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ElegantlyWasted 06-17-2013 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by stubbs (Post 4021545)
Thanks for link Dee,
It appears a single relapse can pretty much start paws all over from beginning.At least that is what I gathered from that read.Csn anyone that has experienced paws and relapsed share how there relapses affected there paws?

I slammed a 12 pack of high octane beer on day 51; that was 5 days ago. I personally disagree that one slip does a total reset and would like to see some real data as to how they reached that conclusion (maybe a week bender would do it). I have not had any exacerbation of symptoms nor feel like I totally reset to day 1. I think the take away is watch those rigid overly focused thoughts, see the bigger picture and try to objectively monitor where you are and what you need. The big thing that helps me is Eating Healthy and Exercise. Seems like you you're focusing on potential bad stuff down the road; maybe try just focusing on the here and now. It happened; ergo do something so it doesn't happen again.

trikyriky 06-17-2013 10:45 AM

Originally Posted by Nuudawn (Post 4020718)
Your addiction cycle started to accelerate as soon as your mind started the debate about whether or not you can were in hot water ..

good info , I'll add that to my toolbox

Stubbs : How are you doing ? Day 2

stubbs 06-17-2013 11:22 AM

PAWS symptoms reach a peak from three to six months after we get clean. Any use of drugs or alcohol, even in small quantities or for a short time, will effectively eliminate any improvement gained over that time, as it will keep the brain from healing. There are a variety of symptoms. Not everyone will experience all of them. Here are some of the main ones.

This is what I read...

doggonecarl 06-17-2013 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by stubbs (Post 4021714)
PAWS symptoms reach a peak from three to six months after we get clean. Any use of drugs or alcohol, even in small quantities or for a short time, will effectively eliminate any improvement gained over that time, as it will keep the brain from healing. There are a variety of symptoms. Not everyone will experience all of them. Here are some of the main ones.

This is what I read...

I still think you are confusing PAWS (Post-acute-withdrawal syndrome) with withdrawals, which you are suffering because you drank and are now two days sober. Relapsing lengthen and worsen your withdrawals. I have no idea what it does to symptoms of PAWS, except now you have to go through them again at 3 or 6 months.

Have you even gotten three months sober yet?

Here's the deal, stay sober and you won't have to fret about PAWS or withdrawals or any of the things that drinking causes.

stubbs 06-17-2013 01:47 PM

No I have not went that long,longest is a month probably.been drinking for 22-23 years.I understand don't relapse and leave paws in the past.I would do that if it were that easy for me.I am asking because I am sick of the depression,anxiety,lack of motivation and feeling a bit slow and hazy in the brain.Would like to know how relapses effect my ability to get back to the old me.

stubbs 06-17-2013 01:49 PM

PAWS | Digital Dharma

Here is the link from Dee,look under "symptoms".That is where I am reading this.

ScottFromWI 06-17-2013 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by stubbs (Post 4021896)
.I am asking because I am sick of the depression,anxiety,lack of motivation and feeling a bit slow and hazy in the brain.Would like to know how relapses effect my ability to get back to the old me.

I think the simple answer and fix to all of the problems listed above is to just stop drinking ( and hence stop relapsing )! Whether or not PAWS "resets" or not, you will have withdrawals of some kind every time you drink/relapes. And most likely it will be worse every time. So rather than worrying about something that varies from person to person anyway, perhaps just concentrate on staying sober..right?

stubbs 06-17-2013 02:48 PM

Was just curious,I understand the obvious.

doggonecarl 06-17-2013 03:05 PM

Originally Posted by stubbs (Post 4021896)
I am asking because I am sick of the depression,anxiety,lack of motivation and feeling a bit slow and hazy in the brain.

This isn't PAWS. This is early recovery. You can get past this. But twenty years drinking...its going to take a while to see your "old" self. Be patient. It will happen if you stay the sober course.

Dee74 06-17-2013 03:10 PM

I'm not an expert on PAWs Stubbs but I agree with Carl - if the longest you've had is a month I'd suspect PAWs probably isn't involved at all & you're probably just dealing with the cycle of worsening withdrawals.

let me stress: neither Carl and I are Drs tho.

if you want serious, expert advice about your depression and anxiety or any other aspect of your health you need to see a Dr Stubbs.


stubbs 06-17-2013 03:19 PM

I'm waiting on doc to get back to me.I am getting in as soon as I can.He specializes in alcohol and drug abuse.He will know more on what I should do in regards of meds.Thanks for the reply's:)

silentrun 06-17-2013 03:30 PM

IMHO you will know you are a normal drinker when you have an aversion to alcohol. Only an addict would put themselves through what we have and even think of picking up a drink again. It's a enigma within a paradox wrapped in bacon. You will know you are a normal drinker when drinking again and sticking your head in an industrial fan are equally difficult. Just my thoughts during a paws manic episode.

stubbs 06-17-2013 06:06 PM

You are right Silentrun,
Well day 2 in the books....

Nighthawk8820 06-17-2013 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by stubbs (Post 4019368)
Well 24 days down the drain,
I went and bought me a 12 pack today and drank 10 of them.Wouldnt even say I was pressured or triggered by anything.I was sitting in my recliner watching tv and was looking outside and thought man what a good day to grill out and drink some beer.After a half hour battle in my head I strapped on my shoes and off to the store I went.
I have been thinking about it for a couple days.I keep having the thoughts of "Can I drink like normal people now?"I think I needed this though.i need to prove to myself I can not drink like normal people.Im upset about this but not greatly upset.I feel this is going to be a stepping stone to my sobriety.I am a bit angry I have to start over on my days though.
I am not drinking tomorrow Inam 100% sure of this,it doesn't even sound good.Well there it is my confession so to speak..any advice for me?

You have a great attitude with looking at it as a needed step. Most people who are in recovery for long periods agree that this is a step everyone takes. I took it, I was sober a few months, and then thought.........."Hey, I can control this now, I obviously did the last few months". I was back where I started in less than a week. Good lesson though, one I think everyone needs to learn the hard way (like most lessons in life unfortunately).

stubbs 06-18-2013 03:38 AM

Thanks nighthawk,
I feel like that it is nessesary for me to know this with certainty in order to strengthen my sobriety.I think I am on the right path to a sober life,just may be a few bumps in the road getting there.Just wish my brain would heal up and give me a freaking break on all the negative moods.whatever I'm going threw paws,withdrawal,midlife crisis lol.In time I suppose it will all work out.

stubbs 06-18-2013 11:54 AM

Earliest is next Thursday for doc...not sure if I can make it that far without $@%~£ng up!
My lack of planning is biting me in the butt now.

ScottFromWI 06-18-2013 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by stubbs (Post 4023572)
Earliest is next Thursday for doc...not sure if I can make it that far without $@%~£ng up!
My lack of planning is biting me in the butt now.

There is always time to make new plans Stubbs. A good start would be to plan out today to include some non-drinking activities. Early on i found that making an actual calendar/schedule for myself was helpful. I have a very regimented schedule at work, so I applied the same logic to my time away from work. I literally listed by the hour what I planned on doing from the time I left work until I went to bed. Not sure if that would help but the worst case scenario is that you get some things done you might not have.

stubbs 06-18-2013 01:23 PM

It's just the depression and anxiety and lack of motivation that is killing me.Other then that Im doing fantastic! Lol,It's just going to take time to rid all these negative feelings away.I am counting the days down to when Inget to talk to my doc.Inthink he will put me on some antidepressant for a little while.
I am not one to really like taking a pill everyday to make me happy.But what the heck I was taking Vicodin and beer to make me feel good so whatever he says I am going along with...:)

ScottFromWI 06-18-2013 01:51 PM

Just keep in mind that there is no magic pill that the doctor can prescribe to make your depression and anxiety go away. Many of them actually can take several weeks to even begin having an effect. So while it's a great idea to see him, plan on doing some hard work yourself on getting back on track, even if meds are prescribed. Developing a routine, eating better, getting exercises, all can make a big difference.

stubbs 06-18-2013 03:04 PM

Thanks Scott,
I've been on them in the past a couple times.But I drank on them and they didn't seem to work to great.I just need something to take the edge off.

stubbs 06-20-2013 06:49 PM

Day 5.feeling slightly better also.its been a month since my original quit date with one relapse 5 days body and mind are coming along...

trikyriky 06-20-2013 06:56 PM

Stubbs , thanks for keeping us updated . Posting , accountability is key . Wishing you well

stubbs 06-21-2013 11:33 AM

Ill fight this beast till I die,Just hope I can wear him out in time.

Live2Run25 06-21-2013 11:42 AM

Woohoo! Day 5.. you are building those days back up again. Keep going! =)

stubbs 06-21-2013 10:34 PM

These weekends are killing me...I slipped again!

Nuudawn 06-21-2013 11:53 PM

Stubbs..what happened?

stubbs 06-22-2013 06:42 AM

Was working in yard and cleaning pool and that's where it began.Just start thinking man it's a beautiful day out and a beer would just hit the spot.I am weak when I am outside or working around yard or in house.I tried to fight it for a little while but gave in.I only had a six pack and didnt even really get a buzz.I just feel like something is missing if I'm out by the pool or grilling out and I dont have a beer.This is where In NEED to learn how to live sober.I k ow I can enjoy these things sober but I just don't know how right now:(

Nuudawn 06-22-2013 07:12 AM

I actually drink O'Doul's (non alcoholic) beer when the occasion calls for it. I had one last night when I came home from work and it hit the spot. Ocassionally I will have two ..but there is no desire for another. It works for me because a sugary soda is not appealing to me. I also drink a lot of club soda and lime cordial Both hit the spot on a hot day when I'm thirsty..and they actually quench my thirst rather than make me thirstier as alcohol dehydrates and then begs another. I dunno...I know some folks don't like the idea of NA beer...but I sure do. There is actually one I will have go to U.S. for (I'm 20 mins from border) called Erdinger. It's supposed to be tastiest NA beer out there..I believe its a hoppy type beer...kind you serve with orange slice. I look forward to trying it.
I get the taste of beer but no disaster.
It's a suggestion Stubbs...I know it helps me from time to time..cuz a pop just isn't what I want sometimes..or water.

doggonecarl 06-22-2013 07:14 AM

You need to start a new thread. This one, entitled "Relapse," seems to be a self fulfilling prophecy. Call the new one, "I'm not ever going to drink again."

Originally Posted by stubbs (Post 4030431)
I k ow I can enjoy these things sober but I just don't know how right now:(

We alcoholics want to be gratified right now and nothing is going to stand in our way. Drinking is a fast fix for self gratification. Sobriety isn't. Don't expect to enjoy all your old activities sober right away. But if you stay sober, you will. First comes the sobriety, then comes the enjoyment. That's the order of things. Accept it, or continue to struggle and drink. And everytime you drink you are pushing the times you can enjoy sober farther and farther down the road.

stubbs 06-22-2013 08:07 AM

Originally Posted by Nuudawn (Post 4030475)
I actually drink O'Doul's (non alcoholic) beer when the occasion calls for it. I had one last night when I came home from work and it hit the spot. Ocassionally I will have two ..but there is no desire for another. It works for me because a sugary soda is not appealing to me. I also drink a lot of club soda and lime cordial Both hit the spot on a hot day when I'm thirsty..and they actually quench my thirst rather than make me thirstier as alcohol dehydrates and then begs another. I dunno...I know some folks don't like the idea of NA beer...but I sure do. There is actually one I will have go to U.S. for (I'm 20 mins from border) called Erdinger. It's supposed to be tastiest NA beer out there..I believe its a hoppy type beer...kind you serve with orange slice. I look forward to trying it.
I get the taste of beer but no disaster.
It's a suggestion Stubbs...I know it helps me from time to time..cuz a pop just isn't what I want sometimes..or water.

Thanks for the advice,
I drink beer for the taste along with the buzz.fake beer I've tried and the buzz was would just lead me to real beer.i need to learn to live sober

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