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Believe808 06-17-2009 12:16 PM

Came back from meeting about an hr ago and fell right to sleep. Wow I haven't taken a nap in a long time. I was at meeting and just got soo tired I couldn't wait to walk in the door, put the pups on the bed and heard phone ringing looked at clock and 1 hr passed. I guess I needed to do that. Just checking in I'll be back later. Up the attic for me now.

Hi Nel :)

Believe808 06-17-2009 01:14 PM

Just came down from attic, really not motivated today, tired, achy and so on. I just really moved things so tomorrow I could go through them. I'm also afraid the garbage men won't take all those bags already out. I will see what happens in the morning. It looks like the rain is going to come back in, so I can't finish lawn today. Talk later

IO Storm 06-17-2009 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by Believe808 (Post 2264318)

IO knows about the thread, she posted yesterday. She wasn't feeling good and had dr appt yesterday. I hope she is feeling better today :hug: IO

Thanks Donna,

I have to admit..I had a melt down. I cut down on my bipolar meds because I was running

out..and my doctor gives me free samples as the medication (Depakote) is super expensive

and I do not have insurance. It was "just for a week", you know...but I said I would never

do this! I was weepy, and not able to hang onto my thoughts by Monday afternoon.

My doctor was so kind. "Why do you think I give you three pills, not two?"

"Because three work!" I know I accept this mental illness as I do my alcoholism, and

need to stay in Step 1 concerning it as well. Well..I stepped out of it..and learned the

hard way. It will take a day or two more to get back on track I didn't

log on yesterday. Self care is so important! We mustn't ever rest on our laurels

in this area..for me, it can be a set up to the next drink, and nothing is worth that.

Hugs to friends who sent me messages..

And everyone here today! :ghug2:

Believe808 06-17-2009 01:58 PM

Hi IO glad you're back :) I was on depakote for 1-1/2 years for seizures due to my own detoxing off pres med's. I know they are really expensive, I had insurance and they didn't even make a generic then. They did come out like last year with a generic for it though. Well I'm glad you're back and yes it will take time to get back to feeling 100% so take it easy.

IO Storm 06-17-2009 02:06 PM

Thanks are a sweetheart. :hug:

Rowan 06-17-2009 03:27 PM

Take good care of yourself, Sis. Extra gentle hugs.

Rowan 06-17-2009 03:28 PM

I feel like he** and I don't want to go to a meeting. Defiant!!

But I'm going.

IO Storm 06-17-2009 03:29 PM

:hug: Sis!!!!


IO Storm 06-17-2009 03:30 PM

Miss Defiant... (lol)

You are such a good egg...

IO Storm 06-17-2009 03:32 PM

Oh! I am so defiant too! :lmao

Reviewing Step Six with my sponsor was a real eye opener...she was so neat though.

"All you have to do is be willing, Sherry."


nelco 06-17-2009 03:39 PM

just back from meeting, it was a great meeting with 2 people back after a slip.I am very fond of both of them so it was great to see them back. meeting one friday to bring her to a meeting, Tomorrow is another busy day in the home, my nephew is alway running here and there. always on the move , he cant now because his leg in plaster...I told him when he tries to run away from me I will do a kathy bates on his ankles lol ...we were having fun earlier because people were watching us and i was wheeling his chair, I started saying (joking) oh come on you really slow me down, there was a woman staring at us and we fell into the car laughing. I am bringing my son to work tomorrow and then back to play nurse ...make lunch for nephew and then an alcoholic who is in trouble and keeps slipping asked me to help her so I will meet her tomorr at 4 its on route to collect son at 6,....home then and cook dinner. I have to go to bed early tomorrow night.....even though its hubbys birthday because I am on anti b for chest infection..... I will cook here and have birthday cake ,It will be nice and then we will give presents and do it all again for fathers day on sunday. we will go out sunday.
I just saw the fox running across my garden................dont worry my babies are all safe in their straw.

Rowan 06-17-2009 03:48 PM

Nelco! Good heavens, woman.

I most definitely am going to a meeting now if you can do all that! Hugs!

Still waiting for pics of the babies.. i want to see if they look like their father

nelco 06-17-2009 03:50 PM

I feel like he** and I don't want to go to a meeting. Defiant!!

But I'm going
I felt like that earlier but when the guy that was doing the chair talked about where drink brought him and cried then laughed about other stuff that is going on today i felt a lot of gratitude, He is 30 years sober and a very gentle man. He is a real funny man.he is a grandad and talks about the days when men had to cross the floor to ask a woman to dance. He said you might get over there sober but if she refused you needed a drink coming back. Those were his dangerous places in early soberity lol He said one time someone sent him on a blind date and he was very surprised she was not blind LOL

nelco 06-17-2009 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by Rowan (Post 2265836)
Nelco! Good heavens, woman.

I most definitely am going to a meeting now if you can do all that! Hugs!

Still waiting for pics of the babies.. i want to see if they look like their father

I will def get them pictures for you. I think 3 like dad and 2 like mam

I did a silly thing tonight....I stood outside in the cold talking to the women and I was in sandals and summer clothes. (martyr, with chest infection)
but 2 of the women back after slippimg one up in court this week. mortified!! her family freaked about the whole thing cause they are business people in the town. Her family dont understand her illness. Their worried about the paper!! And another woman whom I 12 stepped is doing great lately but now her hubby wants her to stop going to that "aul aa sure arent ya grand now!! its all so repetitive and I see it all the time. How the family get so sick too and need their own recovery. Its difficult at the start for these women. I just say JUST KEEP COMING!!

Believe808 06-17-2009 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by nelco (Post 2265840)
He said one time someone sent him on a blind date and he was very surprised she was not blind LOL

Don't laugh at one time I thought the same thing :rotfxko

Must be the day for not going to meetings but going anyway. I felt the same way this afternoon. I went and it was a great speaker.
What were you thinking Nel, sandals, summer clothes, chest infection!!!! I always go outside barefoot even when snow on ground. Ah, us alkies, why we do the things we do. I would have loved to see you and nephew with that woman, ha ha. My kids always do things like that. We have new neighbors that moved in behind us and it was a warm day, windows & doors open and I told my daughter they were in their yard, she starts yelling, please mom don't hit me anymore, please I'll be good. I wanted to KILL her, but we both started laughing. Then the son comes home and starts all over again. I haven't introduced myself to them yet!!!!!

nelco 06-17-2009 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by Believe808 (Post 2265878)
Don't laugh at one time I thought the same thing :rotfxko

Must be the day for not going to meetings but going anyway. I felt the same way this afternoon. I went and it was a great speaker.
What were you thinking Nel, sandals, summer clothes, chest infection!!!! I always go outside barefoot even when snow on ground. Ah, us alkies, why we do the things we do. I would have loved to see you and nephew with that woman, ha ha. My kids always do things like that. We have new neighbors that moved in behind us and it was a warm day, windows & doors open and I told my daughter they were in their yard, she starts yelling, please mom don't hit me anymore, please I'll be good. I wanted to KILL her, but we both started laughing. Then the son comes home and starts all over again. I haven't introduced myself to them yet!!!!!

that really made me laugh, we are always at that stuff here!! yesterday when I brought my nephew home from hosp we were going to leave him sitting outside in the yard just before my husband come home. WE planned it so when my husband arrived ,my nephew would say "please let me come into the house..she wont let me in till all the floors are washed and I am freezing!!!! lol He came home early and our plan was ruined lol

nelco 06-17-2009 04:30 PM

i will have to get to my bed now because I am starting to fall apart!! Take good care of yourselves. night night off now with yorkie in toe. xox

Believe808 06-17-2009 04:33 PM

:rotfxko good one Nel, too bad the hubby came home and ruined it!!!! My kids even though they don't help and make me mad sometimes, they bring the biggest smile to my face. I thank God that we are close and that they have stood by me even in my darkest hour. Now if I could only get them to help me.
My daughter just got home from work and told me that a girl who is 2 years younger than her about 18, she knows from town got a DWI last night. Underage and drunk, what a shame. She said you know what mom I blame the parents and I asked her why and she said because her and her friends even though they might drink and they shouldn't they know they can call their parents to come get them even though they will get in trouble. She said some kids like this girl, feel they can't call their parent and they go ahead and drive thinking they won't get caught drinking. She thanked me for being a good mom. Can you believe that!! She thanked me, yes I am a good mom.

Believe808 06-17-2009 04:35 PM

Good night Nel. Sweet dreams :)

HideorSeek 06-17-2009 05:56 PM

One of the best things about my sobrity is getting back our youngest daughter (now 20). My God, she got the brunt of my alcoholism...anger, scorn, impatience all when she needed me the most during her teenage years. We were fire and water and for quite a while, all I saw was scorn in her eyes. Now, by the grace of God, she is my staunchest supporter. We have both changed...she has emerged from adolescence and I have emerged from my controling, perfectionist, alcoholic martyrdom. I love just being with her. We REALLY talk and REALLY listen and I thank God every day for this blessing.

We also have loads of fun in public. The other day, we were at the market at checkout (she's always throwing stuff in the cart that isn't on my "list) and I sighed (in front of the checkout girl) and said she was SUCH an expensive child! She pointed to the dried dog food and said, "you call that expensive?" It's all you gave me last week! I said no, LAST week I got you the cheeseburger variety!" The checkout girl didn't know what to make of us, because of course, we did this with straight faces. Once out of sight, we doubled over giggling and went with our arms around each other to the car...

What a gift.

Goodnite, my new friends :tyou

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