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ProblemDrinker 04-13-2012 01:28 PM

What 3 main weapons do YOU use against alcohol?
Come on then people lets get together and start a list of weapons in our collective arsenal we use to keep us from the demon drink...what works for you to tackle your addiction to alcohol?

Let's not list the triggers for quitting (shame, guilt, family / job problems) but 3 things we do or use to keep us happy and dry.

Maybe this could help newcomers who could pick and choose from other peoples list of tips in their battle....

MY ARSENAL CONSISTS OF (in order of effectiveness)

#1 - Reading a copy of Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Drinking. This may have no effect on some or could be the opposite like it was for me and literally flipped a switch in my head. Highly recommended - changes your perception of alcohol to ther point that I have really not had a craving for alcohol. Amazing (for me).

#2 - Green Smoothies. These things completely rule. General idea, blend 40% raw spinach, kale or other dark green leaf veg. Combine and blend with 60% fruit (banana, apple, pear, blueberries, whatever) and some water. Drink 2 a day, one in the morning and one at night. Eat regular food with them, maybe replace breakfast with the morning smoothie. You will see and feel the benefits in as little as a few days - loads of energy, sparkling eyes, better skin, sorts your digestion RIGHT out, flushes all the toxins out...the list goes on, the benefits are endless.

#3 - Excercise. Nothing insane, just a few pressups in the morning and evening, maybe a few situps every now and then, lifting the old dumbells. No need for the Gym in my opinion. Use whats around the house, gyms have always pissed me off, by the time you get ready, drive their, sort your locker out, wait for the right equipment to be free, shower, drive back etc your whole evening is wasted. No need for all that. Also walking our dogs has become more enjoyable.

Using these 3 weapons has got me to the end of week 3 with very few problems - body (smoothie), mind (book) and spirit (exercise). this 3 pronged attack should help me to continue and enjoy my new lease of life. Yes, I'm adjusting other areas too but tweaks here and there, and still have a long way to go but I'm looking forward to the journey. I"M NOT AFRAID!!

So can anyone else add to my list?


hypochondriac 04-13-2012 01:40 PM

Herbal tea
Mindfulness meditation

Yours are way better than mine....I'll be trying those green smoothie things :)

doggonecarl 04-13-2012 01:40 PM

1. Gratitude
2. Prayer
3. SR

candie 04-13-2012 01:42 PM

At the moment am reading all I can from AA, and going to meetings for support.Will also read the allen car book though:)

Anna 04-13-2012 01:48 PM

Time alone.
Long walks.

Sapling 04-13-2012 01:51 PM

The 12 Steps
My Higher Power
Hanging around other alcoholics....Here or in meetings.

No way to fail if I just keep those three things in check.

Ranger 04-13-2012 01:52 PM


Lost3000 04-13-2012 02:01 PM

1. Starbucks
2. Reading/journaling
3. Other alkie friends/AA/SR

mwstylee 04-13-2012 02:03 PM

I'm just a regular ol guy- the "spiritual" stuff doesn't work for me, it never has. I need to do something tangible to get past the urge to drink. It's pretty plain and simple to me:

Go for a walk/run/bike ride
Go into the office to do work
Yard work, home maintenance stuff

I figure all 3 things are actions that move SOME part of my life forward and keep me busy for a bit.

sugarbear1 04-13-2012 02:08 PM

I use these tools to continue with living, I no longer have a drinking problem as I no longer drink.

1. Prayer and meditation (they go hand in hand right now).

2. Talking/connecting with other alcoholics via the telephone or in person.

3. Sober Recovery! It goes with me on my phone.... :)


DisplacedGRITS 04-13-2012 02:26 PM

Staying busy
remembering that drinking didn't make me happy
achieving a small, reachable goal

Dee74 04-13-2012 02:26 PM

Being who I want to be...everyday


Anna 04-13-2012 02:28 PM

And, I should definitely add SR to my list.

This place is 'home' to me. :)

least 04-13-2012 02:30 PM

Taking care of my beloved dogs
SR and my counselor

LDT 04-13-2012 02:38 PM

Books on my Kindle

aasharon90 04-13-2012 03:02 PM


OCDDan 04-13-2012 03:05 PM

there's many people that drank their way to a nursing home, with or without toes, feet, legs, diabetes, etc, etc, etc..

sober4metoday 04-13-2012 03:29 PM

1. Healthy eating habits - organic raw vegan, no gluten or sugar, and enzyme therapy
2. Exercise - Pilates
3. Meditation

ProblemDrinker 04-13-2012 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by LDT (Post 3361978)
Books on my Kindle

Good list LDT! What kind of yoga do you do? Every morning? I've often thought about it, but anytime I try to get into a position, it's agony! And I invariably quit...maybe I could take up some mild yoga with my new found zest for life!!

Also, the's great isn't it? I read infinitely more now than before I got the's just so easy to download a book for any state of mind it, infact I'd give the kindle a :scoregood

fuzzy1 04-13-2012 04:19 PM

I'm not fighting alcohol, so I don't need weapons against it.

Lost3000 04-13-2012 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by ProblemDrinker (Post 3362046)
Also, the's great isn't it? I read infinitely more now than before I got the's just so easy to download a book for any state of mind it, infact I'd give the kindle a :scoregood

I'm on the Kindle bandwagon too. I read two novels last month. That's an all-time record for me. Not being drunk helped me read a lot more too.

LDT 04-13-2012 05:05 PM

....and I just learned this past weekend you can download music onto the Kindle. I go nowhere without mine.

Fallow 04-13-2012 05:10 PM

Some ideas from AVRT and some from the big book.
Cherry limeades


Purplecatlover 04-13-2012 05:24 PM

2.Myself &

Lots of books & exercise if I feel like it :)

DaveO 04-13-2012 06:17 PM

I use one tool, which is my choice to stay sober

Terminally Unique 04-13-2012 06:21 PM

Willpower !!!

Couldn't resist. :)

AVRT, mostly.

Zencat 04-13-2012 06:48 PM

The 3 P's

1) Practice
2) Patience
3) Persistence

An age old formula for success without any spooky mystery involved at all.

Ttrn54 04-13-2012 07:18 PM

Remembering the destructive effects, behaviors and realizing old patterns would quickly be repeated if I were to ingest that poison.

Imagining myself as water, fluid, flowing around obstacles. Yet water being strong enough that, after continual dripping, it gradually forges through rock to create a new path, way of life.

Learning, understanding and accepting each day that a Devine Creative Intelligence and Source is in control and working for my benefit, as long as I continue to use my free will for good.

DayTrader 04-13-2012 07:19 PM

Prayer / God
12 Steps
helping others

2granddaughters 04-13-2012 08:17 PM

1) Prayer while walking to a meeting.
2) Meditation while walking to a meeting.
3) Helping the newcomer and suffering when I get to the meeting.

All the best.

Bob R

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