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Rusty Zipper 06-20-2009 05:41 PM

ruff, ruff!

Rowan 06-20-2009 08:01 PM

Hi y'all. Nice to see you on the thread, Silly Billy!

Me and daughter went to gf's house to watch a movie tonight. We rented Bride Wars which was typical mindless fluff - just what the doctor ordered. I like my friend we have almost the same sober date and my daughter really looks up to her.

Glad to be almost time for bed. Too many hours in a day when I feel like this.

Maybe I'll be up to chatting tomorrow, Donna. Right now I would just sit and stare at the screen I think.

Kinda like I'm doing now.

Time to hit 'post quick reply' ... here I go ..

SillyBilly 06-20-2009 08:49 PM

Cheers Rowan. How old is your kid?

Oooh I'm feeling so flat right now. I did 6 hours on the phones last night (busy sat) and doing 8 hours 9-5 on sunday today. On top of that I hit the gym before work yesterday so I feel ready to drop. Coffee you'd be so good right now if I didn't also give up caffeine.

4 hours left...

espresso 06-20-2009 09:23 PM

Good Morning fellow peeps

Ro, Nelco, Believe, HS, stone thanks for posts....and everyone elses's

Went to my meeting. It was good to be there and to just chit chat with some people to take me out of me and get a bit more perspective back!

Have had quite a bit of continuous sleep.......and feel better for it. Maybe it's an age thing as well as hormonal......just don't deal with sleep deprivation at all well any more. Like you say Nelc and Ro, it makes it hard to function and do normal things and I hate feeling emotionally off centre to that extent.

Well it's the longest day in the Northern we'll soon be back to freezing weather and dark days.....ha ha....and Christmas..........:lmao

See y'all later on :hug:

nelco 06-21-2009 03:18 AM

Morning espresso.........and anyone else who is up.


I was up late and didnt panic because I knew I could stay late in bed today.
At least thats what thought!
my church of Ireland next door neighbour is having a barb b que today raising funds for their church,and we bought tickets in support... What I didnt know was they were having service on their lawn this morning before it. So I awoke to singing and service on a loud speaker!! lol
OH dear .................... thats a first for me. Its kinda nice though. We live in country side and the singing is lifting up to the tall trees and even the crows jumping out of their nests in prayer!!
The catholic church is only at bottom of road and there is mass on now also my area is VERY holy this morning!!! lol

Fathers day.....more gifts. prob call over to the barb b que to show face and then out to tea with family.

Rusty Zipper 06-21-2009 04:32 AM


Believe808 06-21-2009 04:39 AM

Hi ya Nel :c009: Totally surprised to see you here before me, ha ha. You made me laugh with your post. It must have sounded really nice after you got over the shock!! Sorry you were up so late last night, but thanks for talking, you are a doll. :hug:

Hi Spressy, glad you are feeling better today, sleep does help. Loved the pic on whiners of your man :)
Hi Rusty, maybe stop in for more than a Hi ya, next time.

Well, my daughter called and woke me out of sleep at 2:30 to please come pick her up from a friends party, we all know what that means, but its okay, better than drink & drive, so I started out the door and my son saw me, asked if I was sleep walking, (go figure) and said I shouldn't be out driving at that time, go back to bed he will pick up his sister. WOW Nice I thought. But fully awake by then, came back on here, no body was up and ready to play so I went back to bed. No rain here right now, Hooray.

nelco 06-21-2009 05:51 AM

hello just having a tea break!! hello to you today HOS!! have a good one....

least 06-21-2009 06:12 AM

Woke up to a gorgeous day outside. The dogs are fed and pottied and I'm relaxing with a cup of coffee. Feeling lots better than I was the last few days.

Happy Father's Day everyone!

HideorSeek 06-21-2009 06:17 AM

Good Morning everyone (or evening, I guess, if you are across the pond)! Sheesh, I missed a lot of posts last night! I had a nice dinner with a friend, full of laughs and connections. Let's to condense this...I am currently in the Caribbean, where we recently decided to move. We spent last winter here and recently went back to our home of 25+ years (which we are trying to sell) for the summer and, having spent the winter doing Yoga and reconnecting with myself, I found that I had a hard time readjusting to the US. I never fully realized how much I absorbed the frenzy and stress that is all around me, but needless to say, I almost felt assaulted by the difference between here and there. But the good thing is that I CONSCIOUSLY RECOGNIZED how I was starting to get wound up again, and made a beeline back here for a few weeks in an attempt to restore my balance. Before, me + stress (or feeling overwhelmed)= DRINK, now I feel like me+stress= get out of the situation, if at all possible, and regroup.

So, here I am and I have to say this place has worked its magic on me. I am calmer, more centered, and more in touch with my recovery, which is a good thing. But I also realize that, ultimately, I need to INTERNALIZE the serenity, so I can retreat to a spot in my being, rather than feel the need to PHYSICALLY retreat. Does that make sense? Well, I'm working on it....

As I mentioned b4, I am overwhelmed (in a GOOD way ;), with gratitude. My list is family, my friends, AA, SR, and my circumstances at this point in my life. I know that many are struggling the world over and I have hesitated saying anything, because any way I put it, I don't know...suffice it to say that I am just so grateful....I wanted to tell you all of this because it is part of my life, part of me. But I hope that it doesn't sound entitled or ????, I can't think of the right word....

OK, enough about me...Nel, I LOVE that you woke up to laughter and church bells. When I was drinking, if that had happened, I would have buried myself under the pillow in an attempt to stuff out the noise. But now, I would think, huh...God's saying "WAKE UP ALREADY"!!!

And Believe, how wonderful that your son offered to do the pick up! How sweet is that??? See, we told you how much they love you!!!!!! Isn't that the BEST feeling, when your children OFFER to do something nice?

So, kids, I'm going to get some more coffee and hopefully come back to here and find that I haven't shoved my foot in my mouth....


Believe808 06-21-2009 06:24 AM

Wow HOS the carribean, I love it there. Use to go on trips with the ex. Glad you are finding your center!!!

Nel, get that tea and come on back :) Did you think that was God talking to you this morning? Hymns, I just love the way I feel so cuddly inside when I hear or sing them. I usually cry too. Yeah, I cry at everything. Kids laugh at me. Hand me the tissue box all the time. I think tears are good, cleansing. Only what is being cleansed when you are watching a damn kids movie. ha ha. I know a girl who has no tear or sweat ducts.
Anyway, playing games on computer but willing to chat if anyone wants too HA HA Nel, you up for it again!!!!!! Just let me know, I will go to chat room. :)

HideorSeek 06-21-2009 06:31 AM

Hey Believe...I can tear up over sappy COMMERCIALS!!!!! :) I think I underwent some hormonal change after having never happened b4 then...

Believe808 06-21-2009 06:45 AM

Yep, everything even commercials, ha ha. Kids have a field day when I tear up, but its good because then I crack up laughing at them.

espresso 06-21-2009 06:55 AM

Hi everyone :c009:

Just popping in again this afternoon.

HS sounds like the Caribbean is doing you a world of the scenery's great too!

Decided to go to a lunchtime meting for some added insurance as I 've been a bit all over the place the last 48 hours. It was good.

Now to chores and phone calls etc etc


Believe808 06-21-2009 07:02 AM

I just had one of them ah ha moments. I have been seeing everything that is going on in my life with blinders on. When I look at the big picture, my kids are finally being given the chance to grow, to understand responsibility, to not take things for granted. This is a learning experience for them right now and they are stepping up to the plate. I always complained that maybe I didn't teach them right, maybe it was my fault that they shirked all responsibilities because I did everything for them, etc. But now I see that its true, through pain comes strength I am reminded of:

Hope...rejoice in our suffering, suffering produces perserverance, perserverance - character and character hope....Romans 5:3.

It is time for them to grow and they are doing a damn good job of it. We all have had that time in our life that we needed to grow, still do continue to, and all this is happening so that they will have the same opportunity. Another lesson learned. Another favorite of mine is:

"A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear [that results] from the injury of the oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been injured, then we will not produce the pearl."
Stephan Hoeller

HideorSeek 06-21-2009 07:28 AM

WOW...another one of those coincidences that are NOT. I was just thinking (and talking with my friend) about how one cannot know happiness unless one has known pain. Along the same lines as your quote about the oyster.

And about your kids, sometimes they cause us to tear our hair out by making bad choices or refusing to accept responsibility (or at least mine do), and then sometimes.....they pull through...often when we least expect it. It reminds me of teaching a child to ride a bike. you run alongside, urging them to pedal, and then you let go, with fingers crossed, that they can sustain the momentum and balance. Sometimes they fall, but then sometimes they are successful...and they are doing it all on their own.

I fall into the common parental trap of wanting to make the "right" decisions for my kids. I think it's a knee jerk motherly reaction. But they have their own paths to find and I know this. As much as it hurts to watch, they NEED to fall off the bike sometimes and that very act of "failure" makes them stronger and more determined (and hopefully wiser) the next time.

Wow, I'm sounding preachy this morning...(sorry) I blame it on Nel's Bells! ;)

HideorSeek 06-21-2009 07:29 AM

Hey Spressy!!!!!!!:ghug3

stone 06-21-2009 07:45 AM

Hi everyone, was awake all night last night, dark night of the soul type stuff, lol. Still feel weird now even after I got a few hours sleep today. I am OK though.
Just wanted to check in here. :)

Believe808 06-21-2009 08:00 AM

Glad to see ya Stoney, it really stinks when we can't sleep and the head is spinning out of control with thoughts, I know the feeling. Today will be a better day :hug:

stone 06-21-2009 08:30 AM

Thanks Donna:hug: So far it isn't, lol. I am still anxious and my thinking is out of whack.

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