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firstweek 02-23-2013 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by TypicalPisces (Post 3832246)
I wish I were veteran enough to offer some helpful suggestions. What I will say is that you are stronger than the voice in your brain. You are. What are you doing tonight? Any plans?

Right now I made some popcorn and am going to watch a movie. Still not ready for social evenings with booze present so I'm going to lay low for a little while till I get stronger....:peek I think we all just have to give this thing time...take care of yourselves all and try stay strong

TypicalPisces 02-23-2013 11:32 AM

That sounds like a great plan! And I am on board with the laying low. That's what I am doing too. Of course, I'm not much of a "going out'er", but if I were - I'd still lay low. :candle2:

I'll be watching a basketball game later and that'll lead into early evening. Then I will grab my book and a long bubble bath, then head upstairs to continue to read. Keeping it simple and :peek like you.

firstweek 02-23-2013 11:45 AM

sounds like a good plan TP....keeping it simple .... I like that!

1stepup 02-23-2013 11:47 AM

Thank you Typical pisces, we are all going through this together and this forum does help me. Gonna just make a plan for tommorrow, like you im gona lay low and just do some housework. Il try the breathing, do feel very panicky still. I know that il feel that much better tommorrow.

Good luck and best wishes to everyone.

Tick 02-23-2013 02:05 PM


I know what u mean. I am 100 % OK then 1 minute later I'm not, then back again. When I feel bad it helps me to remember not to go down that path of thought. Think about it later when you are in a better spot emotionally or physically. Suck up that anxiety knowing you will feel better in 1 minute or 10 But it will feel better. Worked for me a few times heading home passing all those tempting spots to stop. Take care.

Dee74 02-23-2013 02:27 PM

TP you can put people on ignore in chat just like you can here on the forums.

At any time, if you feel someone is acting inappropriately you can contact one of the orange chat mods or a normal mod if we're around :)

Hope everyone's doing ok - the first few weekends can be rough - but the sense of achievement waking up sober in the morning really is awesome - noone regrets it :)


Fitness1234 02-23-2013 03:19 PM

Doing better...I had really bad anxiety last night and had a bit of I woke up feeling a lot better..maybe the tapering helped a little. I'm hoping I can get through the night! No matter how I feel I'm not getting any alcohol... I hope everyone doing well

Starbaby928 02-23-2013 03:25 PM

I had lunch with my brother. I felt so incredibly anxious during. I wasn't a very good conversationalist. I fell apart on the drive home. I was sobbing. I feel sort of numb right now... Glad to have found this forum though... Lord knows it's been a blessing during these short few days!

Dee74 02-23-2013 03:26 PM

it will get easier and better starbaby I promise :)


Starbaby928 02-23-2013 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by Dee74 (Post 3832542)
it will get easier and better starbaby I promise :)


Thanks D... I'm cautiously optimistic. Losing my relationship propelled me into sobriety... So, I'm dealing with that loss alongside this decision to enter a period of recovery.

I vacillate between periods of feeling overwhelmed & periods of calm. If I want to reestablish that relationship, I have to get control of myself... And that means leading a sober life.

I feel like a yoyo- at times emotionally overwrought & at times rational & motivated to handle what may come.

Feeling like I can express this to people who understand and won't judge is incredibly helpful & makes me feel a bit safer during a time of upheaval.

Easyrider 02-23-2013 03:35 PM

Hi guys. I'm sitting here. Watching telly and not craving alcohol. I'm not bothered at all. And that scares me! It's like i Know where these thoughts lead. You don't have problem. So just have a drink. But I'm not thinking that...yet. Not sure if its a good or bad thing. Maybe I think to much, at least maybe when I'm sober. That, and I've had a lot of caffeine. Lol. Any who day 7 tomorrow, woohoo, although I've been thinking about not counting days...again coz I know that leads to wow 100 days might as well get hammered to celebrate! I'm blathering on ill leave it there for now. :D

1stepup 02-23-2013 05:10 PM

Hi starbaby, know how you feel, my sobriety has coinsided with the realisation that i can never get back with my ex, shes told me she doesnt love me anymore because of the drinking and unreliability and it hurts.

Going to change my life and get sober, on day two now.

venuscat 02-23-2013 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by Odelle (Post 3831982)
Good morning class, checking in at the beginning of day 18 and want to encourage everyone just starting because it does get easier each passing day. One BIG benefit I am experiencing is a steady sense of calm. Things that would pi** me off during the drink/rinse/repeat process don't seem to even phase me now. I really love being in the moment and not over reacting to every bump in the road.

The first week was very hard, time seemed to drag, but as the sober days accumulate, time catches up and you will begin to wonder where the day went.

We all found our way here to SR because we want to break out of this addiction and to start living a life that more truly reflects the "real person" that we each know we are. The good news is that it can be done! Don't think of not drinking as depriving yourself of anything, rather view it as giving your body, mind and soul the opportunity to repair itself from the abuse of alcohol. Have a safe and sober Saturday all! :ring

Thank you Odelle,

wonderful words....awesome advice!!!!! Sunday here....gonna have a safe and sober one, thank you so much!!!!

Day 22....feeling a little better physically now, and like Odelle said, not every bump in the road is sending me spinning out of control....I have always been out of control, so this is magic!

Love and good wishes for an excellent day to all!

Venus xx :)

venuscat 02-23-2013 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by firstweek (Post 3832073)
Reporting in to February class please! 7 days without alcohol. Doing ok but moods are terrible....going from elation to tears within minutes :c021:....still trying to kid myself that sometime I will be able to drink in a controlled way and almost grieving that for me, that option is not possible. Life without my bottle of cold wine or beer seems impossible to imagine and panic almost sets in if I think about it too much....I hope the bad moods go soon (not fair on my boyfriend)....anybody else ranting and raving through this process :a043::abcd:?? Good luck all

Welcome to our group,

totally get everything you said....didn't think I would like life without that cold bottle....but I like it a whole lot better....and my boyfriend definitely does not miss the unstable angry chic that I was only a few short weeks ago....

wishing you a great day!!!

Love Venus xx :) :welcome

venuscat 02-23-2013 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by TypicalPisces (Post 3832217)

What I didn't expect is having a drunk in attendance in chat. Lashing out and looking for pity. Throwing out rhetorical questions. Insulting other members. That was not a helpful atmosphere for me. I came here to the forums to read, but the trigger had already been set off.

It was my mistake not saying that. Just starting a thread and seek out the support I knew I'd receive. I let my AV come into play and linger around too long. I know that now. I know that the next time a trigger happens, I need to address it immediately. Not seek out other avenues to distract myself.

I'm learning. And I'm trying. I'll mess up sometimes, but I'll always try. I have to.

Thanks for reading.

Yes....that was not fun, was it? Upset me a great deal.... also triggered me...terrified that I felt that way....couldn't believe that happened....but I reported the situation, had to for my own protection...and eventually calmed on life's terms huh?

We can do this TP!!! love V xx

PreciousKitty 02-23-2013 05:41 PM

Originally Posted by estone (Post 3831497)
Hello everyone. I want to jump into the Feb group. I've been reading through the thread trying to catch up on everyone. I am 13 days sober now. I was mostly a binge drinker on the weekends. I've been drunk pretty much every weekend since I was 13 years old except when I was pregnant with my 2 children. I'm now 41 and I'm so sick of the roller coaster. I'm so ready to get off the ride. I had an absolutely wonderful weekend last week. It seemed like I had so much time by not getting drunk. Before I was so unmotivated to get anything extra done. I have had so many crazy emotions since deciding to quit. I'm excited, scared as hell, sad, and lost, all at the same time. I just have no idea who I am and I'm afraid because for so long I've been the "party girl". I am excited because I can allready see my kids are so happy that I've decided to quit. They are older teenagers and hate that my husband and I have partied all these years and for that I am truly sorry to them. They are my world and it's time I start respecting them and acting like it. Sorry this is so long. I'm just excited that I have people to chat with who know what I'm going through or what it's like. Thank-you all for being here.

Welcome Estone:welcome

estone 02-23-2013 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by Easyrider (Post 3832556)
Hi guys. I'm sitting here. Watching telly and not craving alcohol. I'm not bothered at all. And that scares me! It's like i Know where these thoughts lead. You don't have problem. So just have a drink. But I'm not thinking that...yet. Not sure if its a good or bad thing. Maybe I think to much, at least maybe when I'm sober. That, and I've had a lot of caffeine. Lol. Any who day 7 tomorrow, woohoo, although I've been thinking about not counting days...again coz I know that leads to wow 100 days might as well get hammered to celebrate! I'm blathering on ill leave it there for now. :D

Easyrider, those are exactly the same thoughts I've been having! I'm not even tempted in the least to drink right now but I keep worrying about "when" the urge will hit me and how I'm going to handle it. I am so worried I will forget how strong my resolve is right now and cave. It's nice to know other people think the same way.

Dee74 02-23-2013 06:03 PM

posting regularly here really helped me when those urges did hit estone - hit SR not the liquor store :)


noubledegative 02-23-2013 07:43 PM

It's almost been a week sober! and it's feeling different this time around...much better! I have more resolve, more clarity of mind and now I've tasted what a sober life can be like, more to lose.

I think the negative experience of falling of the wagon last week, made me feel so miserable that I'm just really determined to not let it happen again. Ive made a few changes this time around. The main one is I've now told some select friends & my family that im no longer drinking. They are being supportive, which is great!

I caught up with 3 friends last night, we all hung out at one of their houses, in a different city to where I live. We sat around and talked, watched a vid, drank some nice non alcoholic drinks, listened to music, went for a late night walk around the local botanical gardens & generally just had a nice pleasant time...booze free! at the end of the night i think everyone, without anything being said, mutually agreed that it had been a great night (it was a sense i just had) & even they they are drinkers (not problem drinkers) Plans have been made to socialize alcohol free in the near future with me...So I'm stoked! So nice to have an enjoyable time with friends...SOBER :D When we were returning home at 2am from the big walk, we had to walk through the city, which meant going past bars that i have spent way too much time at. They just looked grotty/loud /expensive & unappealing to me...felt no desire to go in.

So, another thing I'm doing different, Is really taking charge of my a BIG way. I'm eating REALLY well, avoiding crap food, exercising & jumping in a sauna to detox daily.. I have started getting comments, from the odd person, that something looks different about me. "have you lost weight?, you look good" type of thing.

& When I'm talking to people, i feel like I'm a different person, my voice sounds different, the words coming out my mouth are different. This probably sounds a bit weird, but makes sense to me. I think a little spark has been lit inside me.

I don't want to get ahead of myself though. This is still hard work & I'm still taking my baby steps. I can tell the damage the drinking has done to me is gonna take quite awhile to undo, but i can feel significant physical/psychological & spiritual changes already.

I told one of my friends last night, that I don't want to just stop drinking and be a 'normal' person. I want to embrace all that life has to offer & let this ride of sobriety, health,healing & soul searching take me to places I have never been before.


Be inspired! Stay strong & take back the happiness & purpose that you desire & deserve. You are a unique & beautiful human being, that for what ever reason, fell trapped to addiction... & now guess what? you are claiming that that has no power over you ANYMORE


Goose1 02-23-2013 07:51 PM

There is no medicine like HOPE, no incentive so great and no tonic so powerful as the expectation of sobriety tomorrow. HOPE is good, HOPE never dies!

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