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rache 08-13-2012 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by rache (Post 3487696)
today, on my 14th day of sobriety, my addiction told me "sure, you could make it through all the stuff like your mom's death and losing your job, proud of you... but there's no way you can tolerate the emotional pain your ex is putting you through right now without drinking. you deserve to shut it out and just numb yourself tonight" :react

Instead I went for a walk, reached out and got through it. And now I'm here in this forum.

hi everyone, i'm a newbie to all this, hope I posted my reply correctly.

i'm quoting my own post. i failed and let my alcoholism talk me into drinking because of that emotional bs with my ex. he came over and brought beer, so we could talk. i wanted to be close to him, so i did it and lost 16 days. BUT, the positive out of it, is that I got right back to my sobriety, my eyes were OPENED, and i'm not listening to my alcoholism today and not letting any emotional problems be an excuse to drink. for today. tomorrow i have 30 days and i'm more proud of that than i am disappointed in myself for slipping.

AllArise 08-13-2012 04:48 PM

"You're never going to make it through this first week anyway; why not just quit now?"

FCErikaMc 08-13-2012 04:54 PM

"You made it through the weekend, how much hurt can one celebratory beer do?"

Sorry, AV. I know your game, and I know you can never have just one and that there is always a clever excuse to have another. Not gonna happen.

427 08-13-2012 05:11 PM

What a great thread!!! Relate to every single post! Yup, one last bang so I can finish my expensive and delicious drink. What difference is one day gonna make?

Love you all!!

hrich1122 08-13-2012 05:22 PM

Your kids will be in bed and your husband doesn't get home til could just relax wih just one(yea right)

EternalQ 08-15-2012 11:36 PM

I haven't had any AV so far this week. What an incredible break that is. So freeing.

mecanix 08-16-2012 02:06 AM

It said ,
If you go to a wedding , it's the decent thing to do to toast them with a glass of champange and if you went out to a restaraunt in france it'd be nice to find out if the white wine tasted nice or if i was just using it to get hammerd all the time in the old days .

I said ,
I have no weddings to go to , is my AV so desperate it copies threads on SR and i know, if i did go to a wedding there would be other drinks, the people making the commitment wouldn't care annyhoo .
Also i have no plans to go to a restaraunt in france , i'm not even in france , i never did like the taste of alcohol it was always the trumpet blast of flavour in anything it was in and smotherd out other subtler flavours .

Plus i'm an alcoholic, and alcoholics, if they want a life do not drink alcohol ever .

ebshot 08-16-2012 03:45 AM

"Sure you can go to the bar and have ONE beer with your friends. No problem."

Yeah, I went to AA instead.

MalkavianEmily 08-16-2012 05:02 AM

"Remind me again how much better life is now you're sober... I mean, we never had sour milk when you were drinking..."

"Well... nice to see you're so on top of things. You know what, you're no different now you've quit. Might as well be drinking as far as I can see... At least you'd stop fretting."

"Stuff happens, you know, Catherine? And maybe I would stop fretting for a while. Actually, I'd stop caring which isn't the same thing. And then when it wore off I'd be worse off. Or were you planning for me to start again before that?"

KittieKat 08-16-2012 06:05 AM

Yesterday: Tomorrow is a better day to quit, I just need to medicate myself for just one more day. Just one more day.

(Today: On my second beer at 6 am.)

EternalQ 08-18-2012 06:48 PM

"Won't it be nice, when you move you can sit out on your deck after work, and watch the sunset with a drink."

No. That wouldn't be nice, with a drink. It would be a total disaster. I'd go inside and drink all night and never talk to a soul and never meet one new neighbor.

Rochford 08-18-2012 07:08 PM

It said, "Wow, that really sucks that you stumbled out of bed in a good mood and immediately got into a senseless argument with your boyfriend about what to do with an old TV set. You know what would make you feel better? A nice cold tall boy of Natural Ice. You've got cash in your wallet, and the day off. Wouldn't it feel great to get wasted at 8 in the morning, with nothing to do all day but drink yourself silly?"

I said, "Wow, that sounds like a horrible hangover and a wasted day. Five weeks ago I would totally have done that, but not today. Thanks for playing though!" and went out for a walk instead. :)

fallingtogether 08-18-2012 07:24 PM

my av was yelling at me for pouring out the remaining wine in the house. straight up, why in the world would you do that? we could have drank that tonight and started over tomorrow. well, its gone, so, shut up and deal with it av, im taking charge!

Elphaba 08-18-2012 11:14 PM

I actually managed to hit a parked car today. In twenty years of drunk driving I never had an accident. My addictive voice had a field day. Not only did 'I' need a drink to deal with the stress, but 'I am' apparently a better driver drunk because I'm more cautious.

EternalQ 08-26-2012 03:50 PM

This past weekend it was: "You can't get through all these parties this weekend and not drink. There are open bars and everyone will be drinking but you."

"Yes, I will". And did. One event at a time. I said: "Hey just because others plan parties doesnt mean you are supposed to drink! There is no coorelation, AV."

EternalQ 09-01-2012 07:18 PM

Luckily the AV has been quiet... But clever...

Today I found myself wanting to be lazy and lay around and read. Then this thought came:

"You can't be laying around unless you have a drink nearby. You can't just relax and be sober! That's lazy! You need alcohol to give you that excuse. If you're drinking, you can just ignore that you're laying around. It won't register so you won't feel guilty."

That was quite clever. But alas, AV, I did let myself feel guilty about laying around reading when so much is undone. I layed around, felt the guilt and let it go, and enjoyed the book. I can be lazy just fine without you, AV!!

forabetterlife 09-01-2012 07:26 PM

Not sure if it was a phony line, but today I thought..."I wish I could just drink without the consquences. Just drink, feel the buzz, taste the alcohol, forget the problems, relax...BUT not have it affect my appearance, my behavior, my motivation, my health, my quality of life, etc.... It's not fair!" To that, my intelligent brain replied, " That's why it's a DRUG..its NOT good for you. You can drink as much water as you want and and you will have NO consequences, because it's good for you!".

I also have a houseguest tonight that i typically feel that I NEED to drink around..she just stresses me out. When I found out she was coming, I immediately thought, "Omg, how can I do this without drinking?" But I did. And I am.

GoaStyle 09-01-2012 07:33 PM

Mine said alcohol will take away the pain. In actuality it will just cause more pain. Lots more pain

backbeat 09-01-2012 09:41 PM

Not sure if this qualifies for this thread, but out of force of habit when I was looking at my calendar I saw that in a few weeks I agreed to go see my friend's band play. When I saw it was a Sunday I immediately was bummed thinking I would be probably getting wasted and have to work the next day and what a rip-off... and my next thought was that it was a street fair so I wouldn't be drinking and my next thought was hold up dummy, you're sober now anyway.

EternalQ 09-08-2012 08:28 PM

I had an AV thought come in this evening. It was:
"Wouldnt it be nice if you had some vodka to sip on while you relaxed and watched a movie? You're finally alone, you got through a party last night with no drinking, it is your 7 month sober anniversary tonight, its a perfect time for a cocktail in the privacy of your home."

I said: "Wow, AV, I havent heard from you in a long time. Wait'll I warn others about you.on that SR thread. You'll be sorry you ever came by!"

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