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rubycanoe 09-14-2008 01:40 PM

day 2 for me also head and jamie!!
I had to restart as I drank again Thursday ,Friday. I think I need to admit I am alcoholic, which I haven't been able to, as it isn't as bad as others/not physically addicted etc.. but I definitely have a problem with alcohol, obsession with it, need it, crave it, have been able to stop for long periods, one time for 28 months, but have been drinking more the last year and a half again, blackouts, not as bad as I was in my twenties, but know I could end up there again. I was never as much of a drunk when in a relationship, and I have been married for 14 years. I went to Mass today and guess what , the priest talked about AA and the twelve steps and that you have to admit you have a problem first, then let God help you. Well I think that was a sign from God I need to admit it ,and let God and others help me!!

headintheclouds 09-14-2008 01:53 PM

Rubycanoe - 28 months is amazing; at least you know you've done it once and can do it again.


least 09-14-2008 01:57 PM

Way to go CoolMummy on your sober month!!:a122: And congrats and encouragement to everyone beginning, or already on, their sober journey. You CAN do this! We're here to help you and to keep you from feeling all alone.

Eclipse 09-14-2008 04:31 PM

Day 4 for me. Still a little anxiety, but no cravings, thank goodness!

colagirl 09-14-2008 08:05 PM

Hi everyone,

Pixy - I hope your son is okay, that sure sounds painful!

MasterG - it sounds like you had an awesome day, I'm proud of you for staying sober.

Suz - yes, just stay here with us! I hope you will always be in our class.

Welcome to Jamie, Rubycanoe, headintheclouds, and anyone else I might have missed!

Coming to the end of day 12... having my "monthly visitor" and didn't sleep well last night so feeling very tired and cranky. Other than that, it's been a pretty good day. Off to pack lunch, take a shower, and hopefully get a good night's sleep! Hope everyone had a nice, sober weekend.

lostbutterfly 09-15-2008 02:03 AM

Day 2 in reality! For better or for worse!

Coolmummy 09-15-2008 02:53 AM

GO LB!!!! :bounce

How's it going???


Pixy1 09-15-2008 03:41 AM

Just back from the hospital. They couldn't do the op today so he's got to wait until friday :c004:

Guys I let you down last night and had that large wine :skillet

I'm sooooooooooooo P*****! off with my self. You have no idea how much I love being sober, so why oh why do I keep going back to it?

Least what was so different for you this time round? I remember reading one of your post's and you said the desire to be sober was stronger than the desire to drink. I feel the same but cant bloody stop!!

I'm loving how full my days are and how much I get done in a day. I do not want to go back to hangovers!!!

Update on CoCo: shes a dream and getting used to us a little. She had been left in a field for two years when her owner died. The family left her there. She needs a lot of TLC and is a little nervous but so worth the work.

Keep up the fantastic work and supporting each other (and me lol)

suz10 09-15-2008 03:46 AM

Originally Posted by colagirl (Post 1909767)

Suz - yes, just stay here with us! I hope you will always be in our class.

Welcome to Jamie, Rubycanoe, headintheclouds, and anyone else I might have missed!

Cola....Thanks. I'm on day 2 by the way!! Ditto the welcome to the new folks.

lostbutterfly 09-15-2008 05:49 AM

I've been really worried today that my brain fog is going to cost me my job!! Took some pro-plus** (caffeine) and feel so much better. Have had moments of normality today LOL! Felt so rough yesterday, nearly didn't go to AA. Really glad I did, saw someone else I knew!! She's taking me to another meeting on Thursday.
How's everyone doing? I've realised I've got to live my life different, stop charging around at a million miles an hour. Slow down and lower my expectations for a while. I've got to learn new ways of coping with everyday stresses because all my chemicals have gone. Anyone got any ideas??

four812 09-15-2008 07:33 AM

hi all...i've read through the last couple days of posts; thanks for all your shares

I got one whole day clean. I stayed clean on saturday. that was good

but on sunday after i became free of kids, I immediately went and used.

i'm feeling quite bad this morning.

and I even made a call and got a sponsor on saturday. I was feeling pretty good about things. Now i'm in a fog.

that's all for now

bostonluv 09-15-2008 07:51 AM

Ksplash - Have you looked into rehab to get you 2 weeks, one month clean? Your addiction has a powerful hold on you. Maybe it's time for some extra help. Just a thought........

lostbutterfly 09-15-2008 10:29 AM

I feel so exhausted and drained after today. I have been so up and down. Addict voice has not stopped!! Feel very down in the dumps about it all. I'm going to get to the end of today, but I have no idea if I'm going to hang on tomorrow.
Hope everyone else is feeling better than this! Double figures with the drinking, Day 10! Really helped giving that up first actually. It's helped that I broke that habit first, but it so, so much harder to have nothing at all to help me through the day.
Oh well.

perpetualgrace 09-15-2008 12:54 PM

Hi lostbutterfly,

I'm new to recovery but what I've learned so far
is we can't worry about tomorrow - it's not even here
yet! Believe me, I know owning that is easier said
than done but when I manage that mind set, life is
much easier.

You know you're not going to drink today so that's
what matters. And congratulations on Day 10!


perpetualgrace 09-15-2008 01:05 PM

Today is Day 5 for me. I can't remember the last
time I went five days without a drink so I'm more
hopeful than ever before.

I can actually really think and feel! Even
on the 3 or 4 sober days I would have during the
week, I felt like I was working, talking, feeling, and
thinking through a fog. Now if this headache would
go away I'd be downright giddy!

Yesterday I read a wonderful book titled Broken.
It's by William Cope Moyers, a recovering addict and
alcoholic. Wow, did it ever open my eyes. Better yet,
it helped strengthen my faith that I can live a "normal"
life! Yay!

If you need or appreciate reading books like this,
I recommend it.


suz10 09-15-2008 04:59 PM

Hi LB. I hope you are feeling better now. You were very brave chunking the rest of your pills. Better not to drag out the pain I guess?? anyhow...I wanted to let you know I will say a prayer for you. You are going to feel SOOOO great in a couple days. You are making big changes for the better!! Keep it up and make sure you let us know you are okay!! :ghug3

Twin 09-15-2008 09:24 PM

Well, day 2 here, again. Friday night, and Saturday were too tempting for me, with the kids being gone to friends houses, it was so easy. Oddly enough, I don't even feel guilty for doing it. Mind you, it was boring. All my drinking buddies know I've quit, so they don't come around. I didn't want to call anyone to say, hey, come have a drink with me. Didn't want anyone to know. So I sat here, alone, and drank. Pathetic huh? Just another reminder that I can't do this on my own. I have to look to my AA group, to my sponsor, for the help I need.

If only it wasn't so hard to ask for help! Defiantly NOT in my vocabulary!

Tonight's topic was arrogance. Boy is that me! I never really thought I was arrogant, just very forward, and knew what others needed to do to get their life straight. Problem was, I didn't know, I don't know. I can suggest, but then leave it. I'm learning, slowly, to keep my mouth shut, and my ears open. VERY hard for me, NO ONE has ever said I was quiet! LOL RARELY am I at a loss for words!

For all of us having trouble keeping ourselves sober, just remember this (it repeats in my head every 10 minutes) KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID! (KISS) Don't make this complicated, it's not. It's simple, choose not to drink. Choose to ask for help, not change for the bottle you just bought.


bostonluv 09-15-2008 10:12 PM

Don't make this complicated, it's not. It's simple, choose not to drink.

lostbutterfly 09-16-2008 02:24 AM

I think your prayer worked Suz10. I went to bed with every intention of starting the pills again today, I felt suicidal at times yesterday. I woke up feeling so much better, physically AND mentally.
Thanks for the book recommendation Perpetual Grace. I love reading, especially now I'm not drinking and can actually remember what I've read AND see the words!!! Have you ever tried playing Soduku when you#re plastered. It's pathetic!!!
You're right, one day at a time!
Twin: though you had been swept away in the hurricane! Glad you're back, you've said a lot of kind words to me. And I love your smilies on the see-saw, that is what my head was like all day yesterday!!
How is everyone else doing. LB xxx

Twin 09-16-2008 05:35 AM

Lost, I'm glad you woke up with a new beginning this morning!! I'll tell you what a few at my AA group has told me. Wake up every morning and say a simple prayer, "God, please take my urges to drink (and take pain pills) from me today." Then end your day with a little prayer, "God, thank you for helping me through this day sober." When those urges come during the day, just say that first little prayer again.

I'm not a religious person, by any means. But I'm learning that becoming sober means you have to find some kind of spirituality. After saying those little prayers, you'll be amazed at how much better you feel.

WARNING!!!!!! Say these prayers BEFORE you fall, it doesn't work if you've already gone and bought that bottle! I know, from experience.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

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