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mimi54321 01-27-2008 02:09 AM

Hey Mcribb - know how you feel, I find I have to go out and see family or friends that aren't in bars. Even that's difficult sometimes.
AA (or any type of group/club membership) I find helpful even if its once a week - just talking crap at each other, its very therapeutic :)
As well as SR of course.
Keep cool babe.
M xx

vashti45 01-27-2008 06:35 AM

Heavenly days/roll call
Onlyway-yesterday was a heavenly day. Here's to more of those ;-)

Trakin-keep trying and hang in there. For us as well as for yourself. We care about you, and would never judge you. For me, I've found focusing on this group and on my kids has been the critical difference in my recovery attempt this time. As they say in AA, getting out of yourself and helping others.

Patch: snowball fight excellent idea. I'd love to have thrown a big snowball right at the butt of that trucker that was blocking my exit.

Barb, welcome to mutual day 9. SF, too.

Mimi--thanks for your posts. We are all pulling for you.

Krissy--I hope you're feeling better.

Mcribb: I hate to sound motherly, but I'm worried about you. What things do you like to do? Are you going to any meetings? It's important to connect and find something fun to devote your time to. Reading group? Knitting? ;-) Hiking, volunteering ... find something. Please don't isolate yourself.

Zplohr: welcome. And you should be a fellow Day 9er at this point. I look foward to hearing more from you.

Apologies if I've missed anyone, which I'm sure I have. My memory is quite a mess at this point, unfortunately.

It's snowing and I'm off to go snowshoeing with the puppies. Lucky me.


SF69 01-27-2008 09:22 AM

Just wanted to check in an say 'hey' and happy to be at Day 8 (Jana, I'll save the day 9 welcome until tomorrow ;o)

Thanks again everybody for the support. This is the first time in over ten years I've gone a week without a drink, and you all here at SR have been a big help in me doing it.

zplohr, welcome. Hope any support and advice you find here helps you as much as it has for me.

NDZ: I'll be looking forward to that welcome. It looks like it might be crowded, should I make reservations? :lmao

Dean62 01-27-2008 11:27 AM

Day 2 for me. I was to sick to get out of bed yesterday. I was drinking about 3 pints a day plus whatever amount of beer for the last.......years, I'm not sure anymore but it doesn't matter. Yesterday was do or die for me. I don't recommend anyone detox at home the way I did unless like me you don't care weather you live through the day or not.

Today is better and I am so grateful to be alive. I don't think I can survive another day like yesterday. Like I said in my intro post by the end of the day after I went out of the room to get some water when I came back in there was an odd smell. I was the smell of the detox coming out of my pores. I went from burning up to freezing in seconds, shakes, panic attacks, I don't if I hallucinated or not because I wasn't sure if I was awake or dreaming. When I did fall asleep the nightmares where the creepiest I have ever had and as I said there were times I'm not sure I was asleep.

I wish I would have put it on film so that I will never forget. At one point as I was falling asleep my whole body jerked and I landed on the floor. I thought for sure at that point I was going to die.

For reasons I don't understand right now God decided I wasn't ready to come home yet. His love for me is beyond my comprehension. I oh every thing I have to God and now that includes my life.

I live by Grace and Mercy.

Thank you for letting me share.

Krissy 72 01-27-2008 01:10 PM

DEAN!! Way to go - :) I know it's horrible, but this too will pass (I keep telling myself that over and over lol). You know though, you might want to call a Dr., you're like me as far as amounts of booze we were swilling - I know what you mean with the sweating, I've been taking tons of hot baths with epsom salts and that menthol mineral bath stuff. Whether it really helps or if it's in my mind, it makes me feel like it's done something which is the most important thing.

Please watch yourself and call a Dr if need be - from what I understand, they can at the very least prescribe something for you. Again, AWESOME! I am so happy for you. Keep posting no matter what, but if you want out bad enough to go through that, than I know you will make it.

Hello to everyone else, Vashti, theonlyway, scaredykat, Mr. Patch - and, well everyone because I'm going to start mixing up names and confusing people here.

I forgot it was my mother's B-day today (guess I won't be winning the daughter of the year award again this year) and I have to make a pineapple cake. I feel like making a cake about as much as I feel like scrubbing the @#$% driveway with a @#$% toothbrush. Sigh... BUT I will take a lesson from the very nice Mr. Patch, who drove hours to pick up an in-law who is coming to live with him, and I will do my very, very best to stop muttering @#$% to myself, log off here and get started.


scaredykat 01-27-2008 01:50 PM

Just a quick Hello to everyone. Day 9 for me. I think my HP is testing me. I'm having some really bad computer problems. Don't know what's wrong with it. So if you don't see me on here you'll know why.

Just hang in there everyone. Keep busy, drink plenty of water if your in the first few days, go to plenty of meetings (if you go), keep posting and reading on here.

Take care,

trakin 01-27-2008 02:33 PM

Hi, everyone. Thanks very much for the words of encouragement. I really do appreciate them.

Well, day two has passed like a glob of molasses sliding down a metal pole in the frozen arctic north.... much the same way day one did. Embarassment, gloom and self-loathing still sitting on my chest like an irritable gorilla and refusing to budge.

I know it will get better.

Glad you all are still hanging in there!

Negative Man 01-27-2008 05:11 PM

Yay! Trakin's back on!

vashti45 01-27-2008 05:31 PM

Go Team!
Barb--I'm having computer problems myself, nothing serious, just frustrating. This laptop is shared by all 5 family members, and is getting a bit old. I need to spend some time cleaning it out, upgrading memory and processing speed, etc. But I haven't found/made time. I also need my own laptop because I always have work to do, and that interferes with my children playing computer games and my husband spending hours on the various weather sites.

Trakin--keep going, sister. Use your strength. Treat yourself to a hot bath and some herbal tea. The whole team here is behind you, giving you the willpower and endurance to get through it. I know I would never ever have made it to Day 9 (9th Day 1) without SR, my therapist, my kids and my best friends.

Barb--upstate NY is beautiful. I used to live in New Paltz. Focus on the beauty, on the blessings in your life. I know that is tough to do. I know I don't want to hear it when I'm feeling crappy. But it helps, truly.

Well, for someone who doesn't know diddly about sobriety, I sure have a lot of mouthy advice ;-) I really am going to start my own blog.

I'm in the early evening of Day 9. Tough time this afternoon. I'll post more about that later.

Ciao--and hugs to everyone.

Mr. Patch 01-27-2008 06:08 PM

Well, it's day 10 for me... :c029:

Thanks to all of you, I know in my own heart, I couldn't have done it without looking forward to talking with all of you and reading your posts.

Dean: I am proud of you for making it thru that difficult day 1. I also dt'd hard! Hallucinations, sweats, hot and cold flashes, vomiting, headache, shakes, the list goes on... Drink lots of water and don't be afraid to see a doctor. Mine has been a GREAT help!

Krissy: You didn't forget... You just remembered late! :c032:

Zphlor: Welcome to the thread... I am glad that you have joined us. You will find great support here, I know I did!

Barb, Vashti & Zphlor: Happy Day 9!

SF: Congrats on making it work this time!

Trakin: We are all pulling for you and are so glad you are back!

Well, I am glad that I went and picked up the sister-in-law... We ended up with 8 inches of snow since last night! The interstate is closed between here and where we went... Guess, I got lucky again!

Well, off to burn some dinner... :bbq (I mean cook)

Have a great night!

SF69 01-27-2008 06:25 PM

Congrats to you to, Mr. P. Double Digits....

Good luck with that dinner.

nfehily 01-28-2008 05:43 AM

Useful tip for ny1 struggling with alcohol.......AA. Is that too obvious? I'm brand new to this sort of thing.

vashti45 01-28-2008 07:45 AM

Day 10 mixed feelings part 2
Good morning. I just wrote one of my typically long rambling posts, and for some reason my computer kicked me off the site and a I lost the whole thing. Sigh.

Anyway, today is Day 10 for me. Yesterday sucked. Couldn't ski because of a storm and my back is killing me. Dangerous because my favorite pain medication is a bottle of wine. Wound up drinking 3-4 O'Douls. I realize that's against the rules and everything (or so I've been told), but believe me, it beats drinking the real thing. Husband and kids glued to the tv, watching my husband's favorite kind of documentary--top 10 ways the world could be destroyed. I kid you not. In case you're curious, nuclear disaster ranks third, deadly virus/plague ranks second and climate change ranks first. Maybe contemplating apocalypse makes my husband feel his problems are minor. It just made me even more depressed and grumpy.

Then he went to bed early (7:30), even though he had a nap earlier, and got up several times to scream at me and the kids for making noise. We were making some noise, but just the usual--nothing out of the ordinary. Trying to get them in bed was made three times as difficult by him coming upstairs and cursing at us for waking him up.

Instead of canceling school, it's a two hour late start, which is harder than when they cancel outright.

Anyway, I guess this should have gone on the whining thread--

Have a good day, everyone.


Krissy 72 01-28-2008 07:49 AM

Congratulations on day 10 Mr. Patch! You, know, I really think what you are doing is just about the nicest thing ever. Having your grandchild on the weekends and helping out your sister in law by letting her live with you - that's just... well huge and selflessly kind. I really do think of what you are doing for other people while you are going through this whenever I start to play poor me. If the world works the way it should, you have some major good karma coming your way :)


Well, day two has passed like a glob of molasses sliding down a metal pole in the frozen arctic north.... much the same way day one did. Embarassment, gloom and self-loathing still sitting on my chest like an irritable gorilla and refusing to budge.
I know how you feel. Hang in there, because it does get better - I truly feel much, much better today and it's only day 5. I'm wishing you the best.

Scaredykat - As you can probably tell, I've had my share of grumpiness myself - lol - but I'm fighting it. Hope your comp straightens itself out. You're such a nice presence on here!

Take care everybody

SF69 01-28-2008 08:03 AM

Hang in there Vashti!

Originally Posted by vashti45 (Post 1654151)
Husband and kids glued to the tv, watching my husband's favorite kind of documentary--top 10 ways the world could be destroyed. I kid you not. In case you're curious, nuclear disaster ranks third, deadly virus/plague ranks second and climate change ranks first. Maybe contemplating apocalypse makes my husband feel his problems are minor. It just made me even more depressed and grumpy.

I've seen this documentary. The one scientist that talked about getting
sucked into a black hole made it sound like a cool way to go.

Krissy 72 01-28-2008 08:24 AM

Jana, I'm glad you whined on this thread :) Ahh, the downside of family life... when it's good it's REALLY good, when it's bad it makes you feel like packing a bag and running down the street with your thumb out. I remember those rotten 2hr late days when my son was younger - they ARE a pain in the butt.

Hang in there... it's that kind of stuff that's hard to deal with for me right now too. My husband, in general, is the world's greatest guy, but it's been a wee bit hard for me to see past anything but his human side the past few days, plus, he's not involved in this at all. I thinks that's why Mr.Patch's post was so stunning to me - imagine a few extra people in the mix right now :) Maybe your husband had a headache or something, they can turn me into a monster too. Anyway, tomorrow might be another beautiful day. From other posts, sounds like you generally have a wonderful family life, this was maybe just a tiny bump?

Be careful - sometimes it's the little stuff that we think we can't deal with without our "escape" that can drag us back. For me, I have to believe that I can handle more than I think I can without it, and then hope God picks up my slack.

Take care Jana - good wishes and thinking of you,


trakin 01-28-2008 09:00 AM

Originally Posted by vashti45 (Post 1654151)
Husband and kids glued to the tv, watching my husband's favorite kind of documentary--top 10 ways the world could be destroyed. I kid you not. In case you're curious, nuclear disaster ranks third, deadly virus/plague ranks second and climate change ranks first. Maybe contemplating apocalypse makes my husband feel his problems are minor.

Oh my gosh...I had to laugh when I read this (and thank you, cause it's the first laugh I've had in three days) because I did the exact same damn thing yesterday.

Falling off the wagon or the apocalypse...which is worse...hmmm..

And I hear you about the sometimes quite insane ups and downs of family life. As much as I love my kids and my husband so much, I've noticed there are quite a few moms in here, and I'll tell you what: sometimes I think I know why.

Sometimes I want to drink because of the many things that come up on a daily basis, that can make me feel crazy and angry. Sometimes I want to drink because I feel guilty for feeling crazy and angry, because I have every reason to be happy. Don't know if you know what I mean.

But, no mater what, I am not going to drink. I've had it. I am through. I'm on day three.

Positive Man: You are a sweetie.:Val004:

trying to be 01-28-2008 11:29 AM

i want desperately to start my day one

trying to be 01-28-2008 11:30 AM

so lost right now
i want desperately to start my day one

Dean62 01-28-2008 11:47 AM

Day 3 for me and I have suppressed emotions coming out my ears. So "trying to be" your simple post brought me to tears. I will pray for you and like I was told don't give up. Even if you fall down get back up and try again. I'm not saying day 3 feels great but it is 3 times better then the last day I drank.

The utter hopelessness was overwhelming, I really didn't believe I could do it so please keep coming back ttb. I can't tell you how many times I wanted just one day. Now I have 3, all in a row!

I noticed the talk about family here.......ouch. Too emotional to share about that right now.

I have to thank everyone who is posting in this thread, what a blessing you people are sharing your early days, giving me hope.

I hope to share more today because I will be working 12 hour shifts for the next five days and I'll probably just come home and go to bed.

Thank you again for caring.


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