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guywithpie 08-10-2007 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by Octoman (Post 1446002)
Hey GWP, good to hear your hanging in there.
I have my first drinks reception next week too. Thats going to be one hell of a test!

Just wondering, do you feel fuzzy or detached in any way at work? I feel like I am viewing the world from inside a fish tank. Everything is kind of fuzzy, a step removed. I'm interested because you are at the same point in recovery and had a similar drinking pattern.

Anyway, keep up the good work, I always appreciate hearing how you are getting on.

Hey Octo..
I'm not feeling too fuzzy or detached. More clear headed than I have been for a while. I have noticed that I am a bit more irritable.. I'm not sure if that comes from the withdrawls or if its circumstantial.

Thanks for checking up on me. Doing pretty good so far. If I can get the next week licked my confidence will be tremendously boosted.

guywithpie 08-10-2007 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by Jersey Nonny (Post 1446014)

Hmmmmn...I guess so! I sometimes can't believe it myself; but, I can still remember walking into my very first AA meeting, and immediately feeling "at home".

Don't be projecting ahead to next week...heck, the whole world could come to an end between now and then! Just focus on "one date at a time". Before you know it, you'll turn around and have 27 years of sobriety, and wonder where all the time went! Of course, I'll have moved on to "That Great AA Meeting in the Sky" by then; but, I promise to continue praying for all you earth-bound alcoholics and addicts.

Thanks Jersey.. I have pretty much validated what I thought.. I'm a boozer. I'm worried about what I'm going to be doing in certain circumstances this weekend and next, which makes me feel better about the descision I made to clean up my act. I'm glad I went cold turkey instead of decreasing my consumption. I don't think I could have done it that way.. Thanks for continuing your prayers.!

gypsytears 08-10-2007 01:44 PM

5 days is awesome Guy :). Glad to hear you have a plan for keeping busy while the family is away.

I haven't been in the business dinner/ cocktails situation being a sahm... do you have a plan for getting through that?

Dee74 08-10-2007 02:14 PM

I'd agree with Gypsy GWP. you're gonna need a plan here. That business/peer pressure thing is a *****. Think out all the angles, plan for them, stay focused and you'll be OK :)


Jfanagle 08-10-2007 02:43 PM


By golly I take some time to attend to business and checked back in to this site and here you are OFF TO AN AA MEETING!!

Good for you. You may just find that you like it. If not, as the old AA saw goes "We will gladly refund your misery!"

Best of luck and keep us posted.

Jules62 08-10-2007 04:40 PM

Congratulations on 5 days! It's great to see you being aware of what could be a problem for you.

Business meetings can be tough-but as the others said-make a plan for yourself and stick to it. I found if I poured myself a glass of soda and had that in my hand right at the beginning of social functions it would lessen the number of people asking me if they could get me a drink.It's a small thing-but meant a lot to me.

I'll be thinking of you,


guywithpie 08-10-2007 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by Jfanagle (Post 1446167)

By golly I take some time to attend to business and checked back in to this site and here you are OFF TO AN AA MEETING!!

Good for you. You may just find that you like it. If not, as the old AA saw goes "We will gladly refund your misery!"

Best of luck and keep us posted.

Hold on Cowboy!!!.. I said if I felt I was going to cave! :)

Hevyn 08-10-2007 06:14 PM

Guywithpie & everyone else, I have lurked for awhile and would be so happy if anyone could benefit from my experience, as I'm sure I'm WAY older than most of you. I've been drinking since my 20's. I only had 3 yrs. of total sobriety, 1997-2000. I stopped because my teenage son was disgusted & worried about me. So, I stopped for him (wrong reason). In 2000 I met a man (hadn't dated in years) and was very excited/scared to have someone new in my life. For some unknown reason the first night we went out he ordered wine and I did not say, "Oh, not for me-I'm an alcoholic" - or any of the other things I might have said to save myself! I drank that wine and had several more. I can't say I even thought about it much! So, I was off to the races once again.(The next day I told myself, "See, I had some wine and I'm OK!) My son had moved out, no one was "watching" me - and downward I did spiral! I have not stopped drinking since. I married the man I met in 2000. However, I am now the proud owner of 3 DUI's (8 days in jail, dear God), liver, stomach, and nerve damage. And most recently, after a particularly awful 3-week binge (for NO GOOD REASON) I have had horrible pain in my kidneys. That has scared me - in fact, that's how I found this site-by searching for "Health problems of alcoholics". I would probably have never been drawn to a site called SoberRecovery ordinarily, but I do get so much out of this and appreciate the opportunity to share even though I am not sober. I have gone to AA half heartedly, did not find it the answer for me, probably because I'm too shy to tell my story or participate. I have scared my employer and co-workers, my family, my husband, have ruined my relationship with my mother (not much time left to "fix it", either - she just doesn't understand at all). I know I am going to shorten my life if I keep drinking the way I have been. Quitting seems an insurmountable task, it has been a way of life, my friend and companion, for decades. I'd almost have to learn to live all over again without it. So I've convinced my husband to let me have a few beers now and then ( he is so kind and patient, and so easy to sway because he wants to believe in me) when we go out. I promised him I would respect it more if he would just go along with this. I know this is not logical, I know where it will probably lead. After all, if I could have "controlled it" - my fondest wish - I would have long ago. So, GWP and everyone, if you don't stop while you're relatively young, you may be me some day. I do not want that for any of you. By the way, thanks to those of you who've talked of your dogs. I have a 9-wk old English Mastiff puppy who I get up early for and try to keep in shape for, because she deserves better than a tired, lazy person to take care of her. I know she'll make a difference to me. Thank you for listening to my rant! I am tearful and not able to say all I want to!

Dee74 08-10-2007 07:28 PM

Hi Heyvn

welcome !
in future so you don't get lost in the rush you might want to start your own thread...just click on the 'new thread' button on the front page of the Newcomers Forum, and you're away :)

hope to see you around :)

Octoman 08-10-2007 11:44 PM

Hi Hevyn,
Thankyou for that, hearing other strories like that really does help me focus.
I have to say though its never too late. You clearly still have a desire to stop and from your post you still have your wits about you. Why not join us in our fight for a better life?

guywithpie 08-11-2007 12:16 AM

Hevyn - Welcome to the board.. I sound as if I've been on this for months.. don't tell anyone.. it's only been 5 blissful days. Congratulations on your 3 years between 97 and 2000. Wanna do another 3 with me? I'm just starting my recovery as of Monday. Feeling really good about it. Stay on the board if you can. I post and read everyday and it definitely helps me get through the days..

guywithpie 08-11-2007 12:22 AM

Ok. I need to share with those of you who have been reading my little novel here. It is a success story. It may seem small but a huge success. I'll recap briefly what has led to this story.. very briefly.

I'm a loser boozer.. Started affecting my life.. I decided to quit cold turkey monday. I've been drinking everyday for the last 15 years.. nuff' said.

Ok. So tonight I have a kitchen pass. My wife and kids went out of town until tomorrow. (temptation number 1) - wife and kids gone are the perfect time for me to get loaded.

My buddies call me and see if I want to go bowling. Awesome, however my friends.. which are great friends.. like to drink it up. We go bowling, the beers are flowing like a wonderful river of barley and hops.. (temptation number 2)

After kicking their a$$es at bowling we decide to go next door to a sports bar for some food and more beverages.. pitchers, pints and mugs oh my! (temptation number 3)

I am now home posting on my beloved soberrecovery board 100% clean and sober. I didn't have one drop of alcohol. If I can make it through everyday like I did today. I will not only be a professional bowler, (jk) I will be sober for life.

Just wanted to share.

gypsytears 08-11-2007 01:27 PM

Hey Guy... with practice you can achieve both the pro bowling dream AND the sober part ;).

Personally I don't think I would've faired well with so much temptation so early on. Kudos though!

Dee74 08-11-2007 01:45 PM

yeah man, you like to do it tough doncha? ;)

LOL - but well done. Kudos to ya GWP


Jules62 08-11-2007 06:36 PM

You did really well to get through that without drinking.I doubt I could have so early on.Well done!


guywithpie 08-12-2007 09:34 PM

1 week.. sober.. today.

Wish me luck for one more..

Dee74 08-12-2007 10:20 PM

You got it GWP...I wish you luck.'ve done one - you can make two :)


Jules62 08-14-2007 05:19 PM

Hope you're doing ok GWP!Well done on one week! Hope week 2 is good for you.

Jules :)

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