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Bamboozle 09-09-2008 04:52 PM

Oh's probably not online...

It's stupid, but sometimes my brain gets a little bit of info about the most insignificant thing and it won't stop nagging me until it's satisfied. I wish I could ignore it. I'm so weird.

Sorry people...enought of me being off topic. Don't kick me too hard. :)

Wait! Maybe I should e-mail the University and ask! I am pathetic!

doorknob 09-09-2008 04:54 PM

I have OCD.. you're preachin' to the choir!

doorknob 09-09-2008 05:03 PM

Here is an interesting link:

Dr. Woodrow C. Monte’s Methanol Research – University Of Arizona

Fresh orange juices can have very little methanol (0.8 mg/liter), and have a concomitant ethyl alcohol content of 380 mg/liter. Long term storage in cans has a tendency to cause an increase in these levels, but even after three years of storage, testing has revealed only 62 mg/liter of methanol, with an ethanol content of 484 mg/liter. This is a ratio of almost eight times ethanol/methanol. Testing done recently in Spain showed orange juice with 33 mg/liter methanol and 651 mg/liter ethanol (20/1 ratio). The range for grapefruit juices are similar, ranging form 0.2 mg methanol/liter to 43 mg methanol/liter. The lowest ratio or any food item was found in canned grapefruit sections with 50- 70 mg/liter methanol and 200-400 mg/liter ethanol, thus averaging six molecules ethanol for every molecule of methanol.

ultimatum 09-09-2008 06:14 PM

IMHO, until they create an NA chocolate stout, I am not touching the stuff! I think (as many others have stated) it is a matter of personal preference. Like many, I keep vanilla extract and Nyquil in the house, but use them only for their intended purpose. If you like the taste and it's not a trigger, you're probably ok. I personally prefer a nice cold rootbeer or ginger ale.

jnj 09-09-2008 06:33 PM

I'm having year anniversary and I love N/A......I don't drink it often...but let's get real....I isolated myself to drink myself to death for years...I'm not going to isolate myself now and exclude why can't I have a N/A beer in a glass at a restaurant or party or bar?
Now don't get me wrong...I skipped a ton of parties and holiday events getting sober in the beginning....but people in AA say "'re just setting yourself up for the real thing" ......everyone is different....I have one or two to have the taste and sometimes to avoid the "why aren't you drinking questions" to people that don't need 2 know I"m an alcoholic...(work)functions etc..
I was on vacation in Miami last May....I got Odull's in the bars...
Everyone is different...but again....we shouldn't judge each other...
whatever works!

Bamboozle 09-09-2008 06:39 PM

Hey, jnj....welcome to SR!

jnj 09-09-2008 06:52 PM

Thanks bamboozle....I'm trying to get involved with helping others if possible/ volunteering locally etc...\and joined last year but haven't been on here as much as I'm going to start!

KarenOskie 09-09-2008 07:48 PM

I'm an activity director in a nursing home, and most of our residents can't drink because of their medications. So when we have a special occasion that would call for some bubbly, we serve Welch's sparkling grape juice. It comes in a pretty bottle, makes a pop when you uncork it, tastes wonderful, has no trace of alcohol, and makes them feel like it's a special occasion. I haven't served it since I've stopped drinking 18 days ago, so I'm not sure, but I think even that will make me a little uncomfortable.
Off the subject just a bit though, when I was sober before I worked in a facility where I did serve wine and beer to the residents. I had a panic attack one day, very early in my sobriety, and called my sponsor from work. "What should I do!? I can't work here, I can't have this stuff in my office!" She said, "That's not for you, it's for them." I never was tempted to drink it until after I relapsed, away from work. Then, well, that's a whole other story.

sailorjohn 09-09-2008 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by Jho65 (Post 1901699)

I am on day 6 so I still get lots of cravings, they will probably never stop right? Anyway, I have a question for people. Is it OK to drink non alcoholic beer or wine? A few years back I sampled a St. Pauly alcohol free beer and it was pretty good. What are your thoughts on these type of drinks and our addiction?

I'm also going to ask my doctor for his advise too. I see him later today for the first time I am going to tell him the truth about my drinking and ask for his help in keeping me sober.

For me, just for me, I can honestly say that it wasn't the taste, it was the alcohol. Was a beer drinker, and while I liked the taste of certain beers more than others, in a pinch I would drink any beer offered, especially if it were free. Haven't had a NA beer since well before I stopped drinking, my recollection was that it tasted like p***, and of course it didn't have any alcohol in it!

I strive to avoid drinking functions, so any need I might have to appear to be drinking to fit in doesn't exist, and at the few social functions I attend where alcohol is consumed I have soda or coffee. Regular coffee, btw, if I stop drinking coffee I'll probably switch to water as opposed to drinking decaf! The cravings will go away, maybe it might be better to deal with the cravings instead of trying a substitute?

doorknob 09-11-2008 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by nandm (Post 1902445)
You might want to read post 23 of this thread as it explains why the OJ and bread arguement does not hold water. It is not the same type of alcohol as the alcohol we drink.

I don't know about bread, but the alcohol in OJ is ethanol, the same type of alcohol we drink, just in trace amounts. Apparently, methanol is present as well, but to a much lesser degree (20/1 ratio).

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