope we can help you change yours as well :)

KateL 01-27-2014 05:48 PM

Welcome xxx

Impurrfect 01-27-2014 06:07 PM

Welcome to SR!!

Hugs and prayers,


l33t5p1d3r 01-28-2014 02:58 PM

Thanks everyone for the welcome messages. I've sat today thinking about reasons as to why I started drinking so much, was it because my mother cheated on my father when I was younger, is it because I lost the one girlfriend that I did actually love over something so stupid, or is it because I have worked for decent places HMRC, Royal Mail, Nissan and now I work in a hell hole mcdonalds. All in all i think its a mix of the whole lot. I suppose I'm lucky with my current job me being a alcoholic goes somewhat unknown about. I just feel like I am living in some messed up dream and don't appreciate the things I do have.

Dee74 01-28-2014 03:01 PM

I don't actually think we need to know why we started in order to fact I think those kinds of questions are probably best tackled with a little sobriety and a clearer head :)

Have you got any kind of a plan to help you stay sober?


l33t5p1d3r 01-28-2014 03:21 PM

I have no plan at all. I would not really know where to start. I have tried going sober, lasted 6 days just before christmas last year. I did however find it really hard to get any sleep.

erics 01-28-2014 03:54 PM

You have already started. I could put down the drink, but couldn't keep it down without support from others, in the form of AA.

Hevyn 01-28-2014 04:01 PM

It's so good to meet you - I'm glad you've reached out for a better life for yourself. SR gave me the courage to quit - you can do it too.

worried6666 01-28-2014 04:18 PM

Welcome! This is my first day here as well!

Dee74 01-28-2014 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by l33t5p1d3r (Post 4437120)
I have no plan at all. I would not really know where to start. I have tried going sober, lasted 6 days just before christmas last year. I did however find it really hard to get any sleep.

Joining a support thread is a good start..

read around the forums as much as you like - you'll get a lot of ideas :)

LittleRhody 01-28-2014 04:42 PM

Funny...I just posted about progression...from bars and ladies to home alone and hammered...yup...that was me

sobercatholic 01-28-2014 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by l33t5p1d3r (Post 4437075)
Thanks everyone for the welcome messages. I've sat today thinking about reasons as to why I started drinking so much, was it because my mother cheated on my father when I was younger, is it because I lost the one girlfriend that I did actually love over something so stupid, or is it because I have worked for decent places HMRC, Royal Mail, Nissan and now I work in a hell hole mcdonalds. All in all i think its a mix of the whole lot. I suppose I'm lucky with my current job me being a alcoholic goes somewhat unknown about. I just feel like I am living in some messed up dream and don't appreciate the things I do have.

Don't worry now about why you started, like Dee74 said. Focus on stopping, and staying stopped, which is difficult to do on your own. You can use the help of others, find local AA meetings, and keep participating here on SR in between them.

The "why's" of the drinking may become apparent with a few months or so of sobriety and the working of the Steps, especially the first five.

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