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Jasmine1313 08-31-2012 06:39 AM

I can't do this anymore
It's been 30 years of "social drinking" that went overboard now and then. Inside, I have always felt like the "overboards" really weren't ok, and I have felt torn because our culture laughs about drinking too much, talks about drinking all the time and makes it seem "normal."

I started running last year. Something about my metabolism must have changed -- I feel like physically/biologically I have a different reaction to alcohol now. Last March, after drinking Sangria with my husband, I became belligerent and very argumentative. I had never been like that. I was never one whose personality changed after drinking.

I decided to see if I could simply limit my alcohol. So I started drinking one weekend a month rather than every weekend. I started feeling much better, more at peace and a lot healthier.

Yesterday for the first time in years I purposefully went to the store to buy alcohol with the intent of using it for stress relief. My husband was out for the evening dealing with family matters, and I sat at home alone and downed nearly two bottles of wine.

Why? WHY did I do that? I don't even remember half of the evening, but I am ashamed, embarrassed, humiliated, angry and fed up.

I am SO over this, but I need help/support in stopping. I came online to seek support because I do not have the option of attending live in-person meetings in my community due to the fact that it is a small community and EVERYONE talks -- nothing is sacred, nothing is secret. Believe me, I have heard numerous names from others about "who I saw at an AA meeting!" I cannot go that route.


Anna 08-31-2012 06:47 AM

There are many ways to stop drinking, so just take a look around and you'll see lots of success stories.

The changes you've seen could be due, simply, to the progression of the disease. Alcoholism is a progressive disease and it will worsen until you stop drinking. Know that you can do this and find healthy ways to live.

doggonecarl 08-31-2012 06:49 AM

Welcome to SR.

There are a lot of paths to the top of the mountain...there is more than one way to recover from alcoholism, if that's what you think your problem is.

Let me ask you, why would you be ashamed of being seen at an AA meeting, seeking to recover from an affliction not of your making?

Yet no one is ashamed to be seen at a bar...I just don't get it.

Jasmine1313 08-31-2012 06:54 AM

Originally Posted by doggonecarl (Post 3556983)
Welcome to SR.

There are a lot of paths to the top of the mountain...there is more than one way to recover from alcoholism, if that's what you think your problem is.

Let me ask you, why would you be ashamed of being seen at an AA meeting, seeking to recover from an affliction not of your making?

Yet no one is ashamed to be seen at a bar...I just don't get it.

Well, I guess it's not called AA for nothing, but in my town, believe me, nothing is anonymous. Ashamed isn't the word. I just don't want people in my personal business. I might feel funny being seen at a bar, though ;)

doggonecarl 08-31-2012 06:57 AM

The good news is, as Anna points out, there are other recovery methods.

Sometimes it's the struggle that determines the solution, and the lengths we will go to seek it.

Good luck. And again, welcome. SR has been my number one life line to a sober life.

Saliena 08-31-2012 07:09 AM

Welcome to SR!!! Yes there are many ways to get sober! I have tried them all... AA was the one that finally worked for me. But, I can understand your hesistation. Take your time check out the site. Check out the other ways. There is no one right way... the only right way to stop drinking is to start. :) We all need help with the stopping.

Sapling 08-31-2012 07:18 AM

Originally Posted by Jasmine1313 (Post 3556975)
Believe me, I have heard numerous names from others about "who I saw at an AA meeting!"

Are they getting sober? I didn't really care who saw me at an AA meeting...I was only there to save my life...If they want to knock me for that...Have at it!.....Like what was said...There are others ways...Find one that works for you.

2granddaughters 08-31-2012 07:32 AM

Jasmine1313, please Google and read AA's "The Doctors Opinion", "How It Works" and "The Promises of Alcoholics Anonymous". See if they pertain to you.
Alcoholism is a progressive disease. When you get to the AA meetings you will find that out.

In our AA group is ministers, priests, lawyers, doctors and the Chief-of-police. The Chief's son spoke at the open meeting last night.

If you were dying of heart failure and the very Dr who could save you was a Republican and not a Democrat would you refuse his services ??

Many here will say that there are different ways to sobriety. If you are an alcoholic as described in the AA documents there is only one way. It's your call.

I believe you are realizing this isn't a game. All the best.

Bob R

tomsteve 08-31-2012 07:34 AM

there are many different routes to recovery.
in my case, i didnt care who saw me fall off a bar stool and act like an idiot so i didnt care who saw me at an AA meeting and who knew. it was better for them to see i was doin something about my problem with alcohol.

Dee74 08-31-2012 02:42 PM

Welcome Jasmine :)

Please do look at the link Anna posted - I think there's more than enough approaches there to suit anyone.

Many methods now have online options...some, like Rational Recovery, have no meetings at all.

I recommend you visit the Secular Connections forum if you think you may benefit from a non 12 step approach, like RR or SMART etc.


ashbyee 09-05-2012 03:42 AM

Jasmine1313- welcome you have come to the right place. You will find a tremendous amount of support and a wealth of knowledge here at SR.

aeo1313 09-05-2012 05:08 AM some reading on these boards, read the Big Book, read other books...etc. I started out in AA, but after a few months decided it wasn't the best route for me and I've been using more AVRT principles. You can get sober- you just need to want to.

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