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PurpleCat 07-06-2010 05:11 PM

I've been away from the site for a bit. Are you ok arjck? Have you talked with someone?

Dee74 07-06-2010 05:53 PM

Yeah, it's been a while arjck - got an update? :)


arjck 07-06-2010 06:58 PM

yeah its been a few days. no progress, and things are getting worse. maybe this is just how things are supposed to be. i will see how things turn out

Dee74 07-06-2010 07:02 PM

doing nothing pretty much assures things aren't going to get better arjck.
We don't go into some kind of spontaneous remission.

You need to face your fears and do something - even if it's to ask for help from someone there.


arjck 07-06-2010 07:03 PM

i am just so torn, but yeah :/ i dont even know anymore

Opivotal 07-06-2010 08:30 PM


Most DEFINITELY talk to your therapist. You need her help with this. No one can hurt you more than your hurting yourself right now. Maybe she can give you some advice on how to talk to your parents.

From what people are saying here this is a difficult drug to get off. You'll need a Doctors supervision. I would NOT try this on my own.

We're all proud of you for posting here. Stay strong and get the help you need now while your so young. Best of luck to you.

arjck 07-06-2010 10:29 PM

i hate to think of it as a 'drug' drug, but thats besides the point. i know i need to, and i am trying to do something about it

arjck 07-07-2010 02:52 PM

i can't remember exactly (i have memory loss problems), but i don't think i took any last night, which is good. i think. i didnt crave for it. i think this is good. or my body is playing tricks on me. i am not sure. but yeah :/

PurpleCat 07-07-2010 06:43 PM

arjck, I am putting on my mom voice.

You need to talk to someone in rl about this. Soon. As in now. Please.

Chavo 07-07-2010 07:21 PM

Originally Posted by arjck (Post 2645498)
i hate to think of it as a 'drug' drug, but thats besides the point. i know i need to, and i am trying to do something about it

Hmm, see there could be 100 pages of people trying to help you here but none of it matters unless you want to help yourself. If you're not to that point we can't bring you there. When you are at the point where enough is enough you will do something about it. So wishy washy thinking just means you're not ready yet. That's okay though, this is a difficult road - takes time and commitment.

I'm not attacking in any way - just kinda some tough love. Been a junkie and I remembering wanting to quit and even trying a few times in some half hearted efforts but I wasn't ready yet. I relapsed recently and I'm not any type of expert but I do know the feeling of wanting to be clean and being willing to do what it takes to get clean. I have only sober friends, I see a therapist and go to support groups. I do not have any substances I can abuse around me - cause I will abuse them.

and why all this? Because i'm worth having a sober life and so are you!

Again with my warning: You CAN have seizures when quitting Zanax. I watched my brother have them and it scared the heck out of me. Be aware of this. Would you rather everyone find out as you're seizing on the floor?

Take care,

Mataleao 07-07-2010 08:04 PM

Oh yes, Xanax is usually not a problem......Until you run out.

And it's a loooong detox because it gets stored in the fat cells in your body, so there is a slow release for quite a while....a medical detox should be 10-14 days.

arjck 07-08-2010 03:58 PM

i understand what you guys are saying, but the last two days, i havent been having any cravings, and i dont know why. maybe its myt body playing tricks on me, or maybe...i dunno. i dont wana jinx it. but i havent taken any in the past two or three days, because i havent been 'craving it' i feel as if i would take it, i would be trying to make things worse.

arjck 07-08-2010 04:32 PM

i have an odd question..i was talking to my boyfriend...neither of us know anything like this really, but could this mean my body doesnt need it anymore?

Dee74 07-08-2010 05:23 PM

I've never taken xanex or anything like it arjck so I have no experience to answer your question.


arjck 07-08-2010 06:04 PM


Dee74 07-08-2010 06:07 PM

I went through periods of not wanting my drugs of choice too - I got sick, or scared, or I had other things on....I always went back tho...

You may be different but I've never heard of a spontaneous remission kind of thing tho arjck, sorry.


arjck 07-08-2010 06:26 PM

:/ ok

Mataleao 07-08-2010 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by arjck (Post 2647068)
i have an odd question..i was talking to my boyfriend...neither of us know anything like this really, but could this mean my body doesnt need it anymore?

It means if you plan on stopping without medical attention you better start praying now that you don't have a seizure.

arjck 07-08-2010 07:28 PM


faith101 07-08-2010 07:42 PM

ARJ. . . I appreciate that you recognize you have an issue with xanax-and that you are afraid. Ironically, I see strength in you from these two realizations. Recognize your strength in identifying your situation and use this strength to reach out for help as you would probably do for your own father if he needed it. Think of it that way- you love him-and would seek aid for him- so turn it around- seek help for yourself through him. If he started working on his sobriety later in life- he will most likely want to help you get better sooner than later. It seems a doctor is the best direction for you so that your detox is safe. I teach high school-and I've had many students go through detox and rehab before they graduate-and have continued living a healthy, productive life after addiction. How wonderful it would be for you to get a grasp on your addiction now-so that you don't have as many 'lost years' later when you want to start a family or pursue a profession. If you had to be addicted- at least it is now- where you can pick up some pieces and be as whole as possible for many years to come (looking forward with hope-rather than looking back with regret and sadness). Much love and faith for your well-being.

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