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scaredykat 01-30-2008 09:22 PM

Hi guys, feeling kind of blah tonight. I been so stressed the past few days. Which I really hate when I'm newly sober again. But i made it through day 12 sober.

Originally Posted by alberta (Post 1657013)
Wow! That really spoke to me.

I'm on day one (again!) Over the past couple of years I've had long sober periods, punctuated with short, but fairly "wet" ones. The shortest sobriety I had was 2 months. That was the last one, and the only one that I did with AA. Odd, eh? Part of it was the never drinking again bit. Thanksgiving rolls around and that red wine was so civilized.... and here I am again.

The AA experience was good in some ways (dug having a place to go) but I honestly cannot relate to the Big Book! :-/ (Hope I don't offend anyone) It just doesn't describe me really and the language is, well, old-fashioned. Someone mentioned the NA book and I just read parts here and, while it does say the same things, it says them in a way that I "get." Problem is, I don't use drugs...

Then there is ACA....which is really where my core issue is. I come from a long line of Alcoholics and Children of them...and I am hopelessly codependent. (i.e., I can't let go of people even if they are when I wasn't drinking my drinking friends were still wrapping their lips around bottles of booze in MY HOUSE (coming over with it) and I couldn't say "get that outta here." I just sat and felt angry and like drinking!!)

Soo where to go, who to be ... :-) Here is a good start.

Thanks for listening.

Alberta- I know what you mean about the big book. It is hard to understand sometimes. There is a 4th addition out now with newer stories. Also have you read the "Living Sober" book? Or the AA grapevine magazine. Here's the link to the Grapevine: AA
Congratulations on starting the journey again. Keep reading and posting on here.

Glad to see you back TOW. I can relate to the "don't likes". I have them all the time. But i have to remember the biggest "don't like i had was being all alone and drinking by self everyday. I don't want to live that way any more.


vashti45 01-31-2008 08:04 AM

good news
My husband has job interview this morning. I want everyone to pray, keep their fingers crossed, light candles, summon the powers of the universe and whatever else strikes you as helpful. There are 12 other candidates.

In the not so good news front, I have a mammo today because my doctor found a lump. This has happened before, and it's always been benign, but every time it's a worry. And my favorite remedy for anxiety in these circumstances is of course a bottle of wine.

Day 13 for me. I hope it's lucky 13. My best to all of you today. I'm late and have to take the younger two to school because of hubby's interview, so I'd better sign off. C U late-uh ...:praying

theonlyway 01-31-2008 10:44 AM

Dean, I'm so proud of you! Hang on... we're all here pulling for you.

Jana, my fingers, toes, knees and elbows are crossed! :)

Barb... you're such an inspiration. Thank you for being here with me...

Mcribb... Flat tires? ... BAH! U've got toenails tougher than that, right? ;-)

Anyhow... day 11 underway. Had a GREAT meeting last night. Was invited out to coffee afterwards and had a really nice visit. Strange to be out so late hanging with friends in a CAFE (the WhiteHouse, OMEGA MAN) having DECAF! i'm SUCH a social ******... it WAS uncomfortable, although enjoyable on a strange level... A drink certainly makes dealing with those situations easier (so says the committee in my head...) however, I "AM" thankful (and hopeful) that these new friends (as well as you all...) will *hopefully* never see that person I despise that has a tendancy to come out once and a while after that infamous "first drink"...

Cheers to herbal tea and diet coke -- and to my new found friends... cyber and otherwise.

I am blessed Thank you.

alberta 01-31-2008 11:43 AM

Thanks Barb! I did check out Grapevine...will go back for more.

In other news: :-) Day two and feeling optimistic already. The sun is shining (in reality) which helps a lot! I guess part of what keeps me coming back is how much more I want to do with my life...when I'm hung over, I feel hopeless. So, for is really good!

I did nearly have a panic attack in the dentist office today thinking that there was NO booze in the house. Crazy, eh?

How's everyone else doin'?

Omega Man 01-31-2008 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by theonlyway (Post 1657994)
Had a GREAT meeting last night. Was invited out to coffee afterwards and had a really nice visit. Strange to be out so late hanging with friends in a CAFE (the WhiteHouse, OMEGA MAN) having DECAF! i'm SUCH a social ******...

Cheers to herbal tea and diet coke -- and to my new found friends... cyber and otherwise.

I am blessed Thank you.

The WhiteHouse - how could I have forgotten that name? In addition to my wild late night munchi runs in college, I used to stop in there for breakfast when hunting with my grandfather. Thanks for the reminder that brought a smile to my face, I really miss the guy.

BTW - your not a social ******, your doing what normal, sane and sober people do; having a chat over a cup of coffee. Glad you a had great meeting. Thanks Onlyway!

Happy to see all the new people on this thread, moving forward and making progress. I love reading your posts and accomplishments, it helps me keep heading the right direction.

vashti45 01-31-2008 02:45 PM

Thanks again
Thanks again to everyone, and especially Omega Man, who started it all. I really owe a lot to that dude.

Hubby's job interview went well (he thinks--so keep those fingers and toes crossed). Mammo was clear, no problems, once again. I'm celebrating by having an RC cola.

TOW--thanks for posting. Cafes and coffee sound so good to me right now.

Dean, Alberta and all y'all a few days behind me. I graduate tomorrow.. Can't hardly believe it.



Anodyne 01-31-2008 02:46 PM

Hittin' hour 36 now.

Group from 6-9 tonight, AA at noon tomorrow, might go to the 8 pm one, too,
guy who runs the rehab group called and said he'd be in the office doing paperwork
Saturday, and that I was welcome to come in and watch some videos and talk a bit,
and just have somewhere to go.

AA breakfast every saturday at 9, meeting at 10. Gonna go to that, too.
Group again Sunday, 6-9, we go as a group to AA at quarter to 8.
Plans in motion, good sirs and ma'ams.

scaredykat 01-31-2008 08:57 PM

Hi Guys, I'm late coming on here again. Oh well, at least I'm here and finished up 13 days myself. I almost forgot about graduating to the 3 month and under thread. How could i forget.

So many bad things happened this week. It's amazing I'm still sober. I'll write about it on my thread tomorrow.

Take care everyone,

Dean62 01-31-2008 09:12 PM

Thanks theonlyway.

I worked 12 hours, made it to a meeting (got 3 phone numbers and a ride home) ate dinner and am going to bed.

Wish I had more time for this board but at least I made time for my new home group.

Good night.


theonlyway 02-01-2008 08:48 AM

Day 12 all...

And still feeling pretty good. Positive Man was right... :) I'll enjoy it before I get to the 20-30 day regression I'm hearing about...

Went to the 'shoe store' last night. Just to say Hello to my friends. Had a tonic, enjoyed my tonic, enjoyed saying Hello to people I love... Was, of course, invited, urged, to come back on Sunday for the Big Day.

I imagine that I'm not the only one strggling with the impending big day... Football this year has been such a big thing with my friends and I... such an "event" (i.e. "excuse") for getting together for drinks and fun.

I have my "local" Rubbles bar crowd that wants me there, and one of my best friends who also just happens to be my neighbor "counting on" my being THERE... (it IS nice to be loved...) --but my new friends from my new "Home Group" also invite me the other night to join them... SIGH... still praying on all this...

OMEGA MAN --WhiteHouse has new owners now, btw... It never really was a hang-out of mine but I know how very popular it is for that crowd. My first time there was actually during quite a drunk St. Patrick's day last year (big day here in nowhere Clare, MI) :) Anyhow... "Open Hamburgers" as it is otherwise known is still kickin'... :) Glad to see you pop in. Been peeking i on 3 months and I know things aren't always easy... My thoughts and gratitude are with you... ~C

Jana -- congrats on the husband's interview and "all clear" mammo...

Barb - is ur cat feeling better today?


scaredykat 02-01-2008 09:09 AM

Day 14
Hi guys,

Well i made it to 14 days. I really need a meeting not being able to get to one since Monday with everything going on. So I'll be there tonight, bad weather or not. I usually see my sponsor there every Friday. I hope she's able to make it tonight.

Congrats on your 12 days today TOW. Sunday is just another day for me and my husband. We're not football fans at all. We'll probably just watch a Cd or something that day since there won't be much on TV that night. Chloe's foot is still not good. I hope we're able to get to the vet with the weather to get her X-rayed.

Hang in there everyone. You only have to worry about today. Hope to see everyone on the next thread.


Negative Man 02-01-2008 12:03 PM

Hi Two Weeks Thread,

Haven't checked in here in a few days. I'm a recent graduate. Going on 27 days. Part of me can't believe it. In any case, congratulations are in order. Look at this long list!

Scaredy and MxChaos: Congratulations on your 14 days. ROFL, me, and others will look forward to seeing you on the 3 month and under thread.

Wow: Vashti, theonlyway, alberta, anodyne, Dean, SF69, Longsleeves, pattismith, Mr. Patch, tommysi, bluepolarbear, mcribb... That's twelve people in their first two weeks, working it one day at a time, and making us all proud. Be proud of yourselves!

Finally, belchoir and Omega: You keep coming back, and on a personal level, I really appreciate it. It was not very long ago that I was making starts, falling back, getting back up again. Who knows? I may do that again. In any case, I'm proud of you for not giving up. Keep coming back.

It always makes me happy, stopping by this board that made such an impact on my life. Thanks everyone!

SF69 02-01-2008 12:41 PM

Thanks Positive Man! :lmao

Day 13 for me. And it's a lucky 13. Ususally by this time on a Friday afternoon I'd be getting antsy to get out of work and go party. Now, I'm looking forward to going to my meeting tonight then getting some Chinese food afterward.

I know it's one day at a time, but I am looking foward to coming over to the '3 Month' thread.

Manda*Kittie 02-01-2008 12:56 PM

Day 6 for me..The only time i have wanted a drink all week was when my ex caused me to be upset twice in the evening...I am in good spirits today and it's the weekend...My cravings are worse than ever because the weekends were mainly the times i went out with friends and drank

I pray i make it through

Anodyne 02-01-2008 01:15 PM

Just think Manda, you're almost at a week!

I'll send you some of my prayers too.

You can do it.

Two days and 10 hours since last drink.
Still no desire.
Still feeling fairly sick.

SF69 02-01-2008 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by Manda*Kittie (Post 1659360)
My cravings are worse than ever because the weekends were mainly the times i went out with friends and drank

Same here Manda! I saw that you had mentioned about wanting to go to a AA meeting. I just replace going to the bar with going to a meeting on the weekend, and it's helped me a lot.

Oh, and congrats on 6 days. Keep it up!

Manda*Kittie 02-01-2008 01:36 PM

Thanks guys! I am not going to promise that i will go tonight but as of right now i want to..I just get so nervous there...Mainly everyone there are older men and my ex...I hate living in a small town..The times i have went there were only about 10 people..The small crowd makes it a little easier on me though..I really want to get away from this town to try and do this..My situation is also a living one

Anodyne 02-01-2008 01:53 PM

I know what you mean about small towns.

When people talk about picking a different home group if you
don't like the one you're in well..we only have one group haha.

And most nights it is 10-15 people, and some of the noon meetings are 3-5.

But honestly, I was nervous at first too, aslo being younger than most of the people
there, but after time it became one of my favorite places to go, and now has
a calming effect on me.

I admit I don't have an ex in there, I can see how that could make it harder.

Overall, though, I think the longer you go and the more you get to know the people
- and realize that everything you've gone through, at least some of the people
there have already been there done that with - the more comforting of a
place it becomes.

theonlyway 02-01-2008 09:20 PM

Hey all, officially into Day 13... by, oh, 13 minutes... lol :)

still, I'll take it! Had a great friday night meeting, I've really come to look forward to several of the regulars there -- and it's only my sixth meeting. There is so much love and support there, like here. It's funny how much I look FORWARD to getting on here and "catching Up", as well as going to those meetings.

I'm sure the (what do they call it? pink cloud??) won't last forever, but for now, I'll take it... for today, and enjoy it.

I hear you on the smalltown meetings though...

About a month, maybe a little longer, ago... I told my dh one day "I'm going to a meeting tonight". He ask what kind of meeting... I said "AA" -- he goes, how did you find it? (oh please, as i mentioned, we live in smalltown USA...) "I was wondering where one might be"

.......ok, back up... he had an incident about10 years ago which involved court-ordered AA... he now (as of 2 months ago) is going through another...

Anyhow... I said, I looked online, found the 800# and ask... SIGH - he said well, I need to go... the courts are going to make me.

So..... (and I take the blame) I said, you can go, I'll stay home with the kids.

He'd been going once a week most weeks, skipped a couple weeks over the holidays...

Then....... week and a half ago, I had my melt-down and again NEEDED to go... so I went with him... and ever since, he's been going to every meeting I go to.

I realize this should go on the whine board, but I'm just saying... (in an entirely too long a format) ... that I understand. Going to a meeting with my husband is difficult enough... I can't even IMAGINE going to one where my ex- was at... would never happen! I commend you for your strength and conviction.

Hats off to you -- thank you for the inspiration!!


scaredykat 02-01-2008 10:11 PM

Hi Guys starting day 15 in a couple of hours.

Welcome to to SR Manda. We're glad your here with us on this journey.

This will be my last post on this thread. Tomorrow I'll be joining them on the 3 months and under thread.

I can relate to the husband going to meetings with me. My husband goes every week with me to the speaker meeting on Fridays. He doesn't go to the others with me though. I'm glad in a way though because that's my time for my recovery and we're co-dependent on each other as it is. I do wish he would go to Al-anon sometimes. But i can't make him. Then i also wonder sometimes if he needs AA himself. He's done some crazy things in his party days. But again i can't worry about that either because I have to take care of myself. He doesn't drink now either, he just doesn't want to be in any programs.


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